Tweaks for HiAnime:
- episode list bellow player & different styles
- hide/show different parts of page
- change page colors
- theatre mode
Size22 kB
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Tweaks for HiAnime:
/* ==UserStyle==
@name HiAnime - configurable
@version 1.5.0
@description Style for hianime with custom theme and other tweaks
@author Whatsu
@preprocessor stylus
@var checkbox cTop "Display Trending" 1
@var checkbox cTop5 "Display top tables" 0
@var checkbox cEpisodesBellow "Episodes always bellow player" 0
@var select sServer "Server" {
"Subbed Only":"sub",
"Dubbed Only":"dub"
@var select sEpisodes "Episodes" {
"Numbers only":"number",
"List only": "list"
@var select sTheme "Theme" {
@var color coPrimary "Primary" #0e0e0e
@var color coSecondary "Secondary" #26262666
@var color coHighlitght "Highlight" #f00
@var color coText "Text color" #f1f1f1
@var range rStretch "UI stretch" [90, 50, 100, 1, '%']
@var checkbox cTheather "Theater mode" 0
@var checkbox cDisqus "Display comments" 1
@var checkbox cDisqusMain "Display home page comments" 0
@var checkbox cNewOnSite "Display 'New On ..' section" 0
@var checkbox cSlideshow "Display slideshow" 1
@var checkbox cSchedule "Display schedule" 1
@var checkbox cTrending "Display trending anime" 1
@var checkbox cTrendingPost "Display trending post" 1
@var checkbox cWatchPopular "Display popular on watch page" 1
@var checkbox cHeader "Header always on top" 1
@var checkbox cTogether "Watch2gether" 1
@var checkbox cLogo "Hide Logo" 0
@var checkbox cScroll "Hide scrollbar" 0
@var checkbox cSeason "Hide season images" 0
@var range rImages "Image intensity" [90, 10, 100, 1, '%']
==/UserStyle== */
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