Makes the Arcadia Online website look like the heRO website did back in 2011. Also themes the Control Panel.
2011 heRO theme for Arcadia Online by griffenhiggins
LicenseNo License
Size7.8 kB
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What is Arcadia Online? It's a Ragnarok Online private server. The download isn't on the website, but you can get it here:
What is heRO? The oldest Ragnarok Online server still alive, apparently.
Tested while signed in and out, at 1920x1080 resolution and at all levels of zoom, the "Control Panel" menu text changes moves weirdly when you change the page size. Does not theme the wiki, forum or Gitlab.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name 2011 heRO theme for Arcadia Online
@version 20250101.02.45
@description Makes the Arcadia Online website look like the heRO website did back in 2011. Also themes the Control Panel.
@author griffenhiggins
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
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