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npm Catppuccin by Iridescent-cdu

Screenshot of npm Catppuccin






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Soothing pastel theme for npm


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name npm Catppuccin
@version 0.0.11
@description Soothing pastel theme for npm
@author Catppuccin
@license MIT

@preprocessor less
@var select lightFlavor "Light Flavor" ["latte:Latte*", "frappe:Frappé", "macchiato:Macchiato", "mocha:Mocha"]
@var select darkFlavor "Dark Flavor" ["latte:Latte", "frappe:Frappé", "macchiato:Macchiato", "mocha:Mocha*"]
@var select accentColor "Accent" ["rosewater:Rosewater", "flamingo:Flamingo", "pink:Pink", "mauve:Mauve*", "red:Red", "maroon:Maroon", "peach:Peach", "yellow:Yellow", "green:Green", "teal:Teal", "blue:Blue", "sapphire:Sapphire", "sky:Sky", "lavender:Lavender", "subtext0:Gray"]
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
    :root {
      #catppuccin(@lightFlavor, @accentColor);
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root {
      #catppuccin(@darkFlavor, @accentColor);

  #catppuccin(@lookup, @accent) {
    @rosewater: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@rosewater];
    @flamingo: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@flamingo];
    @pink: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@pink];
    @mauve: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@mauve];
    @red: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@red];
    @maroon: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@maroon];
    @peach: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@peach];
    @yellow: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@yellow];
    @green: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@green];
    @teal: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@teal];
    @sky: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@sky];
    @sapphire: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@sapphire];
    @blue: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@blue];
    @lavender: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@lavender];
    @text: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@text];
    @subtext1: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@subtext1];
    @subtext0: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@subtext0];
    @overlay2: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@overlay2];
    @overlay1: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@overlay1];
    @overlay0: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@overlay0];
    @surface2: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@surface2];
    @surface1: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@surface1];
    @surface0: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@surface0];
    @base: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@base];
    @mantle: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@mantle];
    @crust: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@crust];
    @accent-color: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@@accent];

    @red-filter: @catppuccin[@@lookup][@red_filter];

    color-scheme: if(@lookup = latte, light, dark);
    accent-color: @accent-color;

    ::selection {
      background-color: fade(@accent-color, 30%);

    textarea {
      background-color: transparent;

      &:focus {
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px @accent-color;

      &::placeholder {
        color: @subtext0 !important;

    @npmGradient: linear-gradient(139deg, @peach, @maroon, @red, @pink);

    --color-fg-default: @text;
    --color-fg-muted: @subtext1;
    --color-fg-subtle: @subtext0;
    --color-fg-on-emphasis: @base;
    --color-fg-brand: @red;
    --color-fg-accent: @blue;
    --color-fg-success: @green;
    --color-fg-attention: @yellow;
    --color-fg-danger: @red;
    --color-border-strong: @surface0;

    --header-color: @text;
    /* Used on deprecation confirmation page */
    --wombat-red: @maroon;
    --wombat-red-hover: @red;

    main {
      background-color: @base !important;
      color: @text;

    /* Primary background */
    ._4ea0e50d {
      background-color: @base;

    /* Background layer background */
    .e9998f88 {
      background-color: @mantle;

    /* Primary text */
    a {
      color: @text;

    /* Secondary text */
    .dim:hover {
      color: @subtext0;

    /* Inverse text */
    .white {
      color: @base;

    /* Border colors */
    .b--black-20 {
      border-color: @surface0;

    /* --- ARBITRARY --- */

    /* Top loading bar */ {
      background-color: @red;

    /* Magnifying glass icon (search box, discover packages) */
    svg g[stroke="#777777"] {
      stroke: @subtext0;

    /* "Beta" pill */
    .a17280e0 {
      color: @green;
      border-color: @green;
    /* Green checkmark */
    [fill="#107010"] {
      fill: @green;

    /* --- HEADER --- */
    [data-test-id="notification-banner"] {
      background-color: if(
        @lookup = latte,
        desaturate(lighten(@green, 30%), 5%),
        desaturate(darken(@green, 5%), 5%)
      border-color: @green;

      button[aria-label="Close notification"] {
        color: if(@lookup = latte, @text, @base);
    header {
      border-bottom-color: @surface0;

      /* Top bar gradient */
      .e7070742 {
        border-image: @npmGradient 3;

      /* Heart icon */
      ._0edb515f {
        color: @text;

      /* Logo */
      a[href="/"] > svg > path {
        fill: @text;

      /* Search box */
      form#search {
        button[type="submit"] {
          background-color: @subtext1;

        > div {
          border-color: @crust;

          &:focus-within {
            border-color: @subtext1;

          > div {
            background-color: @crust;

            input[type="search"] {
              color: @text;

              &:focus {
                box-shadow: none;

              &::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
                display: none;

          /* Floating live results */
          ul li {
            border-bottom-color: @surface0;
            color: @text;

      /* Profile picture navigation */
      nav:has(> button[aria-label="Profile menu"]) {
        > button {
          /* Dropdown arrow */
          img[alt="avatar"] {
            border-color: @text;

            + div > svg {
              fill: @text;

        /* Popup */
        > div > div {
          border-color: @surface0;

          /* Popup triangle */
          &::after {
            border-bottom-color: @base;
          &::before {
            border-bottom-color: @surface0;

          /* Username */
          h2 {
            border-bottom-color: @surface1;

            span {
              color: @text;

          /* Navigation options */
          ul li a {
            &:focus {
              background-color: @crust;

            /* Red "Add Organization" button */
            &[href="/org/create"] {
              border-color: @surface0;
              color: @red;
              svg {
                fill: @red;

    /* --- HOME PAGE --- */

    ._8c1ee087 {
      background-image: linear-gradient(
          fade(@red, 16%) 0%,
          fade(@red, 56%) 18.45%,
          fade(@red, 80%) 49.67%,
          fade(@red, 56%) 82.52%,
          fade(@red, 19%) 99.7%,
          fade(@red, 0%) 99.71%,
          fade(@red, 0%) 99.72%,
          fade(@red, 16%) 99.73%

      a[href="/signup"] {
        background-color: @yellow;
      a[href="/products/pro"] {
        background-color: @red;
        border-color: @text;
    article > section:nth-of-type(2) {
      color: @text;

    /* Popular libraries section */
    #popular-libraries-header + hr {
      border-color: @red;
    ul[aria-labelledby="popular-libraries-header"] {
      li a {
        border-bottom-color: @surface0;

    /* Discover packages section */
    #discover-packages-header + hr {
      border-color: mix(@red, @yellow);
    ul[aria-labelledby="discover-packages-header"] li {
      a {
        color: @text;
        border-color: @surface0;
      &:nth-of-type(6n + 1):hover a {
        color: @mauve;
        border-bottom-color: @mauve;
      &:nth-of-type(6n + 2):hover a {
        color: @green;
        border-bottom-color: @green;
      &:nth-of-type(6n + 3):hover a {
        color: @sky;
        border-bottom-color: @sky;
      &:nth-of-type(6n + 4):hover a {
        color: @red;
        border-bottom-color: @red;
      &:nth-of-type(6n + 5):hover a {
        color: @yellow;
        border-bottom-color: @yellow;
      &:nth-of-type(6n + 6):hover a {
        color: @pink;
        border-bottom-color: @pink;

    /* By the numbers section */
    ._8f26e3fd {
      border-color: @yellow;

    /* Recently updated packages section */
    #recently-updated-packages-header + hr {
      border-color: @red;

    /* --- PACKAGE PAGES --- */

    /* Deprecation warning */
    .bg-washed-red {
      background-color: fade(@red, 30%);

      code {
        background-color: @mantle;
        color: @text;
    .red {
      color: @red !important;

    /* "public" text */
    ._813b53b2 {
      color: @green;
    /* TypeScript logo */
    img[alt="TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations"] {
      @svg: escape(
        '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 256 256" xml:space="preserve"><path fill="@{blue}" d="M0 0h256v256H0z"/><path d="M150.5 200.5v27.6c4.5 2.3 9.8 4 15.9 5.2s12.6 1.7 19.4 1.7c6.6 0 12.9-.6 18.9-1.9s11.2-3.4 15.7-6.3 8-6.7 10.7-11.4q3.9-7.05 3.9-17.4c0-5-.7-9.4-2.2-13.2s-3.7-7.1-6.5-10.1c-2.8-2.9-6.2-5.6-10.1-7.9s-8.4-4.5-13.3-6.6c-3.6-1.5-6.9-2.9-9.8-4.4-2.9-1.4-5.3-2.8-7.3-4.3s-3.6-3-4.7-4.7-1.6-3.5-1.6-5.6q0-2.85 1.5-5.1c1.5-2.25 2.4-2.8 4.1-3.9 1.8-1.1 4-1....


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