Dark mode took dark and rich in contrast? Normal themes too bright and bold? This is a site theme for those who prefer a muted middle.
Eyeshield Neopets site theme by Sinsi
LicenseNo License
Size13 kB
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A clean site theme where most icons are disabled or replaced by more minimal icons, and the fonts are less cartoonish. The bank is also more minimalistic. Only applies to beta pages.
Note: This is not a dark mode site theme!
This was the first site theme I made. I suffer from photosensitivity, and dark mode readers are too high in contrast for me to use, so I made this site theme to mute the brightness of the site.
The textured background is a free background from neopets.com/~Zirc, the header is from neopets.com/~Tines, and the icons are from icons8.com
I recommend pairing it with the Altadorian Constellations site theme.
The site theme doesn't automate anything, and it's disabled in shops and the shop wiz.
Might clash with the premium toolbar and premium dropdown menu.
Feel free to tweak it as you want :)
*I'm not a coder at all, so the code is very messy and probably full of redundant code ^^
** Due to suffering from chronic illness, I don't take request for personal custom site themes. I just don't have the spoons for it.
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Eyeshield site theme for Neopets beta
@version 20241203.14.35
@namespace https://userstyles.world/user/Sinsi
@description Dark mode took dark and rich in contrast? Normal themes too bright and bold? This is a site theme for those who prefer a muted middle.
@author Sinsi
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
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