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LZT Prefix Redesign by ilyhalight

Screenshot of LZT Prefix Redesign



LicenseNo License

Categorylolz, zelenka



Size26 kB


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Редизайнуты префиксы, метки пользователей, добавлены иконки, сделаны более приятные цвета


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         LZT Prefix Redesign
@version      1.0.0
@namespace    lzt-prefix-redesign
@description  LLL
@author       Toil
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {
  Exclusive for LZT Upgrade
    - Telegram (
    - Github (
    - Toil (
:root {
  --label-curator-color: 206, 206, 206;
  --label-author-color: 206, 206, 206;
  --label-responder-color: 255, 79, 79;
  --label-owner-conservation-color: 251, 159, 22;
  --label-bg-opacity: 0.1;
  --badge-test-color: 61, 136, 185;
  --badge-moderated-color: 101, 100, 167;
  --badge-draft-color: 206, 206, 206;
  --badge-declined-color: 136, 68, 68;
  --badge-bg-opacity: 0.25;
  --tag-border-color: 54, 54, 54;
  --tag-border-hover-color: 74, 74, 74;
  --prefix-general-color: 206, 206, 206;
  --prefix-market-color: 50, 157, 109;
  --prefix-nomarket-color: 204, 83, 83;
  --prefix-important-color: 255, 79, 79;
  --prefix-buy-color: 193, 108, 155;
  --prefix-massbuy-color: 213, 133, 63;
  --prefix-sell-color: 86, 151, 183;
  --prefix-shop-color: 107, 170, 91;
  --prefix-exchange-color: 166, 111, 111;
  --prefix-socks4-color: 149, 195, 219;
  --prefix-royalblue-color: 93, 128, 230;
  --prefix-yellow-color: 193, 193, 39;
  --prefix-vk-color: 83, 150, 225;
  --prefix-steam-color: 124, 149, 191;
  --prefix-origin-color: 185, 137, 75;
  --prefix-uplay-color: 54, 157, 189;
  --prefix-checked-color: 37, 183, 116;
  --prefix-newbie-color: 179, 107, 107;
  --prefix-junior-color: 102, 178, 202;
  --prefix-middle-color: 63, 140, 208;
  --prefix-senior-color: 156, 112, 219;
  --prefix-studio-color: 71, 163, 135;
  --prefix-painter-color: 179, 82, 160;
  --prefix-loginpass-color: 148, 114, 185;
  --prefix-numberpass-color: 98, 145, 168;
  --prefix-authorthread-color: 153, 100, 130;
  --prefix-hash-color: 183, 91, 47;
  --prefix-usa-color: 166, 79, 99;
  --prefix-dump-color: 173, 81, 81;
  --prefix-tournament-color: 62, 145, 106;
  --prefix-gameupdate-color: 117, 164, 204;
  --prefix-fastcontest-color: 162, 94, 234;
  --prefix-ultrafastcontest-color: 229, 217, 163;
  --prefix-bg-opacity: 0.1;
  --prefix-border-radius: 4px;

.chat-curator-label {
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.chat-curator-label:before {
  content: "\f0e7";
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  font-weight: 400 !important;
  margin-right: 0.25rem;

.owner_conservation_ls {
  background: rgba(var(--label-owner-conservation-color), 0.1) !important;
  color: rgb(var(--label-owner-conservation-color)) !important;
.owner_conservation_ls:before {
  content: "\f521";
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  font-weight: 400 !important;
  margin-right: 0.25rem;

.as--class {
  display: inline-flex;
} {
  background: rgba(var(--label-author-color), var(--label-bg-opacity)) !important;
  color: rgb(var(--label-author-color)) !important;
} {
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} {
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} {
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  height: 1em;
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.as--class.responder {
  background: rgba(var(--label-responder-color), var(--label-bg-opacity)) !important;
  color: rgb(var(--label-responder-color)) !important;
.as--class.responder:before {
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  height: 1em;
  align-self: center;
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  background-repeat: no-repeat;
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.badge {
  font-weight: 600;
.badge:before {
  font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Pro";
  font-weight: 400 !important;
  margin-right: 0.25rem;
.badge.test {
  background: rgba(var(--badge-test-color), var(--badge-bg-opacity)) !important;
  color: rgb(var(--badge-test-color)) !important;
.badge.test:before {
  content: "\f6e1";
.badge.moderated {
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.badge.moderated:before {
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.badge.declined {
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.badge.declined:before {
  content: "\f0e3";
.badge.draft {
  background: rgba(var(--badge-draft-color), 0.1) !important;
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.badge.draft:before {
  content: "\f568";

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.tagList .tag:before {
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  margin-left: -5px;
.tagList .tag:hover {
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  border-radius: var(--prefix-border-radius);

.prefix {
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.prefix:before {
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.prefix:after {
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  width: 2px;
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  background: currentColor;
.prefix.general, .prefix.bases_zabugor {
  background: rgba(var(--prefix-general-color), 0.1);
  color: rgb(var(--prefix-general-color));
.prefix.icon.upgrade_contest {
  padding-left: 10px;
  padding-right: 4px;
.prefix.icon.ultra_fast_contest {
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  padding-right: 15px;
.prefix.icon.fast_contest {
  padding-left: 9px;
  padding-right: 14px;
} {
  background: rgba(var(--prefix-market-color), var(--prefix-bg-opacity));
  color: rgb(var(--prefix-market-color));
} {
  content: "\f07a";
.prefix.nomarket {
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  color: rgb(var(--prefix-nomarket-color));
.prefix.nomarket:before {
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  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;
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  background-size: 100%;
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