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LinkedIn Invite Button Remover by ccady

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This CSS hides the "Invite" and "Connect" links that appears on the "People You May Know" section of LinkedIn pages.

I am annoyed that LinkedIn tries to get me to add people in my address book to LinkedIn. I am happy to let them search my address book to find people already in LinkedIn who I could connect to, but I don't want to accidentally spam others in my address book.


In 2017, LinkedIn made a complete revamp of their site, making the "Invite" and "Connect" buttons CSS-identical, so I cannot remove one without removing the other. (Eff-off LinkedIn.) If you want to connect with a person, click on their name, and hit the "Connect" link from there.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         LinkedIn Invite Button Remover
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       ccady
@description  This CSS hides the "Invite" and "Connect" links that appears on the "People You May Know" section of LinkedIn pages.    I am annoyed that LinkedIn tries to get me to add people in my address book to LinkedIn.  I am happy to let them search my address book to find people *already in LinkedIn* who I could connect to, but I don't want to accidentally spam others in my address book.
@version      20171109.18.34
@license      CC0-1.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {
    /* Moves invite button off the screen so you don't accidentally invite non-LinkedIn users by email address */
    button[data-control-name="invite"] {
        margin-left: -2000px;


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