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nails' hexagon theme by nailsrails

Screenshot of nails' hexagon theme



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hexagon css that makes it look like a mish mash of 2013 and others


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           super duper hexagon theme trust
@namespace      ?
@version        0.0.1
@description    hexagon css that makes it FUN!!!
@author         NailsRails (on hexagon and roblox)
==/UserStyle== */

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.text-muted-foreground {
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.md\:w-36 {
   content: url(;

.opacity-80 {
 display: none;

.bg-muted-foreground\/5 {
  background-color: #191919;

.top-14 {
  top: 2.1em;
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height: 20px;    
padding-top: 15px;
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[class="container p-4 flex flex-col gap-y-4"] {
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    background: url( top center repeat-x #222222;

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      background-color: #fff0;  
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.h-16 {
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        border-width: 1.8px;
.rounded-xl {
  border-radius: 0rem;
.outline-dashed {
  outline-style: solid;
        text-shadow: #013401 0 -1px;


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