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9ANIME THEME FOR HIANIME by griffenhiggins




LicenseNo License




Size26 kB


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Makes HiAnime look like 9anime


Tested on Firefox at 100% at 1920x1080 resolution while signed in and out. Starts having issues after zooming in twice, should work on all browsers.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@version      20240831.04.07
@description  Makes HiAnime look like 9anime
@author       griffenhiggins
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

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content: "Near the end of 2016, after checking popular free anime streaming sites, we found most sites lacked a good user interface (UI) and did not provide a good user experience (UX). So, our product development team created 9anime to provide anime fans with a better one.";
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content: "Nearly 6 years later we decided to rewrite all of 9anime again. Our goal is to take 9anime to the next level.";
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content: "1/ What's 9anime?";
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content: "9anime is an anime streaming site where you can watch anime online in HD quality for free with English subtitles or dubbing. You can also download any anime you want without registration or payment required. Everything is free!";
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content: "2/ Is 9anime safe?";
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content: "Yes. We started this site to improve UX and are committed to keeping our users safe. We encourage all our users to notify us if anything looks suspicious. Please understand that we do have to run advertisements to maintain the site.";
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content: "3/ What's real 9anime?";
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content: "There are many fake/clones of 9anime sites. These sites may collect your information without consent. Please make sure you use or some mirrors listed on our sub reddit (check here).";
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