Disables all features from YouTube after early 2019.
YT Polymer 2016 - Early 2019 script by mason20121981
LicenseNo License
Code size119 kB
Code checksum603e2932
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Failed to fetch stats.
Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.// ==UserScript==
// @name YT Polymer 2016 - Early 2019 script
// @version 3.7.0
// @description Disables all features from YouTube after early 2019.
// @author Magma_Craft
// @license MIT
// @match *://www.youtube.com/*
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/933798
// @icon https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico
// @run-at document-start
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/arrive/2.4.1/arrive.min.js
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
@-moz-document domain("youtube.com")
// Enable strict mode to catch common coding mistakes
"use strict";
// Define the flags to assign to the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS object
const flagsToAssign = {
kevlar_system_icons: false,
kevlar_refresh_on_theme_change: false,
kevlar_watch_cinematics: false,
kevlar_watch_grid: false,
kevlar_watch_grid_hide_chips: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_no_old_secondary_data: false,
enable_channel_page_header_profile_section: false,
kevlar_modern_sd_v2: false,
kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button: false,
smartimation_background: false,
web_animated_like: false,
web_animated_like_lazy_load: false,
web_modern_collections_v2: false,
web_modern_tabs: false,
web_modern_typography: false,
web_enable_youtab: false,
web_snackbar_ui_refresh: false,
web_rounded_containers: false,
web_rounded_thumbnails: false,
web_watch_rounded_player_large: false,
// Extra additions to remove the watch grid UI
web_player_enable_featured_product_banner_exclusives_on_desktop: false,
kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button: false,
fill_view_models_on_web_vod: true,
kevlar_watch_flexy_metadata_height: 136,
kevlar_watch_max_player_width: 1280,
live_chat_over_engagement_panels: false,
live_chat_scaled_height: false,
live_chat_smaller_min_height: false,
main_app_controller_extraction_batch_18: false,
main_app_controller_extraction_batch_19: false,
no_iframe_for_web_stickiness: false,
optimal_reading_width_comments_ep: false,
remove_masthead_channel_banner_on_refresh: false,
small_avatars_for_comments: false,
small_avatars_for_comments_ep: false,
web_watch_compact_comments: false,
web_watch_compact_comments_header: false,
web_watch_log_theater_mode: false,
web_watch_theater_chat: false,
web_watch_theater_fixed_chat: false,
wn_grid_max_item_width: 0,
wn_grid_min_item_width: 0
const updateFlags = () => {
// Check if the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS object exists in the window.yt.config_ property chain
const expFlags = window?.yt?.config_?.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS;
// If EXPERIMENT_FLAGS is not found, exit the function
if (!expFlags) return;
// Assign the defined flags to the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS object
Object.assign(expFlags, flagsToAssign);
// Create a MutationObserver that calls the updateFlags function when changes occur in the document's subtree
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(updateFlags);
mutationObserver.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
// Guide adjustments
// Regex to isolate UCID from your videos item
const VIDEOS_URL_REGEX = /(https:\/\/studio.youtube.com\/channel\/)|(\/videos)/g;
const gfconfig = {
addTrending: true,
libraryAsGuideSectionTitle: true,
libraryFolderIcon: true,
historyItemSignedOut: true,
exploreSectionToBestOfYT: true,
expandSubscriptionsSection: true,
remove: {
shorts: true,
yourVideos: true,
yourClips: true,
exploreSectionSignedIn: true,
librarySignedOut: true,
const gfi18n = {
en: {
whatToWatch: "What to Watch",
myChannel: "My channel"
* Get a string from the localization strings.
* @param {string} string Name of string to get
* @param {string} hl Language to use.
* @param {...array} args Strings.
* @returns {string}
function getString(string, hl = "en", ...args) {
if (!string) return;
var str;
if (gfi18n[hl]) {
if (gfi18n[hl][string]) {
str = gfi18n[hl][string];
} else if (gfi18n.en[string]) {
str = gfi18n.en[string];
} else {
} else {
if (gfi18n.en[string]) str = gfi18n.en[string];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
str = str.replace(/%s/, args[i]);
return str;
* Is the user signed in?
* @returns bool
function isSignedIn() {
return yt.config_.LOGGED_IN ?? false;
* @param {object} sections Guide sections array.
* @param {string} icon Icon type to look for
function getItemByIcon(sections, icon) {
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (sections[i].guideSectionRenderer?.items) {
var section = sections[i].guideSectionRenderer.items;
for (var j = 0; j < section.length; j++) {
if (section[j].guideEntryRenderer) {
if (section[j].guideEntryRenderer?.icon?.iconType == icon) {
return section[j];
} else if (section[j]?.guideCollapsibleSectionEntryRenderer?.sectionItems) {
var colsection = section[j].guideCollapsibleSectionEntryRenderer.sectionItems;
for (var k = 0; k < colsection.length; k++) {
if (colsection[k].guideEntryRenderer) {
if (colsection[k].guideEntryRenderer?.icon?.iconType == icon) {
return colsection[k];
return "Could not find item";
* Force Polymer to refresh data of an element.
* @param {Node} element Element to refresh data of.
function refreshData(element) {
var clone = element.cloneNode();
clone.data = element.data;
// Let the script know we left our mark
// in a way that doesn't rely on classes
// because Polymer likes to cast comments
// into the void for later reuse
clone.data.fixedByGF = true;
for (var i in element.properties) {
clone[i] = element[i];
element.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", clone);
* Modify the guide.
* @param {Node} guide ytd-guide-renderer
* @returns object
function modifyGuide(guide) {
if (gfconfig.remove.guideFooter) {
waitForElm("#footer.ytd-guide-renderer").then((elm) => {
var sections = guide.data.items;
var mainSection = sections[0].guideSectionRenderer.items;
for (var i = 0; i < mainSection.length; i++) {
if (mainSection[i].guideEntryRenderer) {
var item = mainSection[i].guideEntryRenderer;
if (item.icon.iconType == "WHAT_TO_WATCH" && gfconfig.homeToWhatToWatch) {
item.formattedTitle = {
simpleText: getString("whatToWatch", yt.config_.HL)
if (item.icon.iconType == "TAB_SHORTS" && gfconfig.remove.shorts) {
mainSection.splice(i, 1);
if (item.icon.iconType == "SUBSCRIPTIONS") {
if (gfconfig.addMyChannel && isSignedIn()) {
var yourVideos = getItemByIcon(sections, "MY_VIDEOS");
var ucid = yourVideos.guideEntryRenderer.navigationEndpoint.urlEndpoint.url.replace(VIDEOS_URL_REGEX, "");
mainSection.splice(i, 0, {
guideEntryRenderer: {
navigationEndpoint: {
clickTrackingParams: "CBwQtSwYASITCNqYh-qO_fACFcoRrQYdP44D9Q==",
commandMetadata: {
webCommandMetadata: {
url: "/channel/" + ucid,
rootVe: 6827,
apiUrl: "/youtubei/v1/browse"
browseEndpoint: {
browseId: ucid
icon: {
trackingParams: "CBwQtSwYASITCNqYh-qO_fACFcoRrQYdP44D9Q==",
formattedTitle: {
simpleText: getString("myChannel", yt.config_.HL)
accessibility: {
accessibilityData: {
label: getString("myChannel", yt.config_.HL)
if (gfconfig.addTrending) {
mainSection.splice(i, 0, getItemByIcon(sections, "TRENDING"));
if (gfconfig.historyItemSignedOut && !isSignedIn()) {