Outlook by mallowigi
Size44 kB
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Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Outlook
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.0
@description A new userstyle
@author Mallowigi
@var color aqua "Aqua" #50C4FA
@var color blue "Blue" #82aaff
@var color blue-dark "Blue Dark" #4976eb
@var color calendar "Calendar" #4fd6be
@var color cyan "Cyan" #86e1fc
@var color cyan-alt "Cyan Alt" #b4f9f8
@var color green "Green" #c3e88d
@var color indigo "Indigo" #7a88cf
@var color orange "Orange" #ff995e
@var color pink "Pink" #fca7ea
@var color purple "Purple" #c597f9
@var color red "Red" #ff5370
@var color red-alt "Red Alt" #FF98A4
@var color teal "Teal" #4fd6be
@var color yellow "Yellow" #ffc777
@var color text-dark "Text Dark" #828bb8
@var color text-faded "Text Faded" #828bb8ed
@var color text-gray "Text Gray" #a9b8e8
@var color text-light "Text Light" #e2e8fa
@var color text-paragraph "Text Paragraph" #c0cdf3
@var color text-placeholder "Text Placeholder" #c8d3f5aa
@var color text-primary "Text Primary" #c8d3f5
@var color text-secondary "Text Secondary" #b4c2f0
@var color scrollbar-thumb "Scrollbar Thumb" #828bb830
@var color scrollbar-track "Scrollbar Track" #1b1d2c
@var color selection-bg "Selection Bg" #82aaff
@var color selection-fg "Selection Fg" #e2e8fa
@var color aqua-desaturated "Aqua Desaturated" #7AB5D0
@var color blue-desaturated "Blue Desaturated" #A1B5E0
@var color blue-dark-desaturated "Blue Dark Desaturated" #7288C2
@var color cyan-desaturated "Cyan Desaturated" #A3D1DF
@var color cyan-alt-desaturated "Cyan Alt Desaturated" #C5E8E7
@var color green-desaturated "Green Desaturated" #BFD1A4
@var color indigo-desaturated "Indigo Desaturated" #8F96BA
@var color orange-desaturated "Orange Desaturated" #D7A486
@var color pink-desaturated "Pink Desaturated" #E7BCDE
@var color purple-desaturated "Purple Desaturated" #C7B0E1
@var color red-desaturated "Red Desaturated" #D47E8C
@var color red-alt-desaturated "Red Alt Desaturated" #E5B2B8
@var color teal-desaturated "Teal Desaturated" #71B4A8
@var color yellow-desaturated "Yellow Desaturated" #DDC199
@var color aqua-light "Aqua Light" #70CFFB
@var color blue-light "Blue Light" #A8C4FF
@var color blue-dark-light "Blue Dark Light" #658BEE
@var color cyan-light "Cyan Light" #ACEAFD
@var color cyan-alt-light "Cyan Alt Light" #DCFCFC
@var color green-light "Green Light" #D3EEAC
@var color indigo-light "Indigo Light" #929ED8
@var color orange-light "Orange Light" #FFAF81
@var color pink-light "Pink Light" #FDD0F4
@var color purple-light "Purple Light" #DABDFB
@var color red-light "Red Light" #FF758C
@var color red-alt-light "Red Alt Light" #FFC1C8
@var color teal-light "Teal Light" #67DCC7
@var color yellow-light "Yellow Light" #FFD69C
@var color aqua-transparent "Aqua Transparent" #50C4FA33
@var color blue-transparent "Blue Transparent" #82aaff33
@var color blue-dark-transparent "Blue Dark Transparent" #4976eb33
@var color cyan-transparent "Cyan Transparent" #86e1fc33
@var color cyan-alt-transparent "Cyan Alt Transparent" #b4f9f833
@var color green-transparent "Green Transparent" #c3e88d33
@var color indigo-transparent "Indigo Transparent" #7a88cf33
@var color orange-transparent "Orange Transparent" #ff995e33
@var color pink-transparent "Pink Transparent" #fca7ea33
@var color purple-transparent "Purple Transparent" #c597f933
@var color red-transparent "Red Transparent" #ff537033
@var color red-alt-transparent "Red Alt Transparent" #FF98A433
@var color teal-transparent "Teal Transparent" #4fd6be33
@var color yellow-transparent "Yellow Transparent" #ffc77733
@var color base-1 "Base 1" #131421
@var color base-2 "Base 2" #191b28
@var color base-3 "Base 3" #1b1d2c
@var color base-4 "Base 4" #1e2030
@var color base-5 "Base 5" #212337
@var color base-6 "Base 6" #222436
@var color base-7 "Base 7" #2f334d
@var color base-8 "Base 8" #383e5c
@var color base-9 "Base 9" #444a73
@var text ui-font-family "Ui Font Family" 'Inter V','Inter',sans-serif,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Helvetica,Arial,Apple Color Emoji,Segoe UI Emoji
@var text ui-font-size "Ui Font Size" 14px
@var text ui-font-weight "Ui Font Weight" 400
@var text mono-font-family "Mono Font Family" monospace
@var text mono-font-size "Mono Font Size" 100%
@var text mono-font-weight "Mono Font Weight" 500
@var text max-width "Max Width" 1012px
@var text selection-border "Selection Border" none
@var text scrollbar-chrome-radius "Scrollbar Chrome Radius" 0px
@var text scrollbar-chrome-size "Scrollbar Chrome Size" 6px
@var text elevation-1 "Elevation 1" 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)
@var text elevation-2 "Elevation 2" 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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