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Experimentally Ill by doomersson

Screenshot of Experimentally Ill






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tanki theme


solo job, borrowed css

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Experimentally Ill
@version      20240916.21.12
@description  tanki theme
@author       doomersson
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
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.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-containerInsideResults {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-containerInsideTeams {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-blueTeamTableContainer table tbody tr {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-redTeamTableContainer table tbody tr {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-blueTeamTableContainer table thead {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-redTeamTableContainer table thead {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-blueTeamTableContainer table tbody {
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}.BattleTabStatisticComponentStyle-redTeamTableContainer table tbody {
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}.BattlePassLobbyComponentStyle-menuBattlePass {
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}.ClanInvitationsComponentStyle-invitationContent {
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.EventBattlePassLobbyComponentStyle-buttonEventBattlePass:hover {
    box-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 0em 0em 0em 1px...


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