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Vorapis New Config Menu Translation by Mystery_Channel



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/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Vorapis Config Menu Translator
@version        1.1.1
@description    Custom strings for configuration menu
@author         Mystery_Channel
@preprocessor   stylus
@advanced text ontext "on" "'on'"
@advanced text offtext "off" "'off'"
@advanced text explist "'Experiment List'" "'Experiment List'"
@advanced text cental "'Center Alignment'" "'Center Alignment'"
@advanced text fustop "'Appbar Fusion Topbar'" "'Appbar Fusion Topbar'"
@advanced text cardpa "'Cardified Page'" "'Cardified Page'"
@advanced text gaia "'GaiaBar' (google bar)" "'GaiaBar'"
@advanced text preset "'Presets'" "'Presets'"
@advanced text search "'Searchbox'" "'Searchbox'"
@advanced text descpres "'Combination of multiple experiments accurate to different timeline experiences.'" "'Combination of multiple experiments accurate to different timeline experiences.'"
@advanced text descconf "'You can insert JSON or select file from your computer.'" "'You can insert JSON or select file from your computer.'"
@advanced text conf "'Configuration'" "'Configuration'"
@advanced text uimsg "'Uimsg'" "'Uimsg'"
@advanced text logtop "'Gamelog'" "'Gamelog'"
@advanced text about "'About'" "'About'"
@advanced text loadv3 "'Load page without V3'" "'Load page without V3'"
@advanced text config "'Import Config'" "'Import Config'"
@advanced text reseter "'Reset Importer'" "'Reset Importer'"
@advanced text imp "'Import'" "'Import'"
@advanced text togglerefresh "'Refresh page instantly after toggling a preset'" "'Refresh page instantly after toggling a preset'"
@advanced text expconf "'Export Config'" "'Export Config'"
@advanced text dconf "'Download Config'" "'Download Config'"
@advanced text duimsg "'Download Config'" "'Download Config'"
@advanced text localdb "'Download Full Localdb'" "'Download Full Localdb'"
@advanced text expdesc "'Configuration is stored as a JSON file.'" "'Configuration is stored as a JSON file.'"
@advanced text refresh "'You need to Refresh the page for your changes to take proper effect!'" "'You need to Refresh the page for your changes to take proper effect!'"
@advanced text refreshb "'Refresh'" "'Refresh'"
@advanced text updateb "'Update'" "'Update'"
@advanced text morelangpack "'Even more language packs'" "'Even more language packs'"
@advanced text desdesc "'This is a destructive action!'" "'This is a destructive action!'"
@advanced text categ "'Category'" "'Category'"
@advanced text resconf "'Reset Config'" "'Reset Config'"
@advanced text lanpac "'Laguage Pak' (Language Packs)" "'Laguage Pak'"
@advanced text implang "'Import Uimsg'" "'Import Uimsg'"
@advanced text langdesc "'Translations made by our community for various languages!~^^'" "'Translations made by our community for various languages!~^^'"
@advanced text uimsging "'Export Uimsg'" "'Export Uimsg'"
@advanced text uidesc "'Uimsg is stored as a JSON file.'" "'Uimsg is stored as a JSON file.'"
@advanced text jsonimp "'insert json...'" "'insert json...'"
@advanced text resuibtn "'Reset Uimsg'" "'Reset Uimsg'"
@advanced text resuitxt "'Reset Uimsg'" "'Reset Uimsg'"
@advanced text resconfbtn "'Reset Config'" "'Reset Configuration'"
@advanced text view "'VIEW'" "'VIEW'"
@advanced text update "'Stay updated!'" "'Stay updated!'"
@advanced text friends "'Our friends'" "'Our friends'"
@advanced text discord "'Discord Server'" "'Discord Server'"
@advanced text ofsite "'Official Website'" "'Official Website'"
@advanced text line1info "'Project VORAPIS (V3) started in 2021 as a response to the updates of the new Youtube layout consistently downgrading the user experience. V3 brings back the high speed, low performance impact layout YouTube was known for before 2017, with support reaching as far back as browsers designed for Windows XP.'" "'Project VORAPIS (V3) started in 2021 as a response to the updates of the new Youtube layout consistently downgrading the user experience. V3 brings back the high speed, low performance impact layout YouTube was known for before 2017, with support reaching as far back as browsers designed for Windows XP.'"
@advanced text line2info "'The layout V3 runs on is known as `Hitchhiker`, which is one branch of the Google JFK layout that was used primarily from 2011-2015, before Material came around to replace it. It was the first layout from Google that was consistent across all of their websites and services, and received much praise from release.'" "'The layout V3 runs on is known as `Hitchhiker`, which is one branch of the Google JFK layout that was used primarily from 2011-2015, before Material came around to replace it. It was the first layout from Google that was consistent across all of their websites and services, and received much praise from release.'"
@advanced text line3info "'Google+ Integration returns too with V3, with the fast and beautiful notification and comment systems that revolutionized YouTube`s Social Features, all within what is allowed in the YouTube Terms of Service.'" "'Google+ Integration returns too with V3, with the fast and beautiful notification and comment systems that revolutionized YouTube`s Social Features, all within what is allowed in the YouTube Terms of Service.'"
@advanced text license "'LICENSE'" "'LICENSE'"
@advanced text log "'Update log'" "'Update log'"
@advanced text noticelog "'Notice: Error logging has been discontinued.'" "'Notice: Error logging has been discontinued.'"
@advanced text leftaligned "'Left alignment switch. Legacy center layout is deprecated, this needs to be always enabled.'" "'Left alignment switch. Legacy center layout is deprecated, this needs to be always enabled.'"
@advanced text hitchhiker "'Hitchhiker enabled. Legacy layout is deprecated, this needs to be always enabled.'" "'Hitchhiker enabled. Legacy layout is deprecated, this needs to be always enabled.'"
@advanced text flexwidth "'Every feed will be forced to use flex width.'" "'Every feed will be forced to use flex width.'"
@advanced text snapwidth "'Uses CSW. Not implemented.'" "'Uses CSW. Not implemented.'"
@advanced text gbarmodern "'Gbar will use modern 2012 style update.'" "'Gbar will use modern 2012 style update.'"
@advanced text lazyloading "'Subscription list will be built asyncronous. Do never disable this unless its causing problem.'" "'Subscription list will be built asyncronous. Do never disable this unless its causing problem.'"
@advanced text guideautoexpand "'The guide will be shown in watch page instead of hidden.'" "'The guide will be shown in watch page instead of hidden.'"
@advanced text guideshowsub "'Guide section title Subscription will have (Count).'" "'Guide section title Subscription will have (Count).'"
@advanced text guideoptsub "'Subscription list will be render only when you are scrolling to avoid page slow down. Do never disable this unless its causing problem.'" "'Subscription list will be render only when you are scrolling to avoid page slow down. Do never disable this unless its causing problem.'"
@advanced text channelselectg "'Channel selector will be able to choose a different Google account.'" "'Channel selector will be able to choose a different Google account.'"
@advanced text hidedocumentuntilsafety "'Deprecated'" "'Deprecated'"
@advanced text ddr "'Debug'" "'Debug'"
@advanced text viewmgrent "'Navitronic only affects page content, not pageframe. Do not disable this.'" "'Navitronic only affects page content, not pageframe. Do not disable this.'"
@advanced text iframeplrfail "'When the video player will fail, the new player will loading an embed. It’s suggested to not use this.'" "'When the video player will fail, the new player will loading an embed. It’s suggested to not use this.'"
@advanced text datapi "'Using Data Api Response for more information in Channel.'" "'Using Data Api Response for more information in Channel.'"
@advanced text hideuntilresponse "'Makes V3 init behave more similar to a normal website.'" "'Makes V3 init behave more similar to a normal website.'"
@advanced text watchheadlinefix "'Extra styling to make watch7 video edit perfect.'" "'Extra styling to make watch7 video edit perfect.'"
@advanced text videotitleglo "'Normally, only Distiller will build video link with title instead of just the url, you can do that to every link.'" "'Normally, only Distiller will build video link with title instead of just the url, you can do that to every link.'"
@advanced text navitronicload "'Using a beautiful red loading bar like SPF navigation.'" "'Using a beautiful red loading bar like SPF navigation.'"
@advanced text watchtheater "'This setting will be switched by video player on enabling teather. Do not change this yourself.'" "'This setting will be switched by video player on enabling teather. Do not change this yourself.'"
@advanced text flexmini "'Watch page will have bigger sizes on bigger display.'" "'Watch page will have bigger sizes on bigger display.'"
@advanced text minicinema "'Watch page teather mode improvement.'" "'Watch page teather mode improvement.'"
@advanced text minicinemamove "'Watch page teather mode improvement will push left alignment guide in order to continue using it.'" "'Watch page teather mode improvement will push left alignment guide in order to continue using it.'"
@advanced text appbarplrlst "'Watch Appbar Playlist is not yet implement.'" "'Watch Appbar Playlist is not yet implement.'"
@advanced text plrlstautopldelay "'Playlist next video will loading after a delay.'" "'Playlist next video will loading after a delay.'"
@advanced text watchheadlinetrend "'The supertitle will be show above title like mobile app.'" "'The supertitle will be show above title like mobile app.'"
@advanced text autopldeleg "'Watch Autoplay Up Next'" "'Watch Autoplay Up Next'"
@advanced text mastpos "'The topbar will be fixed position, show when scrolling as well.'" "'The topbar will be fixed position, show when scrolling as...


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