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My personal purple accent theme


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@version        1.0.0
@description    anilist accent theme
@author       	l_0Rl
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
	/* This dark theme uses accent coloring based on the shade of colors */
	/* If you would like to switch the accent to something else you'll have to modify those values */
	:root, .site-theme-dark, .site-theme-contrast {
		--color-background: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-foreground: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-foreground-grey: 47, 21, 79;
		--color-foreground-grey-dark: 5, 1, 15;
		--color-foreground-blue: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-foreground-blue-dark: 5, 1, 15;
		--color-text: 178, 135, 245;
		--color-text-light: 178, 110, 245;
		--color-text-lighter: 178, 145, 245;
		--color-text-bright: 178, 145, 245;
		--color-shadow-blue: 5, 1, 15;
		--color-blue: 124, 78, 189;
		--color-blue-dim: 112, 68, 172;
		--color-white: 178, 135, 245;
		--color-background-1200: 178, 135, 245;
		--color-background-1100: 163, 118, 233;
		--color-background-1000: 140, 91, 210;
		--color-background-900: 124, 78, 189;
		--color-background-800: 112, 68, 172;
		--color-background-700: 91, 52, 142;
		--color-background-600: 70, 37, 113;
		--color-background-500: 47, 21, 79;
		--color-background-400: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-background-300: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-background-200: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-background-100: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-gray-1200: 178, 135, 245;
		--color-gray-1100: 163, 118, 233;
		--color-gray-1000: 140, 91, 210;
		--color-gray-900: 124, 78, 189;
		--color-gray-800: 112, 68, 172;
		--color-gray-700: 91, 52, 142;
		--color-gray-600: 70, 37, 113;
		--color-gray-500: 47, 21, 79;
		--color-gray-400: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-gray-300: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-gray-200: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-gray-100: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-blue-100: 178, 135, 245;
		--color-blue-200: 163, 118, 233;
		--color-blue-300: 140, 91, 210;
		--color-blue-400: 124, 78, 189;
		--color-blue-500: 112, 68, 172;
		--color-blue-600: 91, 52, 142;
		--color-blue-700: 70, 37, 113;
		--color-blue-800: 47, 21, 79;
		--color-blue-900: 28, 10, 51;
		--color-blue-1000: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-overlay: 18, 6, 34;
		--color-shadow: 49, 54, 68;
		--color-shadow-dark: 6, 13, 34;
		--color-black: 0, 0, 0;
		--color-red: 232, 93, 117;
		--color-peach: 250, 122, 122;
		--color-orange: 247, 154, 99;
		--color-yellow: 247, 191, 99;
		--color-green: 123, 213, 85;
		--color-green-100: 245, 249, 243;
		--color-green-200: 226, 246, 217;
		--color-green-300: 160, 241, 126;
		--color-green-400: 119, 220, 76;
		--color-green-500: 83, 175, 45;
		--color-green-600: 56, 126, 26;
		--color-green-700: 46, 90, 27;
		--color-green-800: 41, 66, 31;
		--color-red-100: 255, 244, 246;
		--color-red-200: 254, 212, 220;
		--color-red-300: 255, 140, 160;
		--color-red-400: 236, 41, 75;
		--color-red-500: 213, 0, 37;
		--color-red-600: 165, 1, 29;
		--color-red-700: 117, 0, 20
	.link[data-v-62eacfff] {
		color: rgb(var(--color-blue));
	.link[data-v-62eacfff]:hover {
		color: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
	.transparent .search[data-v-62eacfff] svg {
		color: rgb(var(--color-blue));
	.search[data-v-62eacfff]:hover svg {
		color: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
	.user .chevron[data-v-62eacfff] {
		color: rgb(var(--color-blue));
	.el-select-dropdown__list, .el-select-dropdown__item {
		background: rgb(var(--color-foreground));
	.el-select-dropdown__item.hover, .el-select-dropdown__item:hover {
		background: rgb(var(--color-blue));
	.el-select-dropdown__item.selected {
		color: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
	.progress[data-v-5d42c114] {
		background: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
	.site-theme-dark .nav-unscoped,
	.site-theme-dark .nav-unscoped.transparent {
		background: rgb(var(--color-background)) !important;
	} + .el-checkbox__label, + .el-radio__label {
		color: rgb(var(--color-blue));
	.el-input__inner, .el-input__suffix {
		color: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
	} {
		background: rgb(var(--color-background));
		color: rgb(var(--color-text));
	.el-dropdown-menu, .el-dropdown-menu__item, .el-dropdown-menu__item--divided::before {
		background: rgb(var(--color-background));
	.el-dropdown-menu__item--divided {
		border-top: none;
	} .el-checkbox__inner, .el-radio__inner {
		border-color: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
  		background: rgb(var(--color-text-light));
	} .progress .bar {
		background: linear-gradient(270deg,rgb(var(--color-text-light)),rgb(var(--color-text)));
	.footer[data-v-0165744a] {
		background: rgb(var(--color-foreground));
		color: rgb(var(--color-text));
	h2[data-v-0165744a] {
		color: rgb(var(--color-text));
	/* div.footer {
		display: none;
	} */


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