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Its a challenge...


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name   - challenge carbon
@version        1.0.1
@description    Manpages challenge carbon a dark style for
@author         Gabriel T. Sharp <osirisgothra@hotmail>
==/UserStyle== */

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        1.0.0 - initial release
        1.0.1 - * fixed an issue which caused this style to propagate to other similar pages
                * fixed the issue with the style showing up in all site contexts (probably due to previous)
                + added support for code and language preview windows
                - removed some errors from original css source
                + added you-customize-it settings below, you can color the page how you like by setting some simple
                  values below right here:
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             color-preset -> any number, zero means keep the style's original base colors
             extra-vibrance -> positive makes colors more vibrance, negative values makes them more gray
            inversion -> 0% dark mode --- 50% = invisible mode --- 100% = light mode
             tip: sepia is used to make the page monochromatic, you can use that to make any colorized page
             by selecting different color-preset values after setting sepia amount to desired % level.
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