Customizable userstyle that improves DuckDuckGo. Removes ads, promotions, annoyances, and unnecessary elements. Improves visual consistency and comfort.
DuckDuckGo Tweaks, Clean, AdBlock by twu
Mirrored from
LicenseNo License
Size14 kB
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- Search result ads
- Product promotions
- Feedback prompts
- Tips
- Footer
- Related searches (optional)
- AI Chat suggestions (optional)
- Image dimensions (optional, disabled by default)
- Other unnecessary elements
- Rounds calculator design to match other widgets
- Rounds some image corners (optional)
- Resizes AI Chat icon (optional, disabled by default)
- Extra DuckDuckGo logos and a custom logo option (optional, disabled by default)
Custom logos
- Use CSS syntax in the "Custom logo" field. For example
Made for desktop, also works on mobile. Not tested with all browsers.
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name DuckDuckGo Tweaks, Clean, AdBlock
@description Improves DuckDuckGo
@author twu
@preprocessor stylus
@var select logo "Logo" ["default:Default", "simple_dark:Simple (dark)", "simple_light:Simple (light)", "custom:Custom", "none:None"]
@var text customLogo "Custom logo" url(placeholder)
@var checkbox hideRelatedSearches "Hide related searches" 1
@var checkbox roundImageCorners "Round image corners" 1
@var checkbox hideImageDimensions "Hide image dimensions" 0
@var checkbox resizeAiChatIcon "Resize AI Chat icon" 0
@var checkbox hideAiChatSuggestedPrompts "Hide AI Chat suggestions" 1
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* === Search results === */
/* Footer */
div.footer {
display: none !important;
/* AdBlock notice */
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/* Lower feedback prompt */
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display: none;
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display: none;
/* New feature promo message */
.header--text_promo {
display: none;
/* New feedback buttons */
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display: none;
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display: none;
[data-testid="feedback-prompt"] {
display: none;
/* Related searches */
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/* "Spread DDG" promo */
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/* Promo popup */
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display: none;
/* Search result ads */
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display: none !important;
/* Always private reminder */
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display: none;
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.c1GwqC__eRoEs0cLTIfL {
margin: 0;
margin-right: calc(16 * var(--sds-base-px-in-rem));
/* Remove text feedback prompts */ {
display: none;
/* Remove "Privacy, Simplified" slogan that sometimes appears */
div.header--aside__item.header--aside__item--hidden-lg:has(a[href="/updates"]) {
display: none;
/* Resize AI chat icon */
if resizeAiChatIcon {
svg:has([clip-path="url(#ai-chat-16_svg__a)"]) {
height: 15px;
/* Remove space used by removed feedback options */
div.footer__addons {
display: none;
/* Instant answers info icon */
.modal-trig.attribution-wrap--top.hide--screen-s.hide--mob {
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margin-left: 14px;
border-radius: var(--default-border-radius);
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@media only screen and (max-width: 60em) {
button.tile__ctrl__btn[value="0"] {
border-radius: 0 0 0 var(--default-border-radius);
/* === AI Chat === */
/* AI chat suggested prompts */
if hideAiChatSuggestedPrompts {
.FMX8dqvgZtyN5QKD1Jqh {
display: none;
.I6CVUUO_cGkH7iSsYnTs.wZ4JdaHxSAhGy1HoNVja.yGEuosa_aZeFroGMfpgu {
display: none;
/* AI chat tips */
.p_MRtUC4XMCa9PIfpEq7:has(.QLDhB7PxVHgya0dzSjdR.ZASe2Ol2ny8sYVP56m5i) {
display: none;
/* AI chat background */
.eG8i9sr07ekwPsI1_Tsp.Q2ghG6lzseiqi2ymD3LK, .eG8i9sr07ekwPsI1_Tsp.Q2ghG6lzseiqi2ymD3LK.c2WHFU3xZT6MwfzwdUwG {
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/* === Image results === */
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if hideImageDimensions {
/* Image dimensions */
.tile--img__dimensions {
display: none !important;
/* Hide "Images" from the top of the images results */
.tileview-top-module.js-tileview-top-module {
display: none;
/* === Logo === */
/* Simple logo */
if logo == simple_dark {
.header__logo.js-logo-ddg {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg role='img' focusable='false' aria-hidden='true' xmlns='' fill='%23fff' viewBox='0 0 14 14'%3E%3Cpath d='m 0.9818,7.0182 q 0,-2.6087 1.7047523,-4.31345 Q 4.3913046,1 7.0000002,1 9.6086959,1 11.313448,2.70475 13.0182,4.4095 13.0182,7.0182 q 0,2.20829 -1.249747,3.79778 Q 10.518706,12.40546 8.3710821,12.8908 8.2618809,12.68453 7.9646109,12.25986 7.667341,11.83519 7.5460063,11.58038 q 0.7765419,0.31547 1.0434782,0.31547 0.1941355,0 0.1941355,-0.60667 0,-1.12841 -0.2062689,-1.12841 -0.3033367,0 -1.1769464,0.66734 0,-0.16987 -0.1820021,-0.1456 l -0.060667,0 Q 6.8422654,9.8453 6.8422654,9.19009 q 0,-0.182 0.0364,-0.364 1.1162791,0.546 1.7957533,0.546 0.3761375,0 1.1344793,-0.2184 0.758342,-0.2184 0.758342,-0.4732 0,-0.15774 -0.206269,-0.15774 -0.31547,0 -0.9100103,0.0849 -0.59454,0.0849 -0.9100101,0.0849 -0.3276037,0 -0.7219414,-0.16987 -0.3943377,-0.16987 -0.3943377,-0.46107 0,-0.0607 0.0182,-0.091 0.0182,-0.0303 0.054601,-0.0364 0.0364,-0.006 0.072801,0 0.0364,0.006 0.097068,0.0121 0.060667,0.006 0.1092012,0.006 0.1092012,0 0.3154701,0.0303 0.206269,0.0303 0.3033367,0.0303 0.3761376,0 1.5409505,-0.44287 1.164813,-0.44287 1.164813,-0.68554 0,-0.1456 -0.224469,-0.20627 -0.224469,-0.0607 -0.418605,-0.0607 -0.169868,0 -0.5096055,0.091 -0.3397371,0.091 -0.7401416,0.2184 -0.4004044,0.1274 -0.5338726,0.1638 0.048534,-0.24267 0.048534,-0.38827 0,-0.57027 -0.3033367,-1.32861 Q 8.1162799,4.6155 7.7158754,4.2515 7.3882718,3.9603 6.8422657,3.8511 6.5025286,3.41429 5.7805873,3.05635 5.0586459,2.69842 4.5005064,2.69842 q -0.1092012,0 -0.3336704,0.0425 -0.2244692,0.0425 -0.2851365,0.0546 l -0.2669363,0.37614 0.072801,0.0121 q 0.084934,0 0.2608696,-0.0243 0.1759353,-0.0243 0.2608695,-0.0243 0.4125379,0 0.9464105,0.16987 -0.3397371,0.16987 -0.5945399,0.23053 -0.024267,0.0121 -0.1577351,0.0303 -0.1334681,0.0182 -0.2244691,0.0364 -0.091001,0.0182 -0.1698686,0.0728 -0.078867,0.0546 -0.078867,0.13953 0.6794742,-0.0728 1.0192113,-0.0728 0.4610718,0 0.7280081,0.0849 -0.9342771,0.1092 -1.437816,0.64307 -0.5035389,0.53387 -0.5035389,1.46815 0,0.32761 0.048534,0.60667 0.2305359,1.45602 0.8857432,4.34379 0.4004045,1.86855 0.4489383,2.06269 L 5.1314461,13 Q 3.1900912,12.39333 2.0859456,10.74924 0.9818,9.10516 0.9818,7.0182 Z M 4.4155715,5.51365 q 0,0.0728 0.0364,0.1456 -0.012134,-0.19413 0.2184024,-0.33974 0.2305359,-0.1456 0.4368049,-0.1456 0.097068,0 0.2426693,0.0607 -0.1213346,-0.15773 -0.3518705,-0.15773 -0.206269,0 -0.3943378,0.11526 -0.1880687,0.11527 -0.1880687,0.32154 z m 0.4004044,0.91001 q 0,-0.15773 0.1274015,-0.28514 0.1274014,-0.1274 0.2851365,-0.1274 0.157735,0 0.2851365,0.1274 0.1274014,0.12741 0.1274014,0.28514 0,0.15774 -0.1274014,0.28514 Q 5.3862489,6.8362 5.2285139,6.8362 5.0707788,6.8362 4.9433774,6.7088 4.8159759,6.5814 4.8159759,6.42366 Z M 5.3013147,6.29019 q 0,0.0971 0.1092012,0.0971 0.1092012,0 0.1092012,-0.0971 0,-0.1092 -0.1092012,-0.1092 -0.1092012,0 -0.1092012,0.1092 z M 7.3397373,5.23458 q 0.097068,-0.15773 0.4489383,-0.15773 0.1577351,0 0.4004045,0.12133 -0.1213347,-0.26694 -0.4246714,-0.26694 -0.3761375,0 -0.4246714,0.30334 z m 0.2790698,0.94641 q 0,-0.1456 0.1092012,-0.24874 0.1092012,-0.10313 0.2426694,-0.10313 0.1456016,0 0.2487361,0.10313 0.1031344,0.10314 0.1031344,0.24874 0,0.13347 -0.1031344,0.24267 -0.1031345,0.1092 -0.2487361,0.1092 -0.1334682,0 -0.2426694,-0.1092 Q 7.6188071,6.31446 7.6188071,6.18099 Z M 8.0434785,6.05966 q 0,0.0971 0.084934,0.0971 0.097068,0 0.097068,-0.0971 0,-0.0849 -0.097068,-0.0849 -0.084934,0 -0.084934,0.0849 z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important;
if logo == simple_light {
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background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg role='img' focusable='false' aria-hidden='true' xmlns='' fill='%23161616' viewBox='0 0 14 14'%3E%3Cpath d='m 0.9818,7.0182 q 0,-2.6087 1.7047523,-4.31345 Q 4.3913046,1 7.0000002,1 9.6086959,1 11.313448,2.70475 13.0182,4.4095 13.0182,7.0182 q 0,2.20829 -1.249747,3.79778 Q 10.518706,12.40546 8.3710821,12.8908 8.2618809,12.68453 7.9646109,12.25986 7.667341,11.83519 7.5460063,11.58038 q 0.7765419,0.31547 1.0434782,0.31547 0.1941355,0 0.1941355,-0.60667 0,-1.12841 -0.2062689,-1.12841 -0.3033367,0 -1.1769464,0.66734 0,-0.16987 -0.1820021,-0.1456 l -0.060667,0 Q 6.8422654,9.8453 6.8422654,9.19009 q 0,-0.182 0.0364,-0.364 1.1162791,0.546 1.7957533,0.546 0.3761375,0 1.1344793,-0.2184 0.758342,-0.2184 0.758342,-0.4732 0,-0.15774 -0.206269,-0.15774 -0.31547,0 -0.9100103,0.0849 -0.59454,0.0849 -0.9100101,0.0849 -0.3276037,0 -...