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Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@version    20240914.15.38
@namespace  ?
==/UserStyle== */

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#all-christal > span, #all-coin > span {
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/*     bottom: 1px; */
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.wrap-counts {

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.schedule-section .item .content-schedule .day-holder .is-today {
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.justify-content-between .left-block .user-full-name .profile-link {
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.homeworks-section .items-homework {
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body > mystat > ng-component > ng-component > div > div.content > div.wrapper > ng-component > div > div.items-homework > hw-item:nth-child(1) {
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body > mystat > ng-component > ng-component > div > div.content > div.wrapper > ng-component > div > div.items-homework > hw-item:nth-child(2) {
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body > mystat > ng-component > ng-component > div > div.content > div.wrapper > ng-component > div > div.items-homework > hw-item:nth-child(3) {
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body > mystat > ng-component > ng-component > div > div.content > div.wrapper > ng-component > div > div.items-homework > hw-item:nth-child(4) {
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