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Suno old logo by lethanner

Screenshot of Suno old logo



LicenseNo License



Size4.5 kB


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Brings back the old logo to the new Suno website appearance and replaces extremely narrow font.
Suno logo are trademark of Suno, Inc.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name		Suno old logo
@version 1.0.0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
	.flex > a .logo-container {
		top: 6px;
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	.flex > a .logo-image {
		/* Suno logo are trademark of Suno, Inc. */
		content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='413' height='100' viewBox='0 0 413 100' fill='none'%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M68.75 0C86.0089 0 100 22.3858 100 50H62.5C62.5 77.6142 48.5089 100 31.25 100C13.9911 100 0 77.6142 0 50H37.5C37.5 22.3858 51.4911 0 68.75 0ZM377.891 96.5446C371.276 96.5446 365.357 95.0648 360.134 92.1053C354.912 89.1459 350.821 85.0983 347.861 79.9628C344.902 74.8272 343.422 69.0388 343.422 62.5976C343.422 56.1564 344.902 50.368 347.861 45.2324C350.821 40.0968 354.912 36.0493 360.134 33.0899C365.357 30.1304 371.276 28.6506 377.891 28.6506C384.419 28.6506 390.295 30.1304 395.518 33.0899C400.74 36.0493 404.831 40.0968 407.791 45.2324C410.75 50.368 412.23 56.1564 412.23 62.5976C412.23 69.0388 410.75 74.8272 407.791 79.9628C404.831 85.0983 400.74 89.1459 395.518 92.1053C390.295 95.0648 384.419 96.5446 377.891 96.5446ZM377.891 82.7046C381.46 82.7046 384.594 81.8777 387.292 80.2239C390.077 78.483 392.21 76.0893 393.69 73.0428C395.256 69.9963 396.04 66.5145 396.04 62.5976C396.04 58.6806 395.256 55.1989 393.69 52.1524C392.21 49.1059 390.077 46.7557 387.292 45.1019C384.507 43.361 381.373 42.4905 377.891 42.4905C374.322 42.4905 371.145 43.361 368.36 45.1019C365.575 46.7557 363.398 49.1059 361.832 52.1524C360.352 55.1989 359.612 58.6806 359.612 62.5976C359.612 66.5145 360.352 69.9963 361.832 73.0428C363.398 76.0893 365.575 78.483 368.36 80.2239C371.145 81.8777 374.322 82.7046 377.891 82.7046ZM292.118 29.6952H276.059V95.5H292.118V59.5946C292.118 56.374 292.771 53.5015 294.076 50.9773C295.382 48.453 297.167 46.4945 299.43 45.1019C301.78 43.6221 304.391 42.8822 307.264 42.8822C311.355 42.8822 314.662 44.3185 317.187 47.1909C319.798 49.9763 321.104 53.6321 321.104 58.1584V95.5H337.032V54.7637C337.032 49.6281 336.031 45.1019 334.029 41.1849C332.027 37.1809 329.155 34.0909 325.412 31.9148C321.669 29.7387 317.404 28.6506 312.617 28.6506C307.916 28.6506 303.738 29.6516 300.083 31.6536C296.514 33.5686 293.859 36.3105 292.118 39.8792V29.6952ZM264.969 95.4999H249.04V85.3158C247.212 88.8846 244.513 91.67 240.945 93.672C237.376 95.587 233.241 96.5445 228.541 96.5445C223.666 96.5445 219.358 95.4564 215.615 93.2803C211.959 91.1042 209.087 88.0577 206.998 84.1408C204.996 80.1368 203.995 75.567 203.995 70.4314V29.6951H220.054V67.0367C220.054 71.563 221.316 75.2623 223.841 78.1348C226.365 80.9202 229.672 82.3129 233.764 82.3129C236.723 82.3129 239.334 81.6165 241.597 80.2238C243.948 78.7441 245.776 76.7421 247.081 74.2178C248.387 71.6936 249.04 68.8211 249.04 65.6005V29.6951H264.969V95.4999ZM145.282 92.6275C150.505 95.2389 156.554 96.5445 163.431 96.5445C170.133 96.5445 176.052 95.4565 181.188 93.2804C186.323 91.0172 190.327 87.8402 193.2 83.7491C196.072 79.6581 197.508 74.8272 197.508 69.2564C197.508 62.9022 196.072 57.9407 193.2 54.3719C190.327 50.7161 186.889 48.1048 182.885 46.538C178.968 44.9712 173.832 43.448 167.478 41.9682C162.865 40.9237 159.253 39.9662 156.641 39.0958C154.117 38.1383 151.984 36.8327 150.244 35.1789C148.59 33.438 147.763 31.2184 147.763 28.52C147.763 25.2994 149.069 22.7316 151.68 20.8167C154.291 18.9017 157.86 17.9442 162.386 17.9442C167.174 17.9442 171.047 19.1629 174.007 21.6001C177.053 24.0373 178.75 27.2579 179.099 31.2619H195.55C195.289 25.6041 193.722 20.6426 190.849 16.3775C188.064 12.1123 184.191 8.8482 179.229 6.58507C174.355 4.2349 168.74 3.05981 162.386 3.05981C156.293 3.05981 150.853 4.14786 146.066 6.32394C141.278 8.41298 137.535 11.416 134.837 15.3329C132.226 19.1629 130.92 23.5585 130.92 28.52C130.92 34.7001 132.313 39.6181 135.098 43.2739C137.97 46.9297 141.365 49.5846 145.282 51.2384C149.286 52.8922 154.422 54.5025 160.689 56.0693C165.128 57.2009 168.61 58.2454 171.134 59.2029C173.745 60.1603 175.878 61.466 177.532 63.1198C179.186 64.6866 180.012 66.8192 180.012 69.5175C180.012 73.4345 178.489 76.4375 175.443 78.5265C172.483 80.6155 168.479 81.6601 163.431 81.6601C157.947 81.6601 153.551 80.1368 150.244 77.0903C147.023 74.0438 145.195 69.9527 144.76 64.8172H128.178C128.439 71.1713 130.05 76.7421 133.009 81.5295C136.056 86.3169 140.147 90.0162 145.282 92.6275Z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

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