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CSGO background for Discord by jimiskindasus



LicenseNo License

CategoryDiscord, Backgrounds, Discord Backgrounds, CSGO, Counter Strike Global Offensive, CSGO Discord, CSGO Backgrounds, Counter Strike Global Offensive Background, Counter Strike Global Offensive Discord



Size3.9 kB


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Feel free to edit, I didn't own the script originally and forgot who did xd


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         CSGO background for Discord
@version      20211118.23.28
@description  Feel free to edit, I didn't own the script originally and forgot who did xd
@author       jimiskindasus
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
@import url(''); /*Main CSS sheet*/ /*!!!I did not make this code, So the bugs are not my fault.!!!*/
@import url(''); /*Put your font url here*/

::-webkit-input-placeholder, body, button, input, select, textarea {
    font-family: "Rubik"; /*Change the font name you imported here*/

:root {
    --server-hiding-width: 2.5%; /*Amount that will be shown when the channels panel hides | Default 50px*/
    --members-hiding-width: 2.9%; /*Amount that will be shown when the server's members panel hides | Default 2.9%*/
    --showing-width: 10%; /*Amount that will be shown when the panels show | Default 13.5%*/
    --transition-speed: 3s; /*Changes the transition speed*/
    --hidden-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); /*Background of the elements when hidden*/
    /*Background of the elements when showing*/
    --showing-background: linear-gradient(195deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, .395) 14%, rgba(15, 55, 175, .379) 35%, rgba(0, 29, 255, .379) 59%, rgba(13, 13, 13, .53) 87%, rgba(191, 0, 0, .63) 96%);
    --background-image: url(; /*Change the link to your custom image (I would reccomend uploading the image to discord and copying the link to the image on discord) */
    --bg-blur: 0px; /*changes the blur of the background image*/
    --main-accent: rgb(85, 85, 85); /*Main accent of the theme for little elements*/
    --main-accent-rgb: 135, 3, 14; /*RGB code of main accent for some elements, change this if you change main accent*/
    --popout-blur: 2px; /*Changes the blur of elements that appear on screen*/
    --bg-opacity: 1; /*Changes the opacity of the background*/
    --links: rgb(255, 238, 0); /*Color for links*/
    --panel-boxes: rgba(0, 0, 0, .72); /*Changes the background of the surrounded panels*/
    --second-panel-bg: rgba(15, 15, 175, .51); /*changes the bg of panels that come out, like right clicking on a user*/
    --panel-border: 0px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); /*Changes the borders of the surrounded panels*/
    --panel-border-radius: 24px; /*Changes the radius of the surrounded panels*/
    --chat-hover: rgba(15, 28, 175, .55); /*Message background when hovering*/
    --embed-border: 0px; /*Makes it so some embeds in chat have their corresponding border | 0px = no borders*/
    --buttons-background: rgb(33, 27, 106); /*Changes the color of the buttons*/
    --buttons-border: 0px solid rgb(15, 22, 117); /*Changes the color of the buttons*/
    --buttons-radius: 20px; /*Changes the radius of the buttons*/
    --buttons-color: rgba(0, 16, 153, .93); /*Changes the color of the button text*/
    /*Changes the color of the background when hovering*/
    --element-hovered: linear-gradient(195deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, .395) 14%, rgba(22, 0, 132, .379) 35%, rgba(0, 1, 255, .52) 59%, rgba(0, 8, 117, .53) 87%, rgba(17, 19, 60, .63) 96%); 
    /*Code for the gradient*/
    --underline-gradient: linear-gradient(195deg, rgba(102, 81, 81, .395) 14%, rgba(155, 28, 28, .379) 35%, rgba(238, 0, 0, .34) 59%, rgba(164, 15, 15, .34) 87%, rgba(89, 22, 22, .53) 96%);
    --settings-width: 85%; /*Width for the settings window*/
    --settings-heigth: 85%; /*Width for the settings window*/
    --icon-padding: 10px; /*Changes the padding between the icon and the text | Default 35px*/


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