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Simple Dark Theme for FR (Scenes Enabled) by Pyrynn






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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Simple Dark Theme for Flight Rising
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       Zoga
@description  A simple dark theme for Flight Rising, as the default interface is very bright and hard on the eyes. Works across the whole site, even the forums and coliseum.    ***NOTICE*** In order to get the usernames to display in the forums as in this theme, please download and install the free font "AR Cena", then restart your browser. You can get it <a href="">>> HERE <<</a> from FontZone.
@version      20201122.09.02
@license      CC-BY-NC-4.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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/*Top Bar*/
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.trade-picker #fundage {
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#msg-items div img {
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.attach-item, .display-item {
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table#tradereceipts td {
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div.cluetip-inner.ui-cluetip-content div div span {
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#dragonattach, .trade-picker #fundage #qty-input {
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#alertlist .alert-v2-date {
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/* Items */
.itemtip .itemname div:first-child {
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.itemtip .skindesc {
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#alertwin .alert-v2-date {
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/*.rarity-1, .rarity-0 {
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.rarity-2 {
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div.itemcategory, div.tooltip-itemid {
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.itemtip.rarity-0 .itemname .itemtitle, .itemtip.rarity-1 .itemname .itemtitle {
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/* Userbox */
#usertab, #logintab {
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.loginlinks.loginbar, #namespan a span, #menucontainer a {
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.item-tooltip, .ui-dialog {
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div#tunak.ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content div#content {
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a.clue_nrg, div#usertab span a.c...


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