Skip to content Dracula color scheme by eliahkm

Screenshot of Dracula color scheme



LicenseCC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike



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change-log 22 jul 2022:
round corner buttons
Sub and Raw bubbles
bold font when hovering
Abril font as default font

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name Dracula color scheme
@version      20220722.15.33
@description  Dramacool in Dracula colors Dracula colorscheme is based on Dramacool Dark Theme
@author       eliahkm
@license      CC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {
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.logo {
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.plugins2 .direction select option {
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.details .info .other_name a:not(:last-child):after {
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.slider-star .slick-next {
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div.btn-comment {
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div.btn-comment:hover {
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.search {
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input {
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.pagination li a:hover {
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.watch-drama .category a:hover {
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.watch-drama h1 {
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.note a:hover {
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div style {
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.list-episode-item li .ep.SUB {
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.list-episode-item li .ep.raw,
.list-episode-item li .ep.RAW {
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.tab {
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.list-episode-item li .ep {
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li.btn-comment {
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.plugins2 li,
.report2 {
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