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crayon for mal by pajamapop

Screenshot of crayon for mal



LicenseNo License




Size418 kB


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Customises and refines all aspects of 'myanimelist'. Optimised for symmetricality, friendly appearance and ease of use.


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           crayon for mal
@version        1.4.61
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("!animelist|mangalist|store|membership).*") {
/* Crayon for MAL */

@font-face {
    font-family: 'FontAwesome';
    src: url('');
    src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff'),url('') format('truetype'),url('') format('svg'); }

* {line-height: 1.35em !important;}

body {
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    background-image: url( !important;
    background-size: auto !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    animation: pattern var(--speed) linear infinite; }

@keyframes pattern {
    from {background-position: 0 0;}
    to {background-position: var(--size);}}

/* Animated pattern */
body {background-attachment: fixed !important;}
:root {
    --size: 200px 200px;
    --speed: 25s;

/* Primary colours */
:root {
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    --colorPink: 244,101,146; /* #f46592 */
    --colorOrange: 255,196,108; /* #ffc46c */
    --colorGreen: 112,208,182; /* #70d0b6 */
    --colorPurple: 140,125,208; /* #8c7dd0 */
    --colorLightBlue: 240,248,252; /* #f0f8fc */
    --colorBlueShadow: 112,200,237; /* Variable for dark mode (Use same colour as colorBlue) */

/* Other variables */
:root {
    --colorText: 65,65,65; /* #414141 */
    --colorTextHeader: 65,65,65; /* #414141 */
    --colorTextLink: 96,96,96; /* #606060 */
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    --colorLightGray: 234,234,234; /* #eaeaea */
    --colorLightGrayText: 150,150,150; /* #969696 */
    --colorBorder: 224,224,224; /* #e0e0e0 */
    --colorBackground: 250,250,250; /* #fafafa */
    --colorForeground: 246,246,246; /* #f6f6f6 */
    --colorButton: 244,244,244; /* #f4f4f4 */
    --colorButtonText: 174,174,174; /* #aeaeae - Home/History/Reviews/etc. */
    --colorButtonDarkText: 128,128,128; /* #808080 - Add/Edit/Submit/etc. */
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    --colorDarkText: 85,85,85; /* #555555 - Upper nav bar text */
    --colorDarkTextHover: 105,105,105; /* #696969 - Upper nav bar hover */
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    --colorLessDarkText: 96,96,96; /* #606060 - Lower nav bar text */
    --colorLessDarkTextAlt: 111,111,111; /* #6f6f6f - Lower nav bar hover */
    --colorSeasonalText: 165,165,165; /* #a5a5a5 - Studio, Genre */
    --colorWhiteBG: 255,255,255; /* #ffffff - Primary background */
    --color248: 248,248,248; /* #f8f8f8 - Alt BG */
    --color240: 240,240,240; /* #f0f0f0 - Borders */
    --color230: 230,230,230; /* #e6e6e6 - Seasonal */
    --color228: 228,228,228; /* #e4e4e4 - Borders */
    --color216: 216,216,216; /* #d8d8d8 - Borders */
    --color200: 200,200,200; /* #c8c8c8 - Borders */
    --color188: 188,188,188; /* #bcbcbc - Various */
    --color127: 127,127,127; /* #7f7f7f - Alt text, used by MAL */
    --color120: 120,120,120; /* #787878 - Gray text, used by MAL */
    --colorLightShadow: 0 0 0 1px rgb(231,231,231); /* Same use as colorBorder */
    --colorLightShadowAlt: 0 0 1px rgb(200,200,200); /* Graph bars/some images */
    --colorDarkShadow: 65,65,65;
    --colorHeaderShadow: 65,65,65; /* Upper nav dropdown shadow */
    --curve: 10px; /* Can use values like 8px (all) or 30px 10px 30px 10px (top left, clockwise) */
    --curveAlt: 8px; /* Use 2px less than above, or use the same with some (maybe unnoticeable) issues */
    --curveGrand: 16px; /* Main image for Profile, Anime, Character, News articles, etc. */
    --curveImage: 12px; /* User submitted images in comments and forum posts */
    --curve8px: 8px; /* Boxes (Char/VA on Anime pages, comments, friends, etc.) */
    --curve4px: 4px; /* Nav/forum/input buttons, spoilers, tags, etc. */
    --curve3px: 3px; /* Mostly small buttons like add/edit */

img, .image, .image-member, .video-unit {image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast !important;}
a img:hover {opacity: 0.8 !important;}
a img:active {opacity: 1 !important;}
a, a:visited {color: rgba(var(--colorTextLink)) !important;font-style: italic !important;text-decoration: none !important;}
a:hover, a > span[style^="color:"]:hover {color: rgba(var(--colorBlue)) !important;transition: 0.2s;}
td {font-size: 13px !important;}
small {font-size: 10px !important;}
strong {font-weight: bold !important;}
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.page-common .ff-avenir, .breadcrumb, .ff-Verdana, .floatRightHeader, span[style*="Arial"] {font-family: Segoe UI !important;}
.breadcrumb {display: none !important;font-size: 13px !important;}

/* Secondary text, etc. */
.page-common .dark_text {color: rgba(var(--colorText)) !important;}
.lightLink, .lightLink:link, .lightLink:visited,
.lightLink:active, [style="color:#888;"],
.page-common .fn-grey1
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[style="color: darkgray"] {color: rgba(var(--colorButtonText)) !important;} /* 'PV Collection' news posts */
.page-common .fn-red1, .badresult-text, .danger,
small[style="color: #b25959;"], [style*="color: #a94442;"]
    {color: rgba(var(--colorPink)) !important;}

/* Add in same colours that MAL uses */
.forum .forum-board, .forum_boardrow1, .forum_boardrow2, .forum-topics tr td,
.borderClass, .detail-characters-list .left-column.divider:after
    {border-color: rgba(var(--colorLightGray)) !important;} /* MAL uses #ebebeb / 235 */
.page-common .bgColor1 {background: rgba(var(--colorForeground));}
.page-common .bgColor2, .page-forum .forum_boardrow1, .page-forum .forum_boardrowspacer {background: none;}
.page-common .fn-grey2, .page-common .font-color-gery2,
[style="color: #787878;"], .icon-people-score-star:before
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.page-common .fn-grey4 {color: rgba(var(--color127)) !important;}
.page-common .fn-grey6 {color: rgba(var(--colorText)) !important;}

/* Thin border removal */
.borderClass {border-width: 0 !important;padding: 3px;}
.borderDark {border-radius: 3px;border-width: 0 !important;}
.borderLight {border-width: 0 !important;}

/* Junk */
.initialize-tutorial, .notice_open_public {display: none !important;}

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td[width="225"] + td #horiznav_nav {margin: 10px 0 24px -3px !important;width: 100.8% !important;} /* A/M/Char/People */ #horiznav_nav {margin: 10px 10px 24px -6px !important;} /* Edit style page */

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/* Upper navigation */
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#menu_right {right: 75px;}

#nav li {
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#nav li a:hover {color: rgba(var(--colorDarkTextHover)) !important;transition: 0.5s;}
#nav li a.non-link {pointer-events: none;}

/* Upper nav dropdown */
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#nav ul li {height: 36px !important;width: 150px !important;}
#nav ul li a {
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#nav li.tiny {width: 50px;}
#nav li.smaller {width: auto !important;}
#nav li.small {width: auto !important;}
#nav li.l...


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