Brings back the old Google Mail design from 2011. It is NOT accurate, it's a FAKE CONCEPT.
Old Gmail 2011 (FAKE) by joaoguilherme111

LicenseNo License
Size6.7 kB
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Google GBar: (2011)
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Old Gmail 2011
@version 1.2.0
@description Fixes to bring back the old gmail design
@author jg111
==/UserStyle== */
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/* header*/
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background-color: #f1f1f1 !important;
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #eceff1 !important;
/* left sidebar */
.bkL {
background-color: #fff !important;
/* right sidebar */
.bAw .brC-aT5-aOt-Jw {
background-color: #fff !important;
/* active/hover fixes */
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background-color: #f1f1f1 !important;
/* new mail button */
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.WR .z0 > .L3 {
/*color: #2e7ff5;*/
color: #d93426;
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filter: invert(25%) sepia(43%) saturate(4735%) hue-rotate(349deg) brightness(89%) contrast(90%);
.bhZ:not(.bym) .z0 > .L3 {
border-radius: 28px;
/* e-mail list */
.yO {
background: #f4f7f7 !important;
/* search */
form.aJf {
background-color: #f1f3f4;
form.aJf svg {
color: #5f6368;
/* sections */
/* 1: unsorted */
td.aRz:nth-child(1) .J-KU-KO.aIf-aLe::before {
background-color: #d93426;
td.aRz:nth-child(1) .aAy.J-KU-KO > .aIf-aLf {
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td.aRz:nth-child(1) .J-KU-KO.aIf-aLe .aKz {
color: #d93426;
/* 2: promo */
td.aRz:nth-child(2) .J-KU-KO.aJi-aLe::before {
background-color: #188038;
td.aRz:nth-child(2) .aAy.J-KU-KO > .aJi-aLf {
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td.aRz:nth-child(2) .J-KU-KO.aJi-aLe .aKz {
color: #188038;
/* 3: social */
td.aRz:nth-child(3) .J-KU-KO.aKe-aLe::before {
background-color: #1a73e8;
td.aRz:nth-child(3) .aAy.J-KU-KO > .aKe-aLf {
filter: saturate(0%) contrast(200%) invert(25%) sepia(67%) saturate(3361%) hue-rotate(208deg) brightness(104%) contrast(82%);
td.aRz:nth-child(3) .J-KU-KO.aKe-aLe .aKz {
color: #1a73e8;
/* 4: notifications */
td.aRz:nth-child(4) .J-KU-KO.aH2-aLe::before {
background-color: #e37400;
td.aRz:nth-child(4) .aAy.J-KU-KO > .aH2-aLf {
filter: saturate(0%) contrast(200%) invert(46%) sepia(94%) saturate(2989%) hue-rotate(14deg) brightness(103%) contrast(101%);
td.aRz:nth-child(4) .J-KU-KO.aH2-aLe .aKz {
color: #e37400;
/* 5: forum */
td.aRz:nth-child(5) .J-KU-KO.aHE-aLe::before {
background-color: #a142f4;
td.aRz:nth-child(5) .aAy.J-KU-KO > .aHE-aLf {
filter: saturate(0%) contrast(200%) invert(32%) sepia(57%) saturate(4426%) hue-rotate(257deg) brightness(98%) contrast(96%);
td.aRz:nth-child(5) .J-KU-KO.aHE-aLe .aKz {
color: #a142f4;
/* first child menu sidebar */
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background-color: #fce8e6 !important;
.nZ > .TN.aHS-bnt .qj:first-child {
filter: saturate(0%) contrast(200%) invert(25%) sepia(43%) saturate(4735%) hue-rotate(349deg) brightness(89%) contrast(90%);
.byl .TK .TO.nZ > .aHS-bnt .n0:first-child {
color: #d93426;
/* borders */
.G-atb::before {
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 0 #eceff1;
.bAw .brC-aT5-aOt-Jw, .bAw .brC-aMv-auO.brC-aT5-aOt-Jw, .bAw .brC-aMv-bta.brC-aT5-aOt-Jw {
border-left-color: #f1f3f4;
/* removing border-radius */
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border-radius: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
.IU {
border-radius: 0 !important;
/* font */
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font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
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font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
.TO .nU > .n0, .TO.NQ .nU > .n0, .TO.nZ .nU > .n0, .ah9 > .CJ, .n3 > .CL > .CK {
font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
.zA > .xW {
font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
.amH > .Dj, .h0 > .adl {
font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
/* sidebar fixes */
.aeN.WR.a6o.anZ.baA.nH.oy8Mbf {
background-color: transparent !important;
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background-color: #f1f1f1 !important;
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/* Compose */
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/*## Logo */
img[src=""] {
content: url("")