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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name - Dark Theme
@version      0.4.2
@description  Dark Theme for
@author       Pabli (
@license      CC-BY-SA-4.0
@preprocessor stylus
@var          checkbox forum    "Forum Theme for 'carbon' color scheme (you can change skin in" 1
@var          checkbox sb       "Dark scrollbar"   1
@var          color    bg1      "Background 1"     #1d1d1d
@var          color    bg2      "Background 2"     #222
@var          color    bg3      "Background 3"     #1e1e1e
@var          color    bgh      "Background hover" #2d2d2d
@var          color    text1    "Text 1"           #ccc
@var          color    text2    "Text 2"           #eee
@var          color    text3    "Text 3"           #bbb
@var          color    text4    "Text 4"           #aaa
@var          color    textw    "Text white"       #fff
@var          color    textb    "Text black"       #000
@var          color    textp    "Text pink"        #fba6ff
@var          color    border1  "Border 1"         rgba(0,0,0,.08)
@var          color    border2  "Border 2"         #242424
@var          color    border3  "Border 3"         #333
==/UserStyle== */

// bg1     #1d1d1d          #ccc
// bg2     #222             #e1e1e1
// bg3     #1e1e1e          #d2d2d2
// bgh     #2d2d2d          #e5e5e5 #ececec
// text1   #ccc             #212121
// text2   #eee             #262626 #1a1a1a
// text3   #bbb             #595959 gray
// text4   #aaa             #4c4c4c #404040
// textw   #fff             #000000
// textb   #000             #ffffff
// textp   #fba6ff          #78387b #86328a
// border1 rgba(0,0,0,.08)
// border2 #242424
// border3 #333

i = !important

@-moz-document regexp("https?:\/\/(www|support)?\.gog\.com\/(?!u|feed|profile).*") {

html, body {
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@-moz-document domain("") {

:root {
	color-scheme: dark
/* official dark theme /games body.dark-theme */
body, [customcolors] {
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if sb {
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.content, .wrapper {
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/* text headers titles */
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.gogmix__title, .product-row__title, .product-tile__title, .header__title>strong, product-price,
.news-item, .takeover__content {
	color: text2 i

/* search */
.menu-search__result {
	background: bg3
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.menu-search__results-more:hover {
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.menu-product .menu-product__price-btn {
	border: 1px solid border3
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.menu-product {
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.menu-product:hover {
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.highlighted {
	background: #867400
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/*  */
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