Saphire theme for superuser - Sapphire by azuresea

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name - Sapphire
@version 1.2.1
@description Saphire theme for superuser
@author Gabriel T. Sharp
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
1.0.0 -initial release
1.2.1 - rewrite version 1.2.1
complete rewrite
be sure to turn on propagate because this website does
the big no-no of using !important to block theme overrides
even from itself, If you see white backgrounds anywhere this
is likely the case.
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/* cant make background blur the icon because the icon is a sibling item and background
referrs to the <a> element below it which contains nothing */
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right: 9px;
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font-style: normal;
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font-style: normal;
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content: "->";
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
color: white !important;
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content: "?";
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font-style: normal;
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div[title="Score of 2"], div[title="2 answers"] , div[title="2 views"],
div[title="Score of 3"], div[title="3 answers"] , div[title="3 views"],
div[title="Score of 4"], div[title="4 answers"] , div[title="4 views"],
div[title="Score of 5"], div[title="5 answers"] , div[title="5 views"]
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color: white !important;
div[title="Score of 6"], div[title="6 answers"] , div[title="6 views"],
div[title="Score of 7"], div[title="7 answers"] , div[title="7 views"],
div[title="Score of 8"], div[title="8 answers"] , div[title="8 views"],
div[title="Score of 9"], div[title="9 answers"] , div[title="9 views"],
div[title="Score of 10"], div[title="10 answers"] , div[title="10 views"],
div[title="Score of 11"], div[title="11 answers"] , div[title="11 views"]
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