old youtube playersa by ShimmerFromMagix
LicenseNo License
Size158 kB
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Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.// ==UserScript==
// @name YT Polymer Mid 2019 - Early 2021 script
// @version 2.6.4
// @description Modifies things like the old icons and more stuff prior to March 2021. Works best with YT Late '19-Mid '20 and CSS tweaks for NRD userstyle.
// @author Magma_Craft
// @license MIT
// @-moz-document domain("youtube.com")
// @match *://www.youtube.com/*
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/933798
// @icon https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico
// @run-at moz-document
// @grant none
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/arrive/2.4.1/arrive.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserScript==
// Attributes to remove from <html>
const ATTRS = [
// Regular config keys.
const CONFIGS = {
// Experiment flags.
const EXPFLAGS = {
kevlar_system_icons: false,
enable_channel_page_header_profile_section: false,
enable_header_channel_handler_ui: false,
kevlar_unavailable_video_error_ui_client: false,
kevlar_refresh_on_theme_change: false,
kevlar_modern_sd_v2: false,
kevlar_watch_cinematics: false,
kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button: false,
kevlar_watch_grid: false,
kevlar_watch_grid_hide_chips: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_no_old_secondary_data: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_attached_subscribe: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_clickable_description: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_compact_view_count: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_description_info_dedicated_line: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_description_inline_expander: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_description_primary_color: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_for_live_killswitch: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_full_width_description: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_narrower_item_wrap: false,
kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_relative_date: false,
kevlar_watch_modern_panels: false,
kevlar_watch_panel_height_matches_player: false,
smartimation_background: false,
web_amsterdam_playlists: false,
web_animated_actions: false,
web_animated_like: false,
web_button_rework: true,
web_button_rework_with_live: true,
web_darker_dark_theme: false,
web_enable_youtab: false,
web_guide_ui_refresh: false,
web_modern_ads: false,
web_modern_buttons: true,
web_modern_chips: false,
web_modern_collections_v2: false,
web_modern_dialogs: false,
web_modern_playlists: false,
web_modern_subscribe: true,
web_modern_tabs: false,
web_modern_typography: false,
web_rounded_containers: false,
web_rounded_thumbnails: false,
web_searchbar_style: "default",
web_segmented_like_dislike_button: false,
web_sheets_ui_refresh: false,
web_snackbar_ui_refresh: false,
web_watch_rounded_player_large: false,
// Extra additions to remove the watch grid UI
web_player_enable_featured_product_banner_exclusives_on_desktop: false,
kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button: false,
fill_view_models_on_web_vod: true,
kevlar_watch_flexy_metadata_height: "136",
kevlar_watch_max_player_width: "1280",
live_chat_over_engagement_panels: false,
live_chat_scaled_height: false,
live_chat_smaller_min_height: false,
main_app_controller_extraction_batch_18: false,
main_app_controller_extraction_batch_19: false,
no_iframe_for_web_stickiness: false,
optimal_reading_width_comments_ep: false,
remove_masthead_channel_banner_on_refresh: false,
small_avatars_for_comments: false,
small_avatars_for_comments_ep: false,
web_watch_compact_comments: false,
web_watch_compact_comments_header: false,
web_watch_log_theater_mode: false,
web_watch_theater_chat: false,
web_watch_theater_fixed_chat: false,
wn_grid_max_item_width: 0,
wn_grid_min_item_width: 0
// Player flags
// For example: "true" instead of true
const PLYRFLAGS = {
web_rounded_containers: "false",
web_rounded_thumbnails: "false"
class YTP {
static observer = new MutationObserver(this.onNewScript);
static _config = {};
static isObject(item) {
return (item && typeof item === "object" && !Array.isArray(item));
static mergeDeep(target, ...sources) {
if (!sources.length) return target;
const source = sources.shift();
if (this.isObject(target) && this.isObject(source)) {
for (const key in source) {
if (this.isObject(source[key])) {
if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} });
this.mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] });
return this.mergeDeep(target, ...sources);
static onNewScript(mutations) {
for (var mut of mutations) {
for (var node of mut.addedNodes) {
static start() {
this.observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});
static stop() {
static bruteforce() {
if (!window.yt) return;
if (!window.yt.config_) return;
this.mergeDeep(window.yt.config_, this._config);
static setCfg(name, value) {
this._config[name] = value;
static setCfgMulti(configs) {
this.mergeDeep(this._config, configs);
static setExp(name, value) {
if (!("EXPERIMENT_FLAGS" in this._config)) this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS = {};
this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS[name] = value;
static setExpMulti(exps) {
if (!("EXPERIMENT_FLAGS" in this._config)) this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS = {};
this.mergeDeep(this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, exps);
static decodePlyrFlags(flags) {
var obj = {},
dflags = flags.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < dflags.length; i++) {
var dflag = dflags[i].split("=");
obj[dflag[0]] = dflag[1];
return obj;
static encodePlyrFlags(flags) {
var keys = Object.keys(flags),
response = "";
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
response += "&";
response += keys[i] + "=" + flags[keys[i]];
return response;
static setPlyrFlags(flags) {
if (!window.yt) return;
if (!window.yt.config_) return;
if (!window.yt.config_.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS) return;
var conCfgs = window.yt.config_.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS;
if (!("WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS" in this._config)) this._config.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS = {};
for (var cfg in conCfgs) {
var dflags = this.decodePlyrFlags(conCfgs[cfg].serializedExperimentFlags);
this.mergeDeep(dflags, flags);
this._config.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS[cfg] = {
serializedExperimentFlags: this.encodePlyrFlags(dflags)
window.addEventListener("yt-page-data-updated", function tmp() {
for (i = 0; i < ATTRS.length; i++) {
window.removeEventListener("yt-page-date-updated", tmp);
function $(q) {
return document.querySelector(q);
// Auto redirect shorts to watch page
var oldHref = document.location.href;
if (window.location.href.indexOf('youtube.com/shorts') > -1) {
window.location.replace(window.location.toString().replace('/shorts/', '/watch?v='));
window.onload = function() {
var bodyList = document.querySelector("body")
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (oldHref != document.location.href) {
oldHref = document.location.href;
console.log('location changed!');
if (window.location.href.indexOf('youtube.com/shorts') > -1) {
window.location.replace(window.location.toString().replace('/shorts/', '/watch?v='));
var config = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
observer.observe(bodyList, config);
// Fully replace shorts links with regular videos
* Shorts URL redirect.
* This is called on initial visit only. Successive navigations
* are managed by modifying the YouTube Desktop application.
/** @type {string} */
var path = window.location.pathname;
if (0 == path.search("/shorts"))
// Extract the video ID from the shorts link and redirect.
/** @type {string} */
var id = path.replace(/\/|shorts|\?.*/g, "");
window.location.replace("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + id);
* YouTube Desktop Shorts remover.
* If the initial URL was not a shorts link, traditional redirection
* will not work. This instead modifies video elements to replace them with
* regular links.
* @param {string} selector (CSS-style) of the element
* @return {Promise<Element>}