Lets you change the background and accent colours on Bluesky
Change Bluesky Accent Colour by FluffyPuppyKasey

LicenseGNU GPLv3
Size2.6 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Known issues: Button to scroll up is somehow broken, underlines still blue
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Change Accent Colour
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.2
@description Customisable accent and background colours for Bluesky
@author fluffypuppykasey.bsky.social
@preprocessor less
@var color accentColour "Accent Colour" #000000
@var color backgroundColour "Background Colour" #000000aa
@var range blur "Blur" ['em', 2.0, 0.5, 4.0, 0.1]
@var range saturation "Blured Elements Saturation" ['%', 150, 0, 300, 1.0]
@var range contrast "Blured Elements Contrast" ['%', 125, 0, 300, 1.0]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("bsky.app") {
@accent-colour: @accentColour;
@background-colour: @backgroundColour;
:root {
--rc-focus-color: @accentColour;
[style*="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"] {
background-color: @background-colour !important;
backdrop-filter: blur(@blur) saturate(@saturation) contrast(@contrast);
[fill="hsl(211, 99%, 53%)"] {
fill: @accent-colour !important;
[aria-label^="Follow "],
[aria-label="Compose post"],
[aria-label="Publish post"] div,
[aria-label="Save alt text"] div,
[style*="background-color: rgb(90, 113, 250)"],
[style*="background-color: rgb(0, 133, 255);"],
[style*="background-color: rgb(16, 131, 254);"] {
background-color: @accent-colour !important;
background-image: none !important;
[style*="color: rgb(16, 131, 254);"],
[style*="color: rgb(0, 133, 255);"],
[style*="color: rgb(90, 113, 250);"] {
color: @accent-colour !important;
[style*="border-color: rgb(16, 131, 254);"],
[style*="border-color: rgb(46, 63, 81);"] {
border-color: @accent-colour !important;
[style*="background-color: rgb(1, 84, 173);"] {
background-color: darken(@accent-colour, 5%) !important;
[style*="background-color: rgb(0, 44, 91);"] {
background-color: darken(@accent-colour, 65%)!important;
[style*="background-color: rgb(52, 150, 254)"] {
background-color: lighten(@accent-colour, 5%) !important;
[style*="color: rgb(52, 150, 254)"] {
color: lighten(@accent-colour, 5%) !important;
[style*="background-color: rgb(1, 64, 132)"] {
background-color: darken(@accent-colour, 33%) !important;
.r-wzwllv {
background-color: @accent-colour !important;
[aria-label*="unread items"] {
color: rgb(241, 243, 245) !important;