A fork that adds some extra QoL, customization features & visual improvements to the excellent "Customizable Discord" theme by birb-naise.
Customizable Discord - Fork by anony548679

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Forked from: https://uso.kkx.one/style/175085 (Customizable Discord)
- Customizable background color
- Color offsets for various elements
- Transparency effects
- Support for color overlay on background images
- Automatically adjusted colors based on your background color
Image Credits
- Noelle - Cupoi (Pixiv ID 12890391)
- Ai - @Yoizuki_nema_
- Chiaki - 散散 (Pixiv ID 15027662)
- Chika - @gumimecv
Useful links
- Fixed popup theme not applying to sticky headers
- More descriptive options for the text box highlight option
- Removed rounding mode (reasoning: no plans to finish it & it's ugly)
- Backdrop filters are now a toggle
- Linux/Firefox friendly font options
- Removed some redundant code
- Added more backdrop filter options
- Added popup background to all listboxes
- Added popup background to the server roles sticky header
- Bug fixes
- Fixed highlight color affecting entire screen with transparent background color
- Migrated away from aria labels. Theme should work in all languages now
- Removed some redundant code
- Removed redundant settings
- Replaced user area independent color control with a similar highlighting system as everything else for more consistency
- Changed default background to none
- Some reorganization of the configuration menu
- Fixed some minor issues
- Fixed background color not applying when background image is selected
- Optimizations
- Refinements/bug fixes for brightness and highlight settings
- Independent highlight color control
- Independent user area color control
- Other minor bug fixes
- Temporary workaround for user area highlight not being the same as general highlight at the same value
- Added image credits (from upstream) in description
- Added link to Customizable Discord in description
- Highlight color option added
- More comments
- Some reorganization for better readability
- Extra highlighting options
- Fixed font not applying
- Improved highlighting system
- Added experimental rounding support
- Fixed popup theme not applying to edit and delete message icons
- Highlights now apply to search results
- Removed an unnecessary line
- Sane defaults
- Initial release
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Customizable Discord - Fork
@namespace USO Archive
@author uname4586, birb-naise
@description A fork that adds some extra QoL, customization features & visual improvements to the excellent "Customizable Discord" theme by birb-naise.
@version 2025-01-31
@license CC0-1.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown bg "Background" {
bg-none "None*" <<<EOT EOT;
noelle "Noelle" <<<EOT background: url("https://i.imgur.com/pWKivE4.jpeg"); EOT;
a "Chika" <<<EOT background: url("https://i.imgur.com/tpkDRFf.png"); EOT;
aibg "Ai" <<<EOT background: url("https://i.imgur.com/KK08VK2.png"); EOT;
b "Chiaki" <<<EOT background: url("https://i.imgur.com/9rdTjS1.png"); EOT;
bg-custom-dropdown "Custom" <<<EOT background: url(/*[[bg-custom]]*\/); EOT;
@var text bg-custom "Background (Imgur links only) (Custom)" "https://example.com/image.png"
@var color bg-color "Background Color" #000
@var color h-color "Highlight Color" #000
@var color themecolor "Theme Color" #505574
@var range bg-opacity "Background Opacity" 100
@var range h-opacity "Highlights Opacity" 0
@var range h-amount "Highlight Amount" 30 //This is a convenience feature
@var range h-server-bar "Server Bar Highlight" 50
@var range h-user-area "User Area Highlight" 0
@var range bg-brightness "Brightness" 100
@advanced dropdown font "Font" {
ggsans "gg sans (Default)*" <<<EOT gg sans EOT;
arial "Arial" <<<EOT Arial EOT;
cambria "Cambria" <<<EOT Cambria EOT;
couriernew "Courier New" <<<EOT Courier New EOT;
garuda "Garuda" <<<EOT Garuda EOT;
freesans "FreeSans" <<<EOT FreeSans EOT;
ubuntu "Ubuntu" <<<EOT Ubuntu EOT;
urwgothic "URW Gothic" <<<EOT URW Gothic EOT;
@advanced dropdown h-text-box "Text Box Highlight" {
ga "Highlight color*" <<<EOT var(--theme-highlight-transparent) EOT;
gb "Discord-like" <<<EOT var(--special-highlight-2-transparent) EOT;
} //Option added for parity with discord's theme
@advanced dropdown theme "Theme (switch theme on discord too)" {
ba "Dark*" <<<EOT
/*------------ DARK MODE COLORS ------------*\/
:root {
--theme-text: #dcddde;
--theme-muted: #9d9d9d;
--theme-bg-color-theme: #fff 50%;
--brand-500-color-theme: #fff 30%;
--theme-popup-color-theme: #000 30%
} EOT;
bb "Light" <<<EOT
/*------------ LIGHT MODE COLORS ------------*\/
:root {
--theme-text: #24273d;
--theme-muted: #4c4f69;
--theme-bg-color-theme: #000 50%;
--brand-500-color-theme: #000 30%;
--theme-popup-color-theme: #000 30%
} EOT;
/*----------BACKDROP FILTERS----------*\/
@advanced dropdown bgf-toggle"Backdrop filters"{
bgf-off"Off*" <<<EOT EOT;
bgf-on"On" <<<EOT backdrop-filter: blur(var(--bgf-blur)) contrast(var(--bgf-contrast)) grayscale(var(--bgf-grayscale)) invert(var(--bgf-invert)) sepia(var(--bgf-sepia)) saturate(var(--bgf-saturate)) hue-rotate(var(--bgf-hue-rotate)) /*Backdrop Filters*\/;--bgf-blur: /*[[bgf-blur]]*\/px;--bgf-contrast: /*[[bgf-contrast]]*\/%;--bgf-grayscale: /*[[bgf-grayscale]]*\/%;--bgf-invert: /*[[bgf-invert]]*\/%;--bgf-sepia: /*[[bgf-sepia]]*\/%;--bgf-saturate: /*[[bgf-saturate]]*\/%;--bgf-hue-rotate: /*[[bgf-hue-rotate]]*\/deg EOT;}
@var number bgf-blur"Blur" 0
@var number bgf-contrast"Contrast" 100
@var range bgf-grayscale"Grayscale" 0
@var range bgf-invert"Invert" 0
@var range bgf-sepia"Sepia" 0
@var number bgf-saturate"Saturate" 100
@var number bgf-hue-rotate"Hue-Rotate" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("discord.com") {
/*////////////// DARK/LIGHT MODE COLORS //////////////*/
:root {
background-size: cover;
--theme-color: /*[[themecolor]]*/;
--theme-font: /*[[font]]*/;
--theme-bg-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color), var(--theme-bg-color-theme)); /*Setting the colours to be used in transparency settings*/
--theme-popup-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color), var(--theme-popup-color-theme));
--brand-500-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color), var(--brand-500-color-theme)); /*DM icon's background color*/
/*Highlight colors*/
--h-color-no-a: rgb(from /*[[h-color]]*/ r g b / calc(alpha + (1 - alpha)));
--theme-highlight-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color-no-a), var(--h-color-no-a) /*[[h-amount]]*/%); /*General highlights*/
--theme-highlight-transparent: color-mix(in srgb, var(--theme-highlight-color) /*[[h-opacity]]*/%, #0000);
--special-highlight-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color-no-a), var(--h-color-no-a) /*[[h-server-bar]]*/%); /*Server bar highlight*/
--special-highlight-transparent: color-mix(in srgb, var(--special-highlight-color) /*[[h-opacity]]*/%, #0000); /*Adding back the alpha*/
--special-highlight-2-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color), #fff 5%);
--special-highlight-2-transparent: color-mix(in srgb, var(--special-highlight-2-color) /*[[h-opacity]]*/%, #0000);
/*Other colors*/
--theme-bg: color-mix(in srgb, var(--theme-bg-color) 20%, #0000);
--theme-popup: color-mix(in srgb, var(--theme-popup-color) 80%, #0000);
--theme-bg-dim: #0000;
--brand-500: color-mix(in srgb, var(--brand-500-color) 80%, #0000); /*DM icon's background transparency*/
--bg-color-no-a: rgb(from /*[[bg-color]]*/ r g b / calc(alpha + (1 - alpha)));
--bg-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color-no-a) /*[[bg-brightness]]*/%, #000);
--background-secondary-alt-color: color-mix(in srgb, #0000, var(--h-color-no-a) /*[[h-user-area]]*/%)
body {
background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--bg-color) /*[[bg-opacity]]*/%, #0000); /*Background color*/
/*////////////// BACKGROUND COLORS //////////////*/
--background-primary: #0000;
--background-secondary: #0000;
--background-tertiary: #0000;
--background-floating: var(--theme-popup);
--background-secondary-alt: color-mix(in srgb, var(--background-secondary-alt-color) /*[[h-opacity]]*/%, #0000); /*User area*/
--modal-background: var(--theme-bg);
--modal-footer-background: #0000;
--input-background: var(--theme-bg);
--channeltextarea-background: /*[[h-text-box]]*/;
--background-modifier-hover: var(--theme-bg);
--background-modifier-selected: var(--theme-bg);
--elevation-low: #0000; /* shadows */
--primary-630: var(--theme-bg); /* Active Now activities */
--profile-gradient-primary-color: var(--theme-bg) /* default profile bg */
::selection {background: var(--theme-color);text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)} /*Selected Text*/
background: var(--theme-popup)
/*////////////// TEXT //////////////*/
:root {
--header-primary: var(--theme-text);
--header-secondary: var(--theme-text);
--text-normal: var(--theme-text);
--text-muted: var(--theme-muted);
--channels-default: var(--theme-muted);
--interactive-normal: var(--theme-muted);
--interactive-hover: var(--theme-text);
--interactive-active: var(--theme-text);
--interactive-muted: var(--theme-muted)
/*////////////// POP-UP //////////////*/
[role=dialog] > div:not([class*="userPopout"]), /* general pop-ups (-profiles)*/
div[class^="topicsDropdown"] > div, /* summaries pop-up */
div[class^="topicsPillContainer"] /* summaries bar */
background: var(--theme-popup) !important
/*////////////// THEME COLOR //////////////*/
--text-link: var(--theme-color);
--text-brand: var(--theme-color);
--brand-experiment: var(--theme-color);
--brand-experiment-560: var(--theme-color); /* option press bg */
--brand-experiment-600: var(--theme-color);
--button-secondary-background: var(--theme-color);
--status-danger: var(--theme-color); /* ping counter / new mentions */
--background-accent: var(--theme-color); /* You're viewing older messages */
/*////////////// FONT //////////////*/
body {
--font-primary: var(--theme-font);
--font-display: var(--theme-font)
/*////////////// MISC FIXES //////////////*/
/* push summary divider above label */
div[class^=summary] {
padding-top: 1rem;
div[class^=content_][role=list], /*Members panel*/
section[class^=searchResultsWrap_], /*Search results*/
div[class^=sidebar]{ /*All sidebars*/
background: var(--theme-highlight-transparent) !important
background: var(--theme-popup)
[data-list-id=guildsnav]{ /*Server bar*/
background: var(--special-highlight-transparent)
/*Comment actions*/
background: var(--theme-popup-color)