different themes for the danish school site lectio
lectio theme<3 by timyexe
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Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name lectio theme<3
@version 1.0.1
@description oled theme til lectio.
@author Hookey
@namespace https://userstyles.world/user/timyexe
@license MIT
@var select theme "Theme" ["oled", "catpuccin", "ayo", "dracula", "nord", "star", "Hello-kitty", "kirby", "animated", "flower-field", "MOUNT-OLED"]
@preprocessor stylus
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("lectio.dk") {
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=JetBrains+Mono:ital,wght@0,100..800;1,100..800&display=swap');
if (theme=="oled") {
:root {
--text-1: #ffffff;
/*main color */
--text-2: #6262ff;
/*highlight 1 */
--text-3: #00ff00;
/* highlight 2*/
--text-4: #ffffff;
/*secondary color*/
--text-5: #ffffff;
/*ikke afleveret*/
--link-1: #ffffff;
/*du dumb vis du ikke ved hvad det her er */
--highlight: #6262ff;
/* siger sig selv */
--bg-1: #000000;
/*background for siden */
--bg-2: #1f1f1f;
--bg-3: #292929;
--bg-4: #f5f5f5;
--lectio-logo: url('https://github.com/TimyExe/vault/blob/main/New%20Project(1).png?raw=true');
--hover-1: #ffffff50;
--outline-1: #ffffff;
--outline-2: #3e3e3e;
--af-bg: #000000;
--af-text: #f00;
--af-outline-l: #420000;
--af-outline: #aa4040;
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="catpuccin") {
:root {
--text-1: #cdd6f4!important;
--text-2: #f5e0dc!important;
--text-3: #a6e3a1!important;
--text-4: #b4befe!important;
--text-5: #fab387!important;
--link-1: #89b4fa!important;
--highlight: #f5e0dc!important;
--bg-1: #1e1e2e!important;
--bg-2: #181825!important;
--bg-3: #11111b!important;
--bg-4: #45475a!important;
--hover-1: #b4befe50!important;
--outline-1: #cba6f7!important;
--outline-2: #f38ba8!important;
--font-family: sans-serif;
--margin: 5px;
--border: 0px;
--border-radius: 2;
else if (theme=="ayo") {
:root {
--text-1: #cdd6f4!important;
--text-2: #f5e0dc!important;
--text-3: #a6e3a1!important;
--text-4: #b4befe!important;
--text-5: #fab387!important;
--link-1: #89b4fa!important;
--highlight: #f5e0dc!important;
--bg-1: #1e1e2e5e!important;
--bg-2: #18182550!important;
--bg-3: #11111b50!important;
--bg-4: #45475a50!important;
--bg-image: url("https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/59/4a/ae/594aae4494d3514e50468f9addda4089.jpg");
--hover-1: #b4befe50!important;
--outline-1: #cba6f7!important;
--outline-2: #f38ba8!important;
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="dracula") {
:root {
--text-1: #f8f8f2;
/* Main text color (light cream) */
--text-2: #ff79c6;
/* Highlight 1 (pink) */
--text-3: #50fa7b;
/* Highlight 2 (green) */
--text-4: #bd93f9;
/* Secondary text color (light purple) */
--text-5: #f8f8f2;
/* Color for "ikke afleveret" (light cream) */
--link-1: #8be9fd;
/* Link color (light blue) */
--highlight: #ff79c6;
/* Highlight color (pink) */
--bg-1: #1e1e2e;
/* Background for the page (dark grayish blue) */
--bg-2: #282a36;
/* Alternative background (slightly lighter dark blue) */
--bg-3: #44475a;
/* Slightly lighter background for sections */
--bg-4: #f1f1f1;
/* Light background (used in highlights or contrast) */
--lectio-logo: url('https://github.com/TimyExe/vault/blob/main/New%20Project(1).png?raw=true');
/* Logo URL */
--hover-1: #f8f8f250;
/* Hover effect with slight opacity */
--outline-1: #ff79c6;
/* Outline color (pink) */
--outline-2: #6272a4;
/* Secondary outline (slightly blue-gray) */
--af-bg: #1e1e2e;
/* "Af" background color */
--af-text: #ff5555;
/* "Af" text color (red) */
--af-outline-l: #ff6e6e;
/* "Af" light outline color (lighter red) */
--af-outline: #ff4c4c;
/* "Af" outline color (darker red) */
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="nord") {
:root {
--text-1: #d8dee9;
/* Main text color (light grayish blue) */
--text-2: #88c0d0;
/* Highlight 1 (light blue) */
--text-3: #a3be8c;
/* Highlight 2 (light green) */
--text-4: #eceff4;
/* Secondary text color (very light gray) */
--text-5: #d8dee9;
/* Color for "ikke afleveret" (light grayish blue) */
--link-1: #81a1c1;
/* Link color (soft blue) */
--highlight: #88c0d0;
/* Highlight color (light blue) */
--bg-1: #2e3440;
/* Background for the page (dark bluish-gray) */
--bg-2: #3b4252;
/* Alternative background (slightly lighter dark gray) */
--bg-3: #434c5e;
/* Slightly lighter background for sections */
--bg-4: #f8f9fa;
/* Light background (used in highlights or contrast) */
--lectio-logo: url('https://github.com/TimyExe/vault/blob/main/New%20Project(1).png?raw=true');
/* Logo URL */
--hover-1: #d8dee950;
/* Hover effect with slight opacity */
--outline-1: #88c0d0;
/* Outline color (light blue) */
--outline-2: #4c566a;
/* Secondary outline (grayish blue) */
--af-bg: #2e3440;
/* "Af" background color (dark bluish-gray) */
--af-text: #bf616a;
/* "Af" text color (soft red) */
--af-outline-l: #d08770;
/* "Af" light outline color (soft orange) */
--af-outline: #bf616a;
/* "Af" outline color (soft red) */
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="star") {
:root {
--text-1: #cdd6f4!important;
--text-2: #977cc9!important;
--text-3: #675fb2!important;
--text-4: #5452aa!important;
--text-5: #fab387!important;
--link-1: #89b4fa!important;
--highlight: #f5e0dc!important;
--bg-1: #0000005e!important;
--bg-2: #00000050!important;
--bg-3: #00000050!important;
--bg-4: #00000050!important;
--bg-image: url("https://4kwallpapers.com/images/walls/thumbs_3t/1022.jpg");
--hover-1: #b4befe50!important;
--outline-1: #cba6f7!important;
--outline-2: #f38ba8!important;
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="Hello-kitty") {
:root {
--text-1: #3f3441!important;
--text-2: #977cc9!important;
--text-3: #675fb2!important;
--text-4: #5452aa!important;
--text-5: #fab387!important;
--link-1: #675fb2!important;
--highlight: #f5e0dc!important;
--bg-1: #fff0!important;
--bg-2: #ffffff5e!important;
--bg-3: #f8baff5e!important;
--bg-4: #f8baff5e!important;
--bg-image: url("https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/5f/cf/06/5fcf0674a086c282ced62176a580de1b.jpg");
--hover-1: #b4befe50!important;
--outline-1: #cba6f7!important;
--outline-2: #f38ba8!important;
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="kirby") {
:root {
--text-1: #3f3441!important;
--text-2: #977cc9!important;
--text-3: #675fb2!important;
--text-4: #5452aa!important;
--text-5: #fab387!important;
--link-1: #675fb2!important;
--highlight: #f5e0dc!important;
--bg-1: #fff0!important;
--bg-2: #ffffffc4!important;
--bg-3: #f8baff5e!important;
--bg-4: #f8baff5e!important;
--bg-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/ikMMJP7.jpeg");
--hover-1: #b4befe50!important;
--outline-1: #cba6f7!important;
--outline-2: #f38ba8!important;
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="animated") {
:root {
--text-1: #fff!important;
--text-2: #fcd9ff!important;
--text-3: #f4d9ff!important;
--text-4: #f6d7ff!important;
--text-5: #fab387!important;
--link-1: #675fb2!important;
--highlight: #f5e0dc!important;
--bg-1: #fff0!important;
--bg-2: #bf86ffc4!important;
--bg-3: #f8baff5e!important;
--bg-4: #f8baff5e!important;
--bg-image: url("https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/a1/22/13a122a75ae1ab3c918041e784aaa264.gif");
--hover-1: #b4befe50!important;
--outline-1: #cba6f7!important;
--outline-2: #f38ba8!important;
--font-family: sans-serif;
else if (theme=="flower-field") {
:root {
--text-1: #fff!important;
--text-2: #fff!important;
--text-3: #c538ff!important;