minor typography fixes for bsky
enables the disambiguation styleset for Inter and removes the system font-family on the post composer
LicenseCC Zero
Size505 B
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minor typography fixes for bsky
enables the disambiguation styleset for Inter and removes the system font-family on the post composer
/* ==UserStyle==
@name bsky.app typography fix
@version 20241230.08.25
@namespace https://userstyles.world/user/benharri
@description minor typography fixes for bskyenables the disambiguation styleset for Inter and removes the system font-family on the post composer
@author benharri
@license CC Zero
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("bsky.app"), domain("main.bsky.dev") {
* {
font-feature-settings: 'cv05' on, 'zero' on, 'calt' off !important;