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personaltheme by Jordanisgreat505







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Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Customizable Twitter/X! (READ DESC)
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       birb-naise
@description  If the style isn't working, PLEASE use the STYLUS extension (not Stylish!!) instead, then download this style using that. (<a href="">Guide here</a>)! and Stylish are really glitchy and shady (google "Stylish spying on users"), do NOT use them.
@version      20240722.05.01
@license      NONE
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown bg "background (⚠ Custom image URLs need to be from Twitter! ⚠)" {
    sonicmulti "Sonic Multiverse" <<<EOT EOT;
    duruji "Duruji" <<<EOT EOT;
    Momokafart "Momoka Vs Colon" <<<EOT EOT;
    SonicArmageddon "Sonic Armageddon" <<<EOT EOT;

	bg-custom-dropdown "Custom" <<<EOT /*[[bg-custom]]*\/ EOT;
@advanced text bg-custom "background (⚠ Custom image URLs need to be from Twitter! ⚠) (Custom)" ""
@advanced dropdown font "Font" {
    twitterchirp "Twitter Chirp (Default)*" <<<EOT TwitterChirp EOT;
    arial "Arial" <<<EOT Arial EOT;
    arialblack "Arial Black" <<<EOT Arial Black EOT;
    cambria "Cambria" <<<EOT Cambria EOT;
    candara "Candara" <<<EOT Candara EOT;
    centurygothic "Century Gothic" <<<EOT Century Gothic EOT;
    comicsansms "Comic Sans MS" <<<EOT Comic Sans MS EOT;
    consolas "Consolas" <<<EOT Consolas EOT;
    couriernew "Courier New" <<<EOT Courier New EOT;
    segoeui "Segoe UI" <<<EOT Segoe UI EOT;
    verdana "Verdana" <<<EOT Verdana EOT;

@advanced dropdown icon "Icon" {
    i-x "X*" <<<EOT   EOT;
    i-twt-blue "Twitter (Blue)" <<<EOT a[aria-label="X"] > * > * {
		opacity: 0;
	a[aria-label="X"] *,
	[aria-label="Loading…"] > * {
		background: url("") center no-repeat;
	} EOT;
    i-twt-custom "Custom" <<<EOT a[aria-label="X"] > * > * {
		opacity: 0;
	a[aria-label="X"] *,
	[aria-label="Loading…"] > * {
		background: url(/*[[icon-custom]]*\/) center no-repeat;
	} EOT;
    i-twt-pink "Twitter (Pink)" <<<EOT a[aria-label="X"] > * > * {
		opacity: 0;
	a[aria-label="X"] *,
	[aria-label="Loading…"] > * {
		background: url("") center no-repeat;
	} EOT;
    i-twt-white "Twitter (White)" <<<EOT a[aria-label="X"] > * > * {
		opacity: 0;
	a[aria-label="X"] *,
	[aria-label="Loading…"] > * {
		background: url("") center no-repeat;
	} EOT;

@advanced dropdown icon-custom "Custom Icon" {

	icon-custom-custom-dropdown "Custom" <<<EOT /*[[icon-custom-custom]]*\/ EOT;
@advanced text icon-custom-custom "Custom Icon (Custom)" ""
@advanced dropdown show-communities "Show Communities" {
    show-co "Show*" <<<EOT   EOT;
    hide-co "Hide" <<<EOT a[aria-label="Communities"], EOT;

@advanced dropdown show-explore "Show Explore" {
    show-ex "Show*" <<<EOT   EOT;
    hide-ex "Hide" <<<EOT a[aria-label="Search and explore"], EOT;

@advanced dropdown show-lists "Show Lists" {
    show-li "Show*" <<<EOT   EOT;
    hide-li "Hide" <<<EOT a[aria-label="Lists"], EOT;

@advanced dropdown show-premium "Show Premium Menus" {
    show-pr "Show*" <<<EOT   EOT;
    hide-pr "Hide" <<<EOT aside[aria-label="Subscribe to Premium"],
aside[aria-label="Stay organized with Bookmark Folders"],
aside[aria-label="Subscribe to Premium to write your own longer posts"],
a[aria-label="Verified Orgs"], EOT;

@advanced dropdown theme "Display Theme" {
    dark-mode "Lights Out (Dark)*" <<<EOT :root {
    	--theme-popup: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
    	--theme-bg-dim: rgba(0 ,0, 0, .65);
	} EOT;
    light-mode "Default (Light)" <<<EOT :root {
    	--theme-popup: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8);
		--theme-bg-dim: rgba(225 ,230, 240, .65);
	} EOT;

@advanced color theme-color "theme color" #c3735f
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {
/*////////////// DARK/LIGHT MODE COLORS //////////////*/
	:root {
    	--theme-popup: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
    	--theme-bg-dim: rgba(0 ,0, 0, .65);
	/*////////////// BACKGROUND //////////////*/
	:root {
		background: url('/*[[bg]]*/') fixed center;
		background-size: cover;
		--theme-color: /*[[theme-color]]*/;

	/*////////////// BACKGROUND COLORS //////////////*/
	[data-testid="primaryColumn"],		/* main feed */
	[aria-label="Trending"] > * > *,	/* sidebar */
	[aria-label="Home timeline"] > *> *,/* For You/Following tabs */
	[aria-label="Search"] > * > *{		/* search bar */
		background: transparent !important;
	select,								/* built-in browser dropdowns*/
	[data-testid="Dropdown"], 			/* dropdowns */
	[data-testid="hoverCardParent"],	/* profile hover preview */
	[data-testid="DMDrawer"] > div,		/* DMs tab in home */
	div[role="dialog"],					/* pop-ups */
	div[role="listbox"], 				/* search results */
	div[role="radio"] {					/* poll options */
		background: var(--theme-popup) !important;

	/*////////////// THEME COLOR //////////////*/
	button[style*="rgb(29, 155, 240);"]:not(.css-146c3p1), /* most large buttons (no translate) */
	div[role="status"] > *:not([data-testid="thumbnail"]),	/* new tweets alert (no reply restrictions) */
	[aria-label="Post"],				/* Post button */
	[href="/messages/compose"],			/* New message button */
	::selection,						/* text highlight */
	.r-l5o3uw,							/* DMs bubbles */
	.r-m5arl1,							/* thread line */
	.r-hdaws3,							/* feed tab selected */
	.r-615f2u {							/* home icon badge */
		background: var(--theme-color) !important;
	[data-testid="searchPeople_label"] > *,
	[style*="color: rgb(29, 155, 240)"],/*tweet composer, sidebar, show .. posts, mentions */
	svg[aria-label="Verified account"],	/* verified check */
	.r-1cvl2hr {						/* search bar magnifying glass*/
		color: var(--theme-color) !important;
	/*////////////// WEBSITE ICON //////////////*/
	[aria-label="Loading…"] {
		opacity: 0;

	a[aria-label="X"] *,
	[aria-label="Loading…"] > * {				/* custom icon size adjustment */
		background-size: 70%;
	/*////////////// FONT //////////////*/
	.css-146c3p1 {
		font-family: "TwitterChirp";
	/*////////////// MISC //////////////*/
	div[style="text-overflow: unset; color: rgb(113, 118, 123);"] { /* muted text */
		color: #b8b8b8 !important;
	.r-kemksi,							/* main feed */
	.css-175oi2r {						/* tweets */
		border: none;
	[role="status"] > * {				/* border */
		box-shadow: var(--theme-color);
	/* theme adjustments */
	.r-kemksi,							/* Dark mode */
	.r-14lw9ot,							/* Light mode */
	.r-6026j {
		background: transparent !important;

	/*////////////// HIDE ELEMENTS //////////////*/
	.r-109y4c4 { /* tweet compose border */
		display: none;


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