[Dark, Dim, & Light] BlueSky, with a Tweest! This userstyle changes the BlueSky branding (icons, fonts, logos, etc.) to look like it's sibling Twitter (or X).
Formerly Twitter + X for BlueSky by slippinggitty
Size44 kB
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- Twitter branding (and a toggle for X branding)
- Twitter interaction Icons
- "Tweet" button
- "Favorites" instead of "Likes" toggle
- Chirp Font
- Customizable Accent Colors
Also see:
- This Userscript lets you change the BlueSky favicon to various Twitter logos
Version History:
- X mode (Blazed Glory) now has a forced white "Post" button, to better reflect X rebrand changes.
- Interaction icons now use Twitter iconography, option for Favorites instead of "Likes".
- "Dim" has better coverage via a toggle.
- Accent color & Logo fixes
- Selected Navbar items have an accent color via a toggle.
- Feeds Top Bar now has a glossy blur - Credit @meow_d@mas.to
- More accurate spacing between icons and label in left side bar - Credit @meow_d@mas.to
- "Blazed Glory" toggle, which replaces Twitter branding with X
- Light theme works, and is a toggle.
- Accent color is customizable in Stylus settings
- Twitter Logo fix (Fix from @DavidBuchanan31)
v1.0: Inception:
- Fonts, icons, colors, and logos have been changed
- Feeds sidebar has a bubble (WIP)
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.@-moz-document domain("bsky.app"),
domain("main.bsky.dev") {
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Formerly Twitter for BlueSky
@version 20241105.22.04
@namespace https://userstyles.world/user/slippinggitty
@description BlueSky, with a Tweest!
@author slippinggitty
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@var color accentColor "Accent" #1d9bf0
@var checkbox stars "Favorites" 0
@var checkbox accentNav "Show accent on Navbar" 1
@var checkbox lightTheme "Dark Theme" 1
@var checkbox Dim "Dim" 0
@var checkbox muskyMode "Blazed Glory" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("main.bsky.dev"),
domain("bsky.app") {
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----------- Now Broadcasting in Technicolor! -----------
@-moz-document domain("main.bsky.dev"),
domain("bsky.app") {
/* Various Icons & Logos */
/* The Feeds list on the Top + Icon */
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display: none;
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/* Home */
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/* Liking */
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/* Replies */
/* unselected */
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/* Share */
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/* Notifications */
/* unselected */
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/* DMs */
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/* Lists */
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d: path("M3 4.5C3 3.12 4.12 2 5.5 2h13C19.88 2 21 3.12 21 4.5v15c0...