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[READ NOTES BEFORE DOWNLOAD] Safe Mode for Roblox by thomasluigi07

Screenshot of [READ NOTES BEFORE DOWNLOAD] Safe Mode for Roblox



LicenseNo License




Size12 kB


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Safe Mode is a work in progress "safe mode" for Roblox. Think of it like a privacy mode or a streamer mode; It hides many things, see the notes for more info.


This is a heavy WIP. Some things may not work or some info that is supposed to be hidden may be shown.

This theme hides your Inventory, prevents you from modifying your Settings and About, hides Friends, disables Notifications and Website Chat, prevents Robux/Premium purchasing, hide groups events, the group wall and group owners, the create page link (however the create page is not hidden itself), search dialog popup, and some navbar items. There are some more hidden/modified things, but I can't remember what else I hid.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name			"Safe Mode" for Roblox
@description    Safe Mode is a work in progress "safe mode" for Roblox. Think of it like a privacy mode or a streamer mode; It hides many things, see the notes for more info.
@author			thomasluigi07
@version		2024.09.12
@license        No License
@preprocessor	less
==/UserStyle== */

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