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Dark-GitHub by vednoc

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Dark and light, very customizable theme for GitHub.


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Dark-GitHub
@description  Dark and light, very customizable theme for GitHub.
@author       vednoc <> (
@version      1.3.0
@license      MIT
@preprocessor stylus

@var select   cg_theme     'Base color-scheme toggle' {
    'Custom colors          *': 'custom',
    'Dark blue (old)         ': 'old-colors',
    'Dark gray (new)         ': 'new-colors',
    'Breeze Dark             ': 'breeze-dark',
    'GitHub Dark             ': 'github-dark',
    'GitHub Dark Mode        ': 'github-dark-mode',
    'Gruvbox Dark Soft       ': 'gruvbox-dark-soft',
    'Gruvbox Dark Medium     ': 'gruvbox-dark-medium',
    'Gruvbox Dark Hard       ': 'gruvbox-dark-hard',
    'Solarized Dark          ': 'solarized-dark',
    'Dracula                 ': 'dracula',
    'Nord Dark               ': 'nord-dark',
    'Arc Dark                ': 'arc-dark',
    'Moonlight               ': 'moonlight',
    'Monokai                 ': 'monokai',
    'Horizon                 ': 'horizon',
    'Doom One                ': 'doom-one',
    'Deep Dark               ': 'deep-dark',
    'Brave Dark              ': 'brave-dark',
    'Twilight                ': 'twilight',
    'Ubuntu                  ': 'ubuntu',
    'Lantern theme           ': 'lantern',
    'Monokai Pro             ': 'monokai-pro',
    'Allure Contrast         ': 'allure-contrast',

@var select   sy_theme     'Base color-scheme toggle' {
    'Custom colors          *': 'custom',
    'GitHub Dark             ': 'github-dark',
    'Gruvbox Bright          ': 'gruvbox-dark-soft',
    'Gruvbox Neutral         ': 'gruvbox-dark-medium',
    'Gruvbox Faded           ': 'gruvbox-dark-hard',
    'Solarized Dark          ': 'solarized-dark',
    'Dracula                 ': 'dracula',
    'Nord Dark               ': 'nord-dark',
    'Arc Dark                ': 'arc-dark',
    'Moonlight               ': 'moonlight',
    'Monokai                 ': 'monokai',
    'Horizon                 ': 'horizon',
    'Doom One                ': 'doom-one',
    'Deep Dark               ': 'deep-dark',
    'Lantern theme           ': 'lantern',

@var color    cg_bg        'Base background color' #292929
@var color    cg_fg        'Base foreground color' #e6e6e6
@var color    cg_ac        'Base accent color    ' #d47d3f
@var color    cg_v1        'Base red color       ' #f07178
@var color    cg_v2        'Base orange color    ' #f78c6c
@var color    cg_v3        'Base yellow color    ' #ffcb6b
@var color    cg_v4        'Base green color     ' #c3e88d
@var color    cg_v5        'Base cyan color      ' #89ddff
@var color    cg_v6        'Base blue color      ' #82aaff
@var color    cg_v7        'Base magenta color   ' #c792ea
@var color    cg_v8        'Base violet color    ' #9a91ea
@var color    cg_v9        'Base gray color      ' #ffffff

@var range    cg_fg_sat    'Adjust saturation of foreground colors' [0, 0, 100, 0.1, '%']
@var range    cg_sat       'Adjust saturation of syntax colors' [0, -50, 50, 0.01]
@var range    cg_lig       'Adjust lightness of syntax colors' [0, -30, 30, 0.01]
@var color    _inverse     'Button inverse color ' #ffffff
@var color    _shadow      'Shadow color         ' #00000040

@var text     f_base       'Base font' ''font_name''
@var text     f_mono       'Monospace font' ''font_name''
@var range    tab_size     'Set tab size' [4, 2, 8, 2]
@var text     b_hgwd       'Checkbox width/height' '1rem'

@var checkbox cb_color      'Use accent colors for contributions' 0
@var checkbox custom_font   'Use custom font overrides' 1
@var checkbox c_scrollbars  'Use custom scrollbar overrides' 1
@var checkbox navbar_sticky 'Use sticky position for the navbar' 0
@var checkbox latest_commit 'Use neutral colors in latest commit' 1
@var checkbox readme_header 'Use old readme header design' 1
@var checkbox short_headers 'Use shorter headers' 1
@var checkbox table_corners 'Use rounded corners for Markdown tables' 1
@var checkbox dimmed_labels 'Use dimmed issue labels in light mode' 1
@var checkbox short_navbars 'Use same width for navigation bars and content area' 1
@var checkbox chbx_a_header 'Fix notifications checkbox on header alignment' 0
@var checkbox code_borders  'Add borders around code blocks and similar elements' 1
@var checkbox star_colors   'Highlight star icon if you starred the repository' 1
==/UserStyle== */

// {{{ Helpers.
t       = transparent
i       = !important
vendors = official
ac      = var(--ac)
sh      = var(--sh)

// Convert colors to HSLA format.
/// NOTE: This is done just for consistency of generated colors.
to_hsla(input) {
    $h = {}
    $h.hue = unquote(split('deg', '%s' % ceil(hue(input), 2))[0])
    $h.saturation = ceil(saturation(input), 2)
    $h.lightness = ceil(lightness(input), 2)
    s('hsla(%s,%s,%s,1)', $h.hue, $h.saturation, $h.lightness)

// SVG-friendly colors mixin.
/// NOTE: Compiler does not like HSLA format, so we convert back to HEX.
to_svg(input) {
    s('\%23%s', unquote(substr(s('%s', convert(input)), 1, 6)))

// Color mixin.
/// All colors: `c: fg bg bg`
/// Only border-color: `c: 0 bg`
c(x, y = 0, z = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1, zi = 1) {
    if x != 0 && x != '_' {            color: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
    if y != 0 && y != '_' {     border-color: yi is 0 ? y : y i }
    if z != 0 && z != '_' { background-color: zi is 0 ? z : z i }

// SVG mixin.
/// Same usage as `c` mixin.
g(x, y = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1) {
    if x != 0 && x != '_' {   fill: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
    if y != 0 && y != '_' { stroke: yi is 0 ? y : y i }

// Border radius mixin.
rad() { border-radius: arguments }

// Box-shadow mixin.
b() { box-shadow: arguments }
// }}}

/{ // {{{ Color generator.
// Color-scheme picker.
ColorSchemes = {
    'custom':                   { BG:   cg_bg, FG:   cg_fg, AC:   cg_ac, V1:   cg_v1, V2:   cg_v2, V3:   cg_v3, V4:   cg_v4, V5:   cg_v5, V6:   cg_v6, V7:   cg_v7, V8:   cg_v8, V9:   cg_v9 }
    'old-colors':               { BG: #1f232a, FG: #eeeeee, AC: #7289da }
    'new-colors':               { BG: #292929, FG: #e6e6e6, AC: #d47d3f }
    'breeze-dark':              { BG: #232629, FG: #eff0f1, AC: #3daee9 }
    'github-dark-mode':         { BG: #0d1117, FG: #c9d1d9, AC: #58a6ff }
    'github-dark':              { BG: #181818, FG: #e6e6e6, AC: #4f8cc9, V1: #ff4444, V2: #fe9600, V3: #ffcc33, V4: #008833, V5: #4d5eff, V6: #4f8cc9, V7: #8368aa, V8: #6e5494, V9: #ffffff }
    'gruvbox-dark-soft':        { BG: #32302f, FG: #fbf1c7, AC: #d65d0e, V1: #fb4934, V2: #fe8019, V3: #fabd2f, V4: #b8bb26, V5: #8ec07c, V6: #83a598, V7: #d3859b, V8: #b3659b, V9: #eeeeee }
    'gruvbox-dark-medium':      { BG: #282828, FG: #fbf1c7, AC: #d65d0e, V1: #cc241d, V2: #d64d0e, V3: #d79921, V4: #98971a, V5: #689d6a, V6: #458588, V7: #c16286, V8: #a14286, V9: #eeeeee }
    'gruvbox-dark-hard':        { BG: #1c2021, FG: #fbf1c7, AC: #d65d0e, V1: #9d0006, V2: #af3a03, V3: #b57614, V4: #79740e, V5: #427b58, V6: #076678, V7: #8f3f71, V8: #6f1f71, V9: #eeeeee }
    'solarized-dark':           { BG: #03303c, FG: #bcc5c5, AC: #859900, V1: #dc322f, V2: #cb4b16, V3: #b58900, V4: #859900, V5: #2aa198, V6: #268bd2, V7: #d33682, V8: #6c71c4, V9: #eeeeee }
    'dracula':                  { BG: #282a36, FG: #f8f8f2, AC: #bd93f9, V1: #ff5555, V2: #ffb86c, V3: #f1fa8c, V4: #50fa7b, V5: #59f7d2, V6: #8be9fd, V7: #ff79c6, V8: #bd93f9, V9: #ffffff }
    'nord-dark':                { BG: #2e3440, FG: #eceff4, AC: #5e81ac, V1: #bd616a, V2: #d08770, V3: #ebcb8b, V4: #a3be8c, V5: #8fbcbb, V6: #88c0d0, V7: #b48ead, V8: #81a1c1, V9: #cccccc }
    'arc-dark':                 { BG: #343944, FG: #c1c8d1, AC: #5294e2, V1: #d25252, V2: #efc090, V3: #ffc600, V4: #7fb347, V5: #bed6ff, V6: #79abff, V7: #bfa4a4, V8: #d197d9, V9: #cccccc }
    'moonlight':                { BG: #1e2030, FG: #c8d3f5, AC: #82aaff, V1: #ff5370, V2: #ff995e, V3: #ffc777, V4: #c3e88d, V5: #86e1fc, V6: #82aaff, V7: #fca7ea, V8: #c597f9, V9: #ffffff }
    'monokai':                  { BG: #272822, FG: #e8e8e3, AC: #fd9720, V1: #e73c50, V2: #fd9720, V3: #e6db74, V4: #a6e22d, V5: #66d9ef, V6: #7aa6da, V7: #f92772, V8: #ae81ff, V9: #eeeeee }
    'horizon':                  { BG: #1c1e26, FG: #d5c1ac, AC: #E95378, V1: #e95678, V2: #f09383, V3: #fab795, V4: #09f7a0, V5: #59e3e3, V6: #21bfc2, V7: #db77cc, V8: #b877db, V9: #ffffff }
    'doom-one':                 { BG: #21242b, FG: #bbc2cf, AC: #51afef, V1: #ff6c6b, V2: #da8548, V3: #ecbe7b, V4: #98be65, V5: #46d9ff, V6: #51afef, V7: #c678dd, V8: #a9a1e1, V9: #cccccc }
    'lantern':                  { BG: #261b17, FG: #ffffff, AC: #e35b15, V1: #e01d1d, V2: #e35b15, V3: #fabc2c, V4: #4d772d, V5: #66a4a4, V6: #4395a3, V7: #fab2c2, V8: #b666e6, V9: #ffffff }
    'deep-dark':                { BG: #111111, FG: #eff0f1, AC: #00adee, V1: #da4453, V2: #f79a63, V3: #fdbc4b, V4: #27ae60, V5: #1abc9c, V6: #2980b9, V7: #fe9ead, V8: #60459f, V9: #ffffff }
    'brave-dark':               { BG: #222222, FG: #d6d6d6, AC: #f96234 }
    'twilight':                 { BG: #171717, FG: #f7f7f7, AC: #8f9d6a }
    'ubuntu':                   { BG: #2c071a, FG: #f2f1ef, AC: #ef7847 }
    'monokai-pro':              { BG: #2d2a2e, FG: #ececea, AC: #ffd866 }
    'allure-contrast':          { BG: #17191c, FG: #dddddd, AC: #5da892 }

// Select active color-scheme.
for color-scheme in ColorSchemes {
    if (color-scheme == cg_theme) {
        // main { dbg: s('%s %s', color-scheme, cg_theme) }
        define('BG', ColorSchemes[color-scheme].BG, global)
        define('FG', ColorSchemes[color-scheme].FG, global)
        define('AC', ColorSchemes[color-scheme].AC, global)

for color-scheme in Colo...


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