purple color edit for mastodon-frontend by the iceshrimp devs. no clue if it works on actual mastodon
masto-fe purple-ish by niceware

LicenseNo License
Size3.9 kB
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Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name masto-fe purple-ish
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.0
@description purple color edit for mastodon-frontend by the iceshrimp devs. no clue if it works on actual mastodon
@author baz
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://masto-fe.iceshrimp.dev/") {
body {
font-family: Comic Neue !important;
background: #25232e;
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background: #4b4471;
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border-bottom: 4px solid #4b4471;
background: #968fbe;
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background: #5c5eb1;
.status__display-name, .status__relative-time, .navigation-bar__profile, .status__content a, .column-header__button, .drawer__header > * {
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.account__header__bio .account__header__fields a, .column-header__back-button, .column-header__button:hover, .drawer__header > *:hover, .drawer__header > *:focus {
color: #8657cf;
.wide .drawer {
max-width: 300px;
.navigation-bar__profile {
height: 50px;
.drawer__inner__mastodon {
background: none !important;
img {
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color: #118ab2;
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animation: gay 69s linear infinite;
@keyframes gay { /* is there a more line-efficient way of doing this? probably with variables yeah. but fuck you. */
0% {color: hsl(0, 100%, 80%);}
10% {color: hsl(36, 100%, 80%);}
20% {color: hsl(72, 100%, 80%);}
30% {color: hsl(108, 100%, 80%);}
40% {color: hsl(144, 100%, 80%);}
50% {color: hsl(180, 100%, 80%);}
60% {color: hsl(216, 100%, 80%);}
70% {color: hsl(252, 100%, 80%);}
80% {color: hsl(288, 100%, 80%);}
90% {color: hsl(324, 100%, 80%);}
100% {color: hsl(360, 100%, 80%);}