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Aternos Customizer by tech-how

Screenshot of Aternos Customizer



LicenseGNU GPLv3




Size4.3 kB


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Aternos is the world's largest free Minecraft hosting provider. Give it a fresh coat of paint inspired by your own unique taste.


v1.0.5 (August 31st, 2024)

  • Added font thickness option

v1.0.4 (August 7th, 2024)

  • Fixed log errors display

v1.0.3 (August 7th, 2024)

  • Fixed text editor display
  • Fixed adblock warning display

v1.0.2 (August 7th, 2024)

  • Fixed color of status console

v1.0.1 (August 6th, 2024)

  • Renamed to Aternos Customizer
  • Added extensive customization options

v1.0 (August 5th, 2024)

  • Initial commit

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Aternos Customizer
@version        1.0.5
@description    A slick redesign for Aternos MC
@author         Tech How
@namespace      Tech-How
@preprocessor	stylus
@var    text        info1        "NOTE: You can choose Light or Dark theme using the sun icon in the bottom left of the Aternos website."    "Ok"
@var    color       primaryColor        "Primary Color"     #19ba19
@var    select      customFont      "Display Font" ["Poppins", "Courier New", "Impact", "Comic Sans MS", "Play", "Calibri", "Helvetica", "Times New Roman", "Segoe UI"]
@var    select      customFontWeight        "Font Thickness" {
    "Default": "600",
    "Thin": "200",
    "Thick": "900",
@var    color        customBGColor        "Background Color (Switch Aternos to dark theme to take effect.)"    #000000
@var    text        customBG        "Background Image URL (Must be wrapped in single quotes!!)"    "'Your Link'"
@var    checkbox        hideHelpArticles    "Hide Help Articles"        0
@var    checkbox        uiFacelift    "UI Facelift"        1
@var    color        customSBColor        "Sidebar Color"    #0f0f0f
@var    color        customSCColor        "Section Color"    #1f1f1f
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
:root {
    --bold: customFontWeight;
    --extra-bold: 800;
    --color-main: primaryColor;
    --color-success: var(--color-main);
    --color-dark-mode: customBGColor;
    --color-dark: customSBColor;
    --color-dark-hover: customSCColor;
    --color-dark-hover-2: #282828;

if uiFacelift {
    :root {
        --font-main: customFont, sans-serif;
        --font-mono: "Space Mono", monospace;
        --color-light: #ffffff;
        --color-loading: #4c4c4c;
        --color-dark-text: #b5b5b5;
        --color-dark-mark: #3f3f3f;
        --color-light-fade: #A4A4A4;
        --color-danger: #f91c1c;
        --color-warn: #f97f12;

.body > .main .content {
    background: url(customBG) center top no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;

if hideHelpArticles {
    .help-center-articles {
        display: none !important;

.servercard:hover {
    background: var(--color-dark-hover-2);

.navigation .navigation-server, .servercard, .server-ip, .server-info-box .server-info-box-body, .help-center-article, .config-options-file, .file-create, .file, .backup-drive-account, .list-item, .list-input, .toggle label, .select, .console, .log, .playerlist-menu, .playercardlist .playercard, .player-details > div:not(:first-child), .plugin-search, .btn-black, .btn-dark, .btn.btn-inverted, .pagination a, .suggest-input, .path-bar, .world, .account-setting, .create-software, .change-later-notice, .domains-info-box, .text-input, .teleport-wrapper, .creatable-select .creatable-select-input, .number-option input, .input-number > div, .status-console, .analysis {
    background: var(--color-dark-hover);

.toggle-inverted label {
       background: var(--color-light);

.ͼ2 .cm-gutters, .ͼ1 .cm-scroller {
    background: var(--color-dark-hover);
    border-right: none;

.cm-editor .cm-activeLine {
    background-color: #6699ff0b;

.ͼ4 .cm-line {
    caret-color: #528BFF !important;

.ͼo {
    color: #c678dd !important;

if uiFacelift {
    .server-b-tutorials {
        display: none !important;
    .btn:not(.btn-invisible), .btn, .toggle label {
        border-radius: 1000px;
    .toggle label::before {
        font-size: 16px;
        border-radius: 1000px 0 0 1000px;
    .toggle:not(.inverted) input:checked + label::before {
        font-size: 16px;
        border-radius: 0 1000px 1000px 0;
    .servercard .server-remove {
        border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;
    .navigation .item, .account-navigation a {
        font-weight: var(--bold);
    .content h1 {
        font-weight: var(--extra-bold);
    .navigation .item i, .account-navigation .item i, .userdropdown a:not(.dropdown-darkmode-toggle) i {
        color: var(--color-main);
    .editor * {
        font-size: 11pt;

#BnoqmZxmJdGD > div {
    background: var(--color-danger) !important;


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