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Description various usability enhancements.


Various usability enhancements, with options to toggle some of them:

  • Side menus on wide monitors
  • More compact layout without lots of wasted space
  • Displaying both IMDB and Kinopoisk ratings at the same time
  • Displaying related movies of all kinds at the same time
  • Displaying URLs under streaming provider buttons
  • Detailed coloring of season/episode ratings table
  • Coloring of positive/neutral/negative reviews
  • Native sliders with native scrollbars (requires userscript)
  • Less confusing scrollbar colors
  • Longer dropdown lists
  • More highlighting on hover
  • Improved rating contrast
  • Custom interface font
  • Hide top genre and current movies
  • Hide banners
  • Hyphenation
  • etc.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name  – Enhanced [Ath]
@namespace      athari
@version        1.2.4
@description various usability enhancements.
@author         Athari (
@license        MIT
@preprocessor   default
@var            checkbox ath-show-banners       "Show banners" 0
@var            checkbox ath-show-genre-movies  "Show top genre movies" 1
@var            checkbox ath-show-actual-movies "Show current movies" 1
@var            checkbox ath-side-menus         "Side menus" 1
@var            checkbox ath-native-sliders     "Native sliders (requires userscript)" 1
@var            checkbox ath-recolor-scrollbars "Recolor scrollbars" 1
@var            select   ath-hyphens            "Hyphens" ["auto:Automatic", "manual:Manual*"]
@var            text     ath-font-family        "Font" "Segoe UI"
==/UserStyle== */

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      background: #222 !important;

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      li {
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        display: contents !important;
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    overflow-x: scroll;
    &:hover {
      width: auto !important;
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  .serial-rating-table {
    tr {
      &.serial-rating-table__tr-hidden {
        display: revert !important;
      &:has(.serial-rating-table__button-all-td) {
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    td {
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        color: color-contrast(oklch(64% 0.7 calc(30 + var(--h) * 2.5)) vs
          oklch(30% 0.7 calc(30 + var(--h) * 2.5)),
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    .serial-rating-table__1-0 { --h: 00 }
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    .serial-rating-table__1-4 { --h: 04 }
    .serial-rating-table__1-5 { --h: 05 }
    .serial-rating-table__1-6 { --h: 06 }
    .serial-rating-table__1-7 { --h: 07 }
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    .serial-rating-table__2-4 { --h: 14 }
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    .serial-rating-table__2-7 { --h: 17 }
    .serial-rating-table__2-8 { --h: 18 }
    .serial-rating-table__2-9 { --h: 19 }
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    .serial-rating-table__3-1 { --h: 21 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-2 { --h: 22 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-3 { --h: 23 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-4 { --h: 24 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-5 { --h: 25 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-6 { --h: 26 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-7 { --h: 27 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-8 { --h: 28 }
    .serial-rating-table__3-9 { --h: 29 }
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    .serial-rating-table__4-1 { --h: 31 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-2 { --h: 32 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-3 { --h: 33 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-4 { --h: 34 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-5 { --h: 35 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-6 { --h: 36 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-7 { --h: 37 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-8 { --h: 38 }
    .serial-rating-table__4-9 { --h: 39 }
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    .serial-rating-table__5-1 { --h: 41 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-2 { --h: 42 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-3 { --h: 43 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-4 { --h: 44 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-5 { --h: 45 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-6 { --h: 46 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-7 { --h: 47 }
    .serial-rating-table__5-8 { --h: 48 }
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    .serial-rating-table__6-4 { --h: 54 }
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    .serial-rating-table__6-7 { --h: 57 }
    .serial-rating-table__6-8 { --h: 58 }
    .serial-rating-table__6-9 { --h: 59 }
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    .serial-rating-table__7-4 { --h: 64 }
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    .serial-rating-table__7-6 { --h: 66 }
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    .serial-rating-table__7-8 { --h: 68 }
    .serial-rating-table__7-9 { --h: 69 }
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    .serial-rating-table__8-1 { --h: 71 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-2 { --h: 72 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-3 { --h: 73 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-4 { --h: 74 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-5 { --h: 75 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-6 { --h: 76 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-7 { --h: 77 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-8 { --h: 78 }
    .serial-rating-table__8-9 { --h: 79 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-0 { --h: 80 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-1 { --h: 81 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-2 { --h: 82 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-3 { --h: 83 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-4 { --h: 84 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-5 { --h: 85 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-6 { --h: 86 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-7 { --h: 87 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-8 { --h: 88 }
    .serial-rating-table__9-9 { --h: 89 }
    .serial-rating-table__10-0 { --h: 90 }

  .statusList:not(#\0) {
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      padding: 10rem 0 !important;
      font-size: 12rem !important;
      .user {
        a {
          font-size: 16rem !important;
          filter: none !important;
        .proximity {
          filter: none !impor...


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