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Skeuomorphic by magnum22

Screenshot of Skeuomorphic



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Skeuomorphic theme for cobalt.


Currently only supports dark theme.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Skeuomorphic
@version      20250217.20.27
@description  Skeuomorphic theme for cobalt.
@author       magnum22
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
:focus-visible {
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsl(213, 75%, 62%),
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.active:focus-visible {
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#content.svelte-9086m3.svelte-9086m3 {
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#sidebar.svelte-nq9nfb {
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.sidebar-tab.svelte-9r57ym {
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    padding: 7px;
    margin: 5px
} {
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} {
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.sidebar-tab.svelte-9r57ym:hover {
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                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .05) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .9),
                0 1px 7px       hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3);
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

.sidebar-tab.svelte-9r57ym:active {
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                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3),
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    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

#services-button.svelte-1c261yq.svelte-1c261yq {
    border-radius: 0px;

#services-button.svelte-1c261yq.svelte-1c261yq:hover {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .05),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .9);
    border-radius: 0;
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

.expand-icon.svelte-1c261yq.svelte-1c261yq {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .9),
                0 1px 2px       hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .5);
    border-radius: 0px;

#services-popover.svelte-1c261yq.svelte-1c261yq {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                                hsl(0, 0%, 10%) 20%);
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                0 1px 20px      hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .9);
    border-radius: 3px;

.service-item.svelte-1c261yq.svelte-1c261yq {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                                hsl(0, 0%, 15%) 30%);
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .9);
    border-radius: 3px;
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);
    padding: 5px;
    margin: 0 2px;

.expanded.svelte-1c261yq #services-disclaimer.svelte-1c261yq { text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%); }

#input-container.svelte-1kokkg7 {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .15),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .07) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
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                0 0 7px         hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2);
    border-radius: 0;

#input-container.svelte-1kokkg7:hover {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .15) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                inset 0 1px     hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
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                0 0 7px         hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3);
    border-radius: 0;
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

#input-container.focused.svelte-1kokkg7 {
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3),
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                0 0 12px        hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3);
    outline: 0

#download-button.svelte-m5le8h:hover {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .25),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .15) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                inset 0 1px     hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .9),
                0 0 7px         hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3);
    border-radius: 0;

#download-button.svelte-m5le8h {
    border: none;
    border-radius: 0;

#download-button.svelte-m5le8h:dir(rtl) {
    border-radius: 0;

#input-container.focused #download-button.svelte-m5le8h {
    border: 0;

#clear-button {
    background-color: transparent;
    box-shadow: none;

#clear-button:hover {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .25),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .15) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .2),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .7);

.switcher.svelte-17ow1lm {
    border-radius: 0;
    gap: 4px;
    padding: 1px 1px;

.switcher.svelte-17ow1lm:not(.big) :not(.button:first-child) {
    margin-left: -2px;

button, .button {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .05)) 50%;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .7);
    border-radius: 0px;
    border: none;
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

button, .button:hover {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .05) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1)) 50%;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .15),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .7);
    border-radius: 0px;
    border: none;
} {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .9),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .6) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .6) 50%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .9));
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .7),
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                0 1px 3px       hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1);
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .7);
    border: none;
    border-radius: 0px;

.switcher.big.svelte-17ow1lm .button {
    border-radius: 0;

.switcher.big.svelte-17ow1lm {
    background: transparent;
    box-shadow: none;
    padding: 2px;
    gap: 3px;

.switcher.big.svelte-17ow1lm .button:not(:focus-visible) {
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .7),
                0 0 0 1px       hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3);

#subnav-section.svelte-1oe11q0, #subnav-section-categories.svelte-1oe11q0 {
    padding: 3px;
    text-shadow: 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

.tab-icon.svelte-10nqyaq {
    background-color: transparent;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .3),
                inset 0 1px 5px hsl(0, 0%, 0%),
                0 0 0 1px       hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

.tab-icon.svelte-10nqyaq.svelte-10nqyaq {
    border-radius: 0;

.subnav-tab.svelte-10nqyaq.svelte-10nqyaq {
    padding: 3px;
    margin: 3px 0;
    background: transparent;
    border-radius: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-decoration-line: none;
    cursor: default;

.subnav-tab.svelte-10nqyaq.svelte-10nqyaq:hover {
    background: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .1),
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .0) 49%,
                                hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .05)) 50%;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsla(0...


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