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AntiYT - Work In Progress by ambonmibable

Screenshot of AntiYT - Work In Progress



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A UserStyle to remove a lot of annoying things from YouTube. Now totally overengineered to make as much as possible optional.


  • Currently a work in progress. Some options currently aren't implemented, some are incomplete.
  • Disabling the secondary column of the watch page does not work correctly, as the video and the scrub bar do not scale correctly. I am unsure of how to completely fix this.
  • Several options rely on SVG paths to select the correct button. If you have extensions that replace these with other icons or shapes, or otherwise are in a mode that changes these paths, these options might not work properly.
  • The anonymize option might not account for every appearance of your profile picture and/or username, and I haven't tested if they always immediately replace them on the loading of a page. I don't recommend using this option seriously outside of screenshots.

Latest updates ( > 0.11.0, 2024-09-08):

  • Fixed some badges on the home screen not being disabled by certain options.
    (The NEW badge and video length should now hopefully disappear.)
    ( > 0.10.2, 2024-08-30):
  • Fixed a fatal blunder that caused ultra wide search bar to be on by default when it shouldn't exist.

( > 0.10.0, 2024-08-24):

  • You can mirror the entire website in a few nasty ways, added into the Weird section.
  • The search bar can now be expanded to fill most of the masthead, added into the Weird section.
  • Playables shelf can be disabled in the Home section.

( > 0.9.0, 2024-08-23):

  • Recommendation context menu options should work, now enabled
  • Weird options section added to the bottom of the list.
    • Can now move the secondary area (chat, recommendations) to the left side, like an insane person.
    • Can now change the order of the header. Like an insane person.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           AntiYT
@namespace      wintermourn.antiyt
@version        0.11.0
@description    A UserStyle to remove a lot of annoying things from YouTube. Now totally overengineered to make as much as possible optional.
@author         Wintermourn
@preprocessor   stylus
Total Options: 106 (106 total, excl. headers)
6 + 7 + 31 + 12 + 20 + 7 + 16 + 2 + 1 + 4

@var select     h0      "Global Options" {" ":0} // 6 options
@var checkbox   global_selfAnonymize    "┌─ Anonymize Me (Incomplete)" 0
@var checkbox   global_subs             "├─ Subscriber Counts" 1
@var checkbox   global_creator_icons    "├─ Creator Icons" 1
@var checkbox   global_shorts           "├─ Shorts" 1
@var checkbox   global_thumbnails       "├─ Thumbnails" 1
@var checkbox   global_video_badges     "└─ Video Badges (Live, New, ...)" 1

@var select     h1      "Header Options" {" ":0} // 7 options
@var checkbox   disable_logo        "┌┬ Disable Logo" 1
@var checkbox   disable_yoodle      "├└- Disable Yoodle" 1
@var checkbox   disable_h_search    "├─ Disable Search Bar" 0
@var checkbox   disable_h_mic       "├─ Disable Microphone Search Button" 1
@var checkbox   disable_h_upload    "├─ Disable Upload Button" 1
@var checkbox   disable_h_notify    "├─ Disable Notification Button" 0
@var checkbox   disable_h_profile   "└─ Disable Profile Button" 0

@var select     h2      "Guide Options" {" ":0} // 31 options
@var checkbox   guide_home      "┌─ Home" 1
@var checkbox   guide_shorts    "├─ Shorts" 0
@var checkbox   guide_subs      "├─ Subscriptions Page" 1
@var checkbox   guide_music     "└─ YTMusic" 0

@var checkbox   guide_section_personal  "╷ Personal" 1
@var checkbox   you_feed            "├── Feed" 1
@var checkbox   you_channel         "├── Your channel" 1
@var checkbox   you_history         "├── History" 1
@var checkbox   you_playlists       "├── Playlists" 1
@var checkbox   you_videos          "├── Your videos" 1
@var checkbox   you_movies          "├── Your movies & TV" 1
@var checkbox   you_watchLater      "├── Watch later" 1
@var checkbox   you_liked           "├── Liked videos" 1
@var checkbox   you_downloads       "├── Downloads" 1
@var checkbox   you_clips           "└── Your clips" 1

@var checkbox   guide_section_explore   "╷ Explore" 1
@var checkbox   explore_trending    "├── Trending" 1
@var checkbox   explore_shopping    "├── Shopping" 1
@var checkbox   explore_music       "├── Music" 1
@var checkbox   explore_movie       "├── Movies & TV" 1
@var checkbox   explore_live        "├── Live" 1
@var checkbox   explore_gaming      "├── Gaming" 1
@var checkbox   explore_news        "├── News" 1
@var checkbox   explore_sports      "├── Sports" 1
@var checkbox   explore_courses     "├── Courses" 1
@var checkbox   explore_fashion     "├── Fashion & Beauty" 1
@var checkbox   explore_podcasts    "├── Podcasts" 1
@var checkbox   explore_playable    "└── Playables" 1

@var checkbox   guide_section_sub       "─ Subscriptions" 0
@var checkbox   guide_section_services  "─ Other Services" 0
@var checkbox   guide_section_misc      "─ Misc Buttons" 1

@var select     h3      "Video Player Options" {" ":0} // 12 options
@var checkbox   video_prev          "┌── Previous Video" 1
@var checkbox   video_play          "├── Play/Pause" 1
@var checkbox   video_next          "├── Next Video" 1
@var checkbox   video_volume        "├── Volume" 1
@var checkbox   video_playtime      "├── Playtime" 1
@var checkbox   video_chapter       "├── Chapter" 1
@var checkbox   video_autoplay      "├── Autoplay" 1
@var select     video_captions      "├── Captions" {"Enabled":"2","Enabled when Available*":"1","Disabled":0}
@var checkbox   video_settings      "├── Settings" 1
@var checkbox   video_mini          "├── Miniplayer" 1
@var checkbox   video_theater       "├── Theater Mode" 1
@var checkbox   video_full          "└── Fullscreen Mode" 1

@var select     h4      "Watch Page Options" {" ":0} // 20 options
@var checkbox   watch_video             "╷ Video Player" 1
@var checkbox   watch_bleeding          "├── Bleeding Background" 1
@var checkbox   watch_title             "├── Video Title" 1
@var checkbox   watch_creator_icon      "├── Creator Icon" 1
@var checkbox   watch_creator_subs      "├── Creator Subscriber Count" 1
@var checkbox   watch_creator_sponsor   "├── Sponsor Button" 1
@var checkbox   watch_creator_subscribe "├── Subscribe Button" 1
@var select     watch_likes             "├── Likes Counter" {"Enabled":"3","Only Likes*":"2","Only Dislikes":"1","Disabled":0}
@var checkbox   watch_share             "├── Share Button" 1
@var checkbox   watch_download          "├── Download Button" 1
@var checkbox   watch_clip              "├── Clip Button" 1
@var checkbox   watch_saveToPlaylist    "├── Save to Playlist Button" 1
@var checkbox   watch_report            "└── Report Button" 1

@var checkbox   desc                    "╷ Description" 1
@var checkbox   desc_views              "├── View Count" 1
@var checkbox   desc_published          "├── Published Date" 1
@var checkbox   desc_text               "├── Description Text" 1
@var checkbox   desc_chapters           "├── Chapters" 1
@var checkbox   desc_transcript         "├── Transcript Button" 1
@var checkbox   desc_social             "└── Social links" 1

@var select     h5      "Comment Section Options" {" ":0} // 7 options
@var checkbox   comments                "╷ Comments" 1
@var checkbox   comments_icons          "├── Profile Pictures" 1
@var checkbox   comments_usernames      "├── Usernames" 1
@var checkbox   comments_likes          "├── Likes" 1
@var checkbox   comments_heart          "├── Hearted Icon" 1
@var checkbox   comments_reply          "├── Reply Button" 1
@var checkbox   comments_ctx            "└── Context Menu" 1

@var select     h6      "Video Recommendation Options" {" ":0} // 16 options
@var select     recc_sidebar            "╷ Sidebar" {"Enabled*":"1","Disabled (Not recommended; this currently completely breaks the scrub bar. Do not use unless you plan to use JL,.←→)":0}
@var checkbox   recc_chips              "├─ Chips (For you, Recently uploaded, ...)" 1
@var checkbox   recc_title              "├┬── Title" 1
@var checkbox   recc_thumbnail          "│├── Thumbnail" 1
@var checkbox   recc_views              "│├── View Count" 1
@var checkbox   recc_published          "│├── Published Date" 1
@var checkbox   recc_length             "│└── Length" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx                "├┐ Context Menu" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_addToQueue     "│├── Add to Queue" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_watchLater     "│├── Watch Later" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_saveToPlaylist "│├── Save to Playlist" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_download       "│├── Download" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_share          "│├── Share" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_notInterested  "│├── Not Interested" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_dontRecommend  "│├── Don't Recommend Channel" 1
@var checkbox   recc_ctx_report         "│└── Report" 1

@var select     h7      "Homepage Options" {" ":0} // 2 options
@var checkbox   home_chips              "── Chips" 1
@var checkbox   home_playables          "   Playables" 0

@var select     h8      "Search Options" {" ":0} // 1 option
@var checkbox   search_shelves            "── Shelves (like Previously Watched)" 1

@var select     h9      "Weird Options" {" ":0} // 4 options
@var select     header_order         "┌─ (Header) Button Order" {
    "Flipped": "flip",
    "Buttons Left, Search Right": "blsr",
    "Search Left, Buttons Right": "slbr",
    "Search Left, Profile Right": "slpr"
@var checkbox   header_search_wide   "├─ (Header) Very Wide Search Bar" 0
@var checkbox   watch_sidebar_left   "├─ (Watch) Left Sidebar" 0
@var select     yt_mirror            "├─ (Global) Mirror Everything" {"Off*": "0", "Flipped": "flip", "On": "1", "Ultra On": "2", 'Worryingly On': "4", "Concerningly On": "3"}

* TODO: Profile Menu

==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
    /*YouTube General*/
    if disable_yoodle {
        #big-yoodle,  ytd-yoodle-renderer > picture { display: none; }
        #logo > ytd-yoodle-renderer > ytd-logo { display: inherit !important; }
    if yt_mirror != "0" {
        if yt_mirror == "flip" {
            * {
               direction: rtl !important;
               unicode-bidi: bidi-override !important;

            body {
               scale: -1 1;
        if yt_mirror == "1" {body { transform: scaleX(-1); overflow-x: hidden; }}
        if yt_mirror == "2" {
            body { *:nth-child(2n+0) { transform: scaleX(-1); overflow-x: hidden; } }
        if yt_mirror == "3" {
            body {
                *:nth-child(2n+0) { transform: scaleX(-1); overflow-x: hidden; }
                *:nth-child(3n+1) { transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1); overflow-x: hidden; }
        if yt_mirror == "4" {
            *:nth-child(3n) {
               direction: rtl !important;
               unicode-bidi: bidi-override !important;

            body {
               scale: -1 1;
                *:nth-child(2n) { transform: scaleX(-1); overflow-x: hidden; }
    ytd-masthead > div#container {
        if disable_logo {
            ytd-topbar-logo-renderer { display: none; }
        #start {
            if header_search_wide { min-width: 0; }
            if header_order == "flip" or header_order == "slbr" {
                order: 3;
                ytd-topbar-logo-renderer { order: 1; }
                yt-icon-button { order: 2; }
            } else if header_order == "blsr" or header_order == "slpr" {
                order: 1;
        #center {
            if header_order == "flip" or heade...


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