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Nitrotype Catppuccin Port by Deviate2420






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The Catppuccin Port for Nitrotype


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Nitro Type Catppuccin
@version 0.0.5
@description Soothing pastel theme for Nitro Type
@author Catppuccin
@license MIT

@preprocessor less
@var select lightFlavor "Light Flavor" ["latte:Latte*", "frappe:Frappé", "macchiato:Macchiato", "mocha:Mocha"]
@var select darkFlavor "Dark Flavor" ["latte:Latte", "frappe:Frappé", "macchiato:Macchiato", "mocha:Mocha*"]
@var select accentColor "Accent" ["rosewater:Rosewater", "flamingo:Flamingo", "pink:Pink", "mauve:Mauve*", "red:Red", "maroon:Maroon", "peach:Peach", "yellow:Yellow", "green:Green", "teal:Teal", "blue:Blue", "sapphire:Sapphire", "sky:Sky", "lavender:Lavender", "subtext0:Gray"]

@var checkbox styleRaceBox "Style Race Box" 1
@var checkbox preserveGoldGradient "Keep the gold lower gradients in boxes." 0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain('') {
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
    :root {
      #catppuccin(@lightFlavor, @accentColor);
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root {
      #catppuccin(@darkFlavor, @accentColor);

  #catppuccin(@lookup, @accent) {
    @rosewater: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@rosewater];
    @flamingo: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@flamingo];
    @pink: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@pink];
    @mauve: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@mauve];
    @red: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@red];
    @maroon: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@maroon];
    @peach: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@peach];
    @yellow: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@yellow];
    @green: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@green];
    @teal: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@teal];
    @sky: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@sky];
    @sapphire: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@sapphire];
    @blue: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@blue];
    @lavender: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@lavender];
    @text: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@text];
    @subtext1: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@subtext1];
    @subtext0: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@subtext0];
    @overlay2: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@overlay2];
    @overlay1: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@overlay1];
    @overlay0: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@overlay0];
    @surface2: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@surface2];
    @surface1: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@surface1];
    @surface0: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@surface0];
    @base: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@base];
    @mantle: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@mantle];
    @crust: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@crust];
    @accent-color: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@@accent];

    color-scheme: if(@lookup = latte, light, dark);

    ::selection {
      background-color: fade(@accent-color, 30%);

    textarea {
      &::placeholder {
        color: @subtext0 !important;

    body {
      background: url("/dist/site/images/backgrounds/bg-tires.png"), @base;
      border-color: @border !important;
      color: @text !important;

    /* NT-specific vars */
    /* color */
    /* the border surrounding a mantle box */
    @border: @overlay0;
    @text-shadow: @border;
    @tooltip: @overlay0;
    @input-field: @surface0;
    @colored-button-text: @crust;
    @tab-selected: @overlay0;
    @row1: @surface2;
    @row2: @surface1;

    /* Shared Components */
    /* link */
    a {
      color: @blue;
    /* colors generic */
    .link--emerald {
      color: @green;
    /* password required */
    .input-optional {
      color: @red;
    /* progress bar */
    .prog--c .prog-barFill {
      background-color: @blue;
    /* gradient banner */
    .bg--gradient2 {
      background: @crust;
    /* table */
    .table {
      border-bottom-color: rgba(@crust, 0.1);
      background-color: @row1;
    /* these elements inhert from .table */
    tbody {
      border-color: rgba(@crust, 0.1);
    /* btns */
    /* modal close button */
    .btn--negative {
      background-color: @red;
      color: @colored-button-text;
    /* red */
    .season--xmaxx-2023 .header > .header-core .header-login {
      background-color: @accent-color;
      color: @colored-button-text;
    .link--error {
      color: @red;
    /* green */,
    .is-on.friends-list--friend-status--join-race-button:focus {
      color: @green;
    /* btn secondary "Return to Garage" */
    /* switch box */
    .switch {
      border-color: @border;
    /* badges */
    .rarity-badge {
      color: @colored-button-text;
    /* popups */
    /* growl (notify) */
    /* body */
    .growl--a {
      background-color: @overlay2;
      color: @text;
    /* team name */
    span.growl-user > span {
      color: @blue !important;
    /* close btn */
    .growl-close {
      background-color: @red;
      border-color: @red;
      color: @colored-button-text;
    /* logout popup */
    .modal--error .modal-container {
      background: @red !important;
      border-color: @red;
    /* "Yes, I'm here! btn */
    .btn--light {
      background-color: @mantle;
      color: @text;
    /* text generic */
    .tc-i {
      color: @text;
    /* cash popup claim */
    .modal-close {
      background-color: @accent-color;
      color: @colored-button-text;
    .modal--a .modal-container {
      background-color: @crust;
    /* loading */
    /* loader spin wheel */
    /* wheel balls */
    .loader--default .loader-animBall {
      color: @blue;
    /* loading text */
    .loader--default .loader-text {
      color: @text;
    /* notifications */
    /* friend online notifications */
    .notification--friend-online--info {
      background: rgba(@overlay0, 0.9);
      color: @text;
      text-shadow: 0 1px 0 @crust;
        inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15),
        0 2px 11px rgba(@crust, 0.3);

    #root {
      /* loading overlay */
      > div:not(.structure, .growls) {
        background-color: @base !important;
      /* center modal */
      > div:not(.structure) {
        > div:not(.modal-container) {
          background-color: @mantle !important;
        /* "loading..." text */
        > div > div:nth-child(2) {
          color: @text;

    /* NT logo, NT logo on the home page, NT logo on the loading screen */
    div.header-core > div > a > svg,
    div.header-core.g.g--flag.g--f > div.g-b.g-b--6of12 > div > a > svg,
    #root > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > svg {
      /* the first letter "N" */
      > path:nth-child(7) {
        fill: @accent-color !important;
      /* the rest of the letters */
      > path {
        fill: @text !important;
      /* the  slash at the end of the logo */
      > path:nth-child(1) {
        fill: @accent-color !important;

    /* account dropdown */
    .dropdown--account {
      background-color: @crust;
      /* account logo */
      .dropdown-accountIcon {
        color: @green;
      /* logout btn */
      .dropdown-item:last-child .dropdown-link {
        background-color: @accent-color;
        color: @text;
      .dropdown-trigger {
        color: @text;
      .dropdown-link {
        color: @text;
        &:hover {
          background-color: @mantle;
    .dropdown--account .dropdown-items {
      background-color: @crust;

    /* home page */
    /* season dates */
    .seasonTeaser {
      color: @text;

    /* NT description */
    .hp-heroCopy {
      color: @text;
    .hp-heroBG {
      background-color: @mantle;
    .hp-heroBG::after {
      background-color: @crust;
    /* "Teacher Portal" btn */
    .btn--secondary {
      background-color: @input-field;
      color: @text;
    /* "Login" btn */
      ).btn--secondary {
      color: @blue;
      border-color: @blue;
    /* Race with Friends */
      ).btn--light {
      border-color: @text;
      color: @text;
    /* navbar */
    .nav {
      background-color: @crust;
    .nav-link {
      color: @text;
    /* current (selected) */ {
      background: radial-gradient(
          40px at 50% 100%,
          rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 0%,
          rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%
      border-color: @border;
      .nav-list-item {
        background-color: @crust;
      .nav-link {
        color: @text;


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