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Outlook Collapsing Sidebar by AlyamanMas

Screenshot of Outlook Collapsing Sidebar






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This allows the Outlook sidebar to collapse when it's not hovered over, and expand when hovered over


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Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Outlook Collapsing Sidebar
@version      20240725.11.36
@description  This allows the Outlook sidebar to collapse when it's not hovered over, and expand when hovered over
@author       AlyamanMas
@license      GPL3
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/* Hide labels default */
.u0T8k:not(._Ptr3) {
    display: none;
    color: #141414;

/* Do not ellipsize the top-level labels "Favorites" and "Folders"*/
._Ptr3 {
    text-overflow: "";

/* Unindent nested sections when collapsed */
.Yd48r div[aria-level="3"] {
    padding-left: 0px !important;
    transition: padding-left 0.3s;
/* Fix indentation on Inbox and Trash not matching rest of itmes */
.SuSxc.LPIso.cqDRB {
    padding-left: 6px;

.SuSxc.LPIso {
    padding-left: 8px;

/* Remove left padding of all items in the sidebar */
.YYA9V {
    padding-left: 7px;
/* Minimize padding on the right of the sidebar */
#folderPaneDroppableContainer {
    padding-right: 7px;

/* .Yd48r is the top level class for the sidebar, with only 1 element.
    Use it to show labels when hovered over */
.Yd48r:hover .u0T8k,
.Yd48dr:hover .Haof5 {
    display: block !important;
    color: white;
/* Reindent nested folders when expanding */
.Yd48r:hover div[aria-level="3"] {
    padding-left: 8px !important;
    transition: padding-left 0.3s ease 0.3s;
.Yd48r:hover {
    width: 260px !important;
    transition: width 0.3s ease 0.3s;

/* Hide expand/collapse downwards arrows in sidebar. */
.Yd48r i[data-icon-name="ChevronDownRegular"] {
    display: none;

/* Default top-level sidebar */
.Yd48r {
    width: 50px !important;
    height: 84%;
    transition: width 0.15s ease;
    /* Hide labels when collapsed */
    overflow: hidden;
    /* move padding from fater element to this one to make hovering over left border work */
    /* padding-left: 7px; */
    /* Make it not push other elements when expanding */
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 33;
/* Since our sidebar is absolute, it doesn't take up space, but we need it to take up space so two elements do not collide. We fix this here */
div[id="Skip to message list-region"] {
    margin-left: 50px;
/* Move this margin to its child's padding. See above. */
.LBktY {
    margin: 0px !important;

/* Hide 'Add Favorites' button */
.Yd48r div[data-folder-name="add favorite"] {
    display: none;


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