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Prohardver grey-orange by aldebaran

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Prohardver and other same site grey-orange style


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Prohardver grey-orange
@version      20240918.21.13
@namespace - DanielBarizs
@description  Prohardver and other same site grey-orange style
@author       Aldebaran - DanielBarizs
@license      free
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/*felso menusav - hatterszin, aktív elem, eger alatti elem, arnyekolas, betuszin, menusav magassaga*/
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/*en adtam hozza*/

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input, textarea, select, button {
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.media {
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#page-index-2 #middle > .container {
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/*eddig adtam hozza*/
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#header-menu .navbar-nav > li > a:hover {
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#center {
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/*paddig eltuntetese a statikus header miatt, statikus header, header szinezese, keresosav, gombok*/
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#header {
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#header-sticky {
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.input-group-btn .btn, .btn {
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/*Dropdown menuk, profilkep*/
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ul.dropdown-menu li a:hover {
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container-fluid > .pager-navbar .navbar-nav .btn-default, .pager-navbar .navbar-nav .btn-default:hover, .pager-navbar .navbar-nav .btn-default:focus, .pager-navbar .navbar-nav .btn-default, .pager-navbar .navbar-nav .btn-default:hover, .pager-navbar .navbar-nav .btn-default:focus {
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} {
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.msg-list .card .card-header .dropdown-menu {
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.msg-list .card .card-header .dropdown-menu :not(.disabled) a:hover {
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/*footer színe, footer linkek színe, PH! ikonok beállítása a footernél és a headernél*/
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#foot a {
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.ph::before, .ma::before, .it::before, .gp::before, .lo::before, .ha::before {
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/*hatter szine, betumeret, forum felso navi-sav-> elvalasztok szine*/
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.breadcrumb > li + li::before {
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/*kártya háttér színe, kártya fejléc szín*/
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.card .card-header {
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#center .card {
    background-color: transparent;
/*topic lista dobozméret, komment header, komment header elválasztók, komment header dátum,
kommentek háttere, árnyékolása*/
 .thread-list .media-body {
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.msg-list .card .card-header a:not(.dropdown-item) {
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.msg-list .card .card-header .list-inline > li + li {
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.msg-list .card .card-header {
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.card, .thread-list {
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/*heading-betűméretek, heading színe, bal oldali headingek elrejtése, kártya keretek eltőntetése*/
 #left .card .card-header, #right .card .card-header .card-body{
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h4, .h4 {
    font-size: 16px;
#left > div > h4 {
    display: none;
.card {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0px;
/*fórum-lista lekerekítés+színezés, árnyékolások, lapozó sáv lekerekítése*/
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.forum-list .media {
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.pager-navbar {
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.panel {
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.forum-list a {
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/*Beszúrás: háttér elsötétítése ki (bugos telefonon)*/
 .modal-backdrop {
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/*Fórum főoldal színek*/
 .forum-list .media:not(.forum-group) {
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/*Topik-lista váltott soros színezése, csicsa árnyék egér alatti listaelemre, kedvencek formázása(betűméret, szín), gombok (?)*/
 .thread-list .media {
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.thread-list .media:nth-of-type(2n+1) {
    background: #414141;
.thread-list .media:nth-of-type(1) {
    background: rgb(158, 93, 31);
.list-group .list-group-item:hover, .forum-list .media-body:hover, .thread-list .media-body:hover {
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.user-thread-list .thread-actions {
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    font-weight: normal;
.forum-list .forum-group:not(:nth-child(1)) {
    margin-top: 10px;
.modal-content {
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.rtif-formats > .btn-group > .btn {
    background-color: #5EB2B8;
.msg-controls > div > .btn-group > .btn[data-close=""] {
    background-color: #5EB2B8;
/*oldalsó kárty...


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