ign.com - minimal mode (see source for further notes)
ign.com - minimal mode (see notes) by osirisgothra

LicenseNo License
Categoryign.com ign minimal dark compatible style
Size1.9 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
not extensive
just gets rid of some labels/content to make it easy to read wikis
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name ign.com - minimal mode (see notes)
@version 20211123.00.42
@namespace userstyles.world/user/osirisgothra
@description ign.com - minimal mode (see source for further notes)
@author osirisgothra
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("ign.com") {
/*ign.com - minimal mode (see notes)
This style is still in dev (as seen below, very short at this time)
Perma-Issues: ign's web-fu is in effect, server-side recompilation of css is in effect almost always, making it difficult
to remove unwanted content. Some things can be removed, but, there should be an X to close any content at the
top so it ends up working anyway abiet a bit annoying.
Known Issues: (working on)
* Video content windows at top may reappear but they should stay empty at least, use X to close them
* If you have missing images from your guides/wikis then please let me know (email me or submit issue in userstyles.world)
* Not extensively tested on alot of articles, so if you have some pages you want tested let me know
minor - table correction (not because of this style, just in general for edge/chrome under a forceful ui)
|email: <is@this.address:> -- osirisgothra@hotmail.com
.bobble-label, .adunit-wrapper, .wiki-bobble, #hasPogo, #hasPogoQS , ad, .ad, video, img, iframe, iframe *
size: 0px 0px !important;
margin: 0px !important;
padding: 0px !important;
display: none !important;
background-image: none !important;
div.pgT, div.pgT, a.pgA
display: none !important;
table td, table tr
/* to keep readable when chrome pulls dark mode expiremental junk on us
also for windows users when edge tries to conflict
these are standard cross-platform, dont worry!
background: ThreeDDarkShadow !important;
color: ThreeDLightShadow !important;
border-color: ThreeDFace !important;