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Fallen London Dark Mode (With Fifth City Stories) by romuls

Screenshot of Fallen London Dark Mode (With Fifth City Stories)



LicenseNo License



Size3.4 kB


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A slight modification to the original Dark Mode for Fallen London by 0bsidianFire to include the fifth city stories storylets.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Fallen London Dark Mode
@namespace      Romuls
@version        1.4.1
@description    Dark Mode for Fallen London
@author         0bsidianFire, Romuls
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain( {
    .tab-content--inverse {
        color: #cba;
        /* color of general text */

    .modal-dialog {
        color: #cba;
        /* color of text in pop-up boxes */

    .modal--gate-storylet__content {
        color: #cba;
        /* color of text in pop-up boxes */

    .button--link-inverse {
        color: #92d1d5;
        /*color of text in category links */
    } {
        color: #cba;
        /* color of text in active category links */

    .button--link:hover {
        color: #fff;
        /* color of text on hover in category links */

    /*all background-image: none; here*/
        background-image: none;
        /* removes background image */

    .tab-content:before {
        background-color: #182828;
        /* background of main page */
        filter: none;
        /* filter over background */

    .storylet:before {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* background of storylets */

    .media--root {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* background of messages (header storylets) */
        background-image: url("");
        /* flower image with no background image */

    .branch {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* background of branches */
    .media--locked {
        background-color: #402828;
        /* background of locked branches*/
    .media--fate-locked {
        background-color: #504828;
        /* background of fate branches */

    .modal--gate-storylet__content {
        background-color: #182828;
        /* background of message*/
        background-color: #1e5555;
        /* background of Fifth City Stories Storylets */

    .media--message {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* background of messages */

    .myself-profile__panel {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* background of messages */

    .equipment-group__equipment-slot-container {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* color of equipped items border */

    .equipment-group__name {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* color of equipment dividers */

    .premium-sub-purchase-card__body {
        background-color: #183838;
        /* background of EF blurb */

    .inner-tab {
        color: #92d1d5;
        /* color of text in Fate sub-tabs */

    .inner-tab .inner-tab__icon {
        background-color: #92d1d5/* color of icon in Fate sub-tabs*/

    .inner-tab--active {
        color: #cba;
        /* color of text in active Fate sub-sabs*/

    .inner-tab--active .inner-tab__icon {
        background-color: #cba;
        /* color of icon in active Fate sub-sabs*/


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