Mirrored elements of OSNOVA sites, theme compatible with other userstyles.
DTF mirrored by draconov
LicenseNo License
Categorydtf, tjournal, vc
Size2.1 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
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Made for left-handed users. Every element of the site is moved.
- vote button switched
- header mirrored
- live comments feed on the left
- subscriptions on the right
- dropdown menus moved
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name DTF mirrored
@version 20220419.14.43
@namespace userstyles.world/user/draconov
@description Made for left-handed users. Every element of the site is moved.
@author draconov
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://dtf.ru/"), url-prefix("https://tjournal.ru/"), url-prefix("https://vc.ru/") {
.layout { flex-direction: row-reverse }
/*.layout__right-column, .live { width: 240px !important }*/
.vote--comment.vote { transform: rotate(180deg) translateY(2px) scaley(-1) }
.l-fs-16.t-ff-1-500.vote__value { transform: scalex(-1) }
.content-footer__item--right.content-footer__item { transform: rotate(180deg) translateY(2px) scaley(-1) }
.vote--sum-positive.vote--content.vote > .vote__value { transform: scalex(-1) }
.vote__value { transform: scalex(-1) }
.l-va-middle.l-fs-14.t-ff-1-500.vote__value > span { transform: scalex(-1) }
.vote--sum-positive.vote--simple.vote { transform: scalex(-1) }
.vote--sum-negative.vote--simple.vote { transform: scalex(-1) }
.live__toggle { transform: rotate(180deg) translateY(2px) }
.live__caption { flex-direction: row-reverse; justify-content: flex-end }
.live__title { padding-left: 1rem }
.app--live-forcibly-collapsed .live__title { right: 84% !important }
.wjw6f103.duq6f103.erd6f103 { transform: scalex(-1) } /*Стрелочка комментариев смотрит влево*/
.main_menu__item.head-notifies__toggler { transform: scalex(-1) }
.main_menu__item.head-notifies__toggler > .head-notifies__badge { transform: scalex(-1) }
.updown { left: 1460px !important; opacity: 0.3 }
.updown:hover:after { left: -48px !important }
.updown:after { background: transparent !important; box-shadow: none !important }
.updown .updown__icons, .updown:hover .updown__icons { left: -30px !important }
.navigation-create { right: 120% } /*прижать кнопку Создать к Поиску*/
.popover--fixed.popover--right.popover { left: 270px }
.messenger-panel__down { left: -135px }
.head-notifies__panel { left: -250px }