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Fallen London - The Stacks by corran






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Shows values for The Stacks cards.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Fallen London - The Stacks
@namespace      Corran
@author         Corran
@description    `Shows values for The Stacks cards.`
@version        20240728
@license        CC0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("")
div[data-branch-id="266194"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Use furniture as stepping stones */
div[data-branch-id="266198"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, -1 Flask ]";} /* Prepare an antidote */
div[data-branch-id="266369"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, -1 Route ]";} /* Continue on the same heading */
div[data-branch-id="266370"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing, 1-2 Route, -1 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Course correct */
div[data-branch-id="266060"] h2::after {content: " [ 1-2 Route ]";} /* Climb */
div[data-branch-id="266482"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, clears hand ]";} /* Tie a rope to the railing and descend */
div[data-branch-id="266483"] h2::after {content: " [ 2 Route, 50 Tantalising P ]";} /* Take advantage of the vantage point */
div[data-branch-id="267667"] h2::after {content: " [ 10 x Tempestuous T, Acq: Clamorous Cartographer (up to 4) ]";} /* See through the Cartographer's eyes */
div[data-branch-id="266685"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, -1 Route, clears hand ]";} /* Make an informed decision */
div[data-branch-id="266682"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Go up */
div[data-branch-id="266684"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Go down */
div[data-branch-id="266449"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Make your way through the silent gallery */
div[data-branch-id="266450"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Stop and examine the ancient volumes */
div[data-branch-id="267650"] h2::after {content: " [ 10 Perusing/Finding, -2 Route ]";} /* Follow a borehole through the back of a bookcase */
div[data-branch-id="266695"] h2::after {content: " [ 1-2 Route, 50 Tantalising P ]";} /* Look for maps of the library */
div[data-branch-id="266749"] h2::after {content: " [ 2 Partial Map ]";} /* Look for maps of the Neath */
div[data-branch-id="267666"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, 2 Noises, Acq: Clamorous Cartographer (up to 3) ]";} /* Get a lead from the Cartographer */
div[data-branch-id="266453"] h2::after {content: " [ 15 Perusing/Finding, -1 Library Key ]";} /* Use a key */
div[data-branch-id="265668"] h2::after {content: " [ 1-3 Route ]";} /* Search for a reference card */
div[data-branch-id="266195"] h2::after {content: " [ 1-3 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Try to understand the organisation of the library */
div[data-branch-id="267651"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing, -1 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Situate yourself within the greater whole */
div[data-branch-id="266764"] h2::after {content: " [ Tantalising P, 1 of: Library Key / Route / Fragmentary O ]";} /* Pick through the drawers */
div[data-branch-id="266769"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Take the opposite door */
div[data-branch-id="267652"] h2::after {content: " [ 15 Finding, -1 Library Key ]";} /* Unlock the cart */
div[data-branch-id="266373"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Keep going */
div[data-branch-id="266374"] h2::after {content: " [ 2 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Eat the fruit of knowledge */
div[data-branch-id="266371"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Light a lantern */
div[data-branch-id="266372"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Navigate by alternate senses */
div[data-branch-id="265862"] h2::after {content: " [ Nothing gained or lost. ]";} /* Hide and hope it passes you by */
div[data-branch-id="266451"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Library Key ]";} /* Try to lift one of its keys */
div[data-branch-id="266505"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, -1 Disposition of the C ]";} /* An intervention from the Grey Cardinal */
div[data-branch-id="266754"] h2::after {content: " [ -3 Noises ]";} /* Find a hiding place */
div[data-branch-id="266755"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, 2 Noises ]";} /* Hurry along */
div[data-branch-id="266463"] h2::after {content: " [ 2 Chthonosophy, 60 Tantalising P, -6 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Try to hold it all in your mind at once */
div[data-branch-id="267654"] h2::after {content: " [ 15 Perusing/Finding, -5 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Focus on the path ahead */
div[data-branch-id="266461"] h2::after {content: " [ 10 Perusing/Finding, -2-5 Route, clears hand ]";} /* Rethink your movements */
div[data-branch-id="267653"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, -1 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Reject the significance of shape */
div[data-branch-id="266058"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Disposition of the C, -1 Rat on a S ]";} /* Offer the cardinal a furry lunch */
div[data-branch-id="266059"] h2::after {content: " [ 1-2 Disposition of the C, -1 Deep-zee C ]";} /* Offer the cardinal a tin of something fishy */
div[data-branch-id="266484"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Disposition of the C, 50 x Tantalising P ]";} /* Engage the Cardinal in conversation */
div[data-branch-id="265942"] h2::after {content: " [ 50 x Tantalising P ]";} /* Stop and look through */
div[data-branch-id="265943"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding ]";} /* Move on quickly */
div[data-branch-id="266751"] h2::after {content: " [ -1 Noises, -1? Nightmares, -1? Wounds ]";} /* Take a moment to regroup */
div[data-branch-id="266752"] h2::after {content: " [ 10 Perusing/Finding, -1 Route ]";} /* Consult your maps of the library */
div[data-branch-id="266753"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Chthonosophy, 50 Tantalising P, -1 Fragmentary O ]";} /* Try to make sense of what you've seen */

div[data-branch-id="267664"] h2::after {content: " [ 1-3 Route ]";} /* Take readings */
div[data-branch-id="267665"] h2::after {content: " [ 5-15 Perusing/Finding, -3 Route  ]";} /* Pool your knowledge */
div[data-branch-id="267851"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Perusing/Finding, -1 Route ]";} /* Help her finish it */
div[data-branch-id="267852"] h2::after {content: " [ 5 Fragmentary O, -3 Route ]";} /* Identify an inaccuracy */

div[data-branch-id="xxx"] h2::after {content: " [ xxx ]";} /* xxx */


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