Google Dark Theme [DEPRACATED] by blyad
![Screenshot of Google Dark Theme [DEPRACATED]](
LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Size1.7 MB
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The code here is archaic as hell. I've used many stupid ways of writing the code and absolutely bloating the file size and structure with repeating functions since Google breaks classes ids etc. with each new update, since everything from Google is almost entirely written JS. Instead of creating new @moz-document for each page I've just throwed everything in one block of code and I was fighting more with incompatiblities between each single page for old code to work properly, than writing and changing new pages look to dark. So, avoid this at all costs.
As every single style for Google doesn't work, or just replaces Google logo with some anime titties, I've decided to make my own version.
For the best results enable the [stylus-iframe]
option, here's how to do it:
It fully supports(for now):
- Google Search(of course)
- Google Maps
- Google Finances
- Google Translate
- Google Policies
- Google Accounts
- Google My Account
- Google Ads Settings
- Google Posts
- Google Dictionary
- Google Mini Games
- Google Shopping
- Google Settings
- Google Flight
- Google Travel
- Google Arts
- Google Meet
- Google Calendar
- Google Contacts
- Google Docs
- Google Tasks
- Google Keep Embed(Google Keep has built-in dark theme)
- Google Photos
- Google Play
- Google Drive
- Google Classroom
- Google Jamboard
- Google Podcasts
- Google Chat
- Google Families
- Google Domains
- Google Scholar
- Google Duo
- Google Ads
- Google About
- Google Blog
- Google AdMob
- Google Marketing Platform
- Google Measurement Partners
- Google Ad Manager
- Google Doodles
- Google Assistant
- Google Developers
- Google Store
- Google One
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Optimize
- Google Firebase
- Google Firebase On Air
- Google Images
- Google Enterprise
- Google Arts Experiments
- Google Chrome On Air
- Google Consent
- Google Books
- Google Voice
- Google Groups
- Google Stadia
- Google Sites
- Google Alerts
- Google Open Source Live
- Google AI Blog
- Google Careers
- Google Research
- Google Dataset Search
- Google Cloud Print
- Google AR&VR
- Google Fi
- Google Payments
- Google Pay
- Google Pixel
- Google Lens
- Google WearOS
- Google Input Tools
- Google Trends
- Google Grow
- Google Takeout
- Google My Ad Center
- Google Digital Garage
- Google for Small Business
- Google for Education
Every stylesheet that changes mentioned above domains will not work, exclusions are to stylesheets that only change positioning of elements, those will work. It is highly disadvised to run this along with forced dark mode from Opera GX, this will only cause issues, here's an example.If you find any issues, please post them on a GitHub page.
Update 81 | 25.09 | THE CHINA IS INVADING
- another fixes, thats it
Update 80 | 07.09.23
- just a little bit of tweakin'
Update 79 | 11.08.23 | 
- yet another shit ton of fixes
Update 78 | 29.06.23 | huh?
- fixed Docs word count(or at least i think i did) (#43)
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Shopping
- fixes at Google Docs
- fixes at Google Travel
- fixes at Google Lens
- fixes at Google Finances
- changed
variables to suit official Google theme(you can change them back to original color, old variables are listed after the new ones) - minor fixes everywhere
Update 76 & 77 | 03.06.23
- fixed pageless mode at Google Docs (#42)
- fixes at Google Docs
- fixes at Google Drive
- minor fixes everywhere
- fixed Google Docs Word count and more (#43)
- fixes at Google Docs
- fixes at Google Search
- minor fixes everywhere
Update 75 | 28.04.23
- fixed Google Docs again x4 (#39)
- fixed Google Docs rulers (#41)
- fixes at Google Drive
- fixes at Google Search
- minor fixes
Update 74 | 17.04.23
- fixed Google Docs again x3 (#39)
- minor tweaks
Update 73 | 10.04.23 | iPhone 6s
- added support for Google Grow
- added support for Google Takeout
- added support for Google My Ad Center
- added support for Google Digital Garage
- added support for Google for Small Business
- added support for Google for Education
- added ability to turn on/off geo location blocker + tweaked it a little
- fixed entire Google Calendar (#37)
- applied fixes for new MD3 layout where it was needed (#34)
- possibly fixed the new sidebar on Google Maps, not sure if it was it tho (#33)
- fixed again Google Translate (#31)
- a lot of fixes everywhere
Update 72 | 12.03.23 | Aktualizacja dedykowana temu co puka
- some fixes
- Note: Excuse me fellas, I've been very busy spreading hatred online
Update 71 | 24.12.22 | Merry Fucking Christmas
- added support for Google Trends
- fixes at Google Maps
- fixes at Google Search, and probalby 20 other subdomains but I've already forgot about them
- minor fixes everywhere
Update 70 | 28.11.22 | I'm still not paying them
- added support for Google WearOS
- added support for Google Input Tools
- fixes at Google Maps
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Translate
- minor fixes
Udpatte 69 | 08.11.22
- critical fixes at Google Translate (#31)
Update 68 | 07.11.22 | g
- major fixes at Google Workspace
- fixes at Google Drive
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Flight and Travel
- fixed blurry and misaligned text upon typo errors at Google Search again (#4)
- imporved localization and IP hider
- minor fixes
Update 67 | 31.10.22
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Finances
- fixes at Google Calendar
- minor fixes
Update 66 | 23.10.22 | I'm not paying them
- fixed the white sidebar at Google Photos (#30)
- fixed white hover bg at rmb menu at Google Drive (#29)
- major fixes at Google Photos
- minor fixes at Google Store
- Note: Now excuse me as I play some New Vegas
Update 65 | 19.10.22
- some fixes, I don't know
Update 64 | 28.09.22 | Masz, poczęstuj się
- added support for Google Lens
- fixes at Google Maps
- fixes at Google Travel
- fixes at Google Flight
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Voice (#24)
- minor fixes
Update 63 | 14.09.22 | Kolorowy świat kolorowe skurwysyny Ulepione z pierdolonej kolorowej gliny
- fixes at Google Classroom
- fixes at Google Calendar
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Travel
- fixed issue where account managed by someone else message was white (#25)
- fixed issue where some fonts were unreadable at Google Classroom (#26)
- minor fixes
Update 62 | 09.09.22 | 
- added support for Google Dataset Search
- added support for Google Cloud Print
- added support for Google AR&VR
- added support for Google Fi
- added support for Google Payments
- added support for Google Pay
- added support for Google Pixel
- major fixes at Google Voice (Looking for help)
- major fixes at Google Store
- minor fixes at Google Policies
- minor fixes overall
- Note: After multiple beers and sessions in B4B and WWZ I've finally pushed some normal sized update
- this Google Drive is going to kill me with how often it breaks
- minor fixes
Update 60 | 05.08.22
- again fixed Google Drive
- minor fixes
Update 59 | 23.07.22
- fixed Google Drive listing background (#21)
- fixed Google Sheets formulas background and text color (#22)
- minor fixes
Update 58 | 21.07.22 | Family Guy Funny Moments
- fixed entire Google Play because of the new design
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Docs
- minor fixes
Update 57 | 09.07.22 | I'm tweakin'
- fixes at Google Docs
- fixes at Google Drive
- tweakn' something else
Update 56 | 29.06.22 | I just wrote the entire script of An Incorrect Summary of Metal Gear Rising | Part 1 for no fucking reason Update
- fixes at Google Docs(well, obviously)
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Maps
- minor fixes
Update 55 | 22.06.22 | Pre-Anniversary Update
- added support for Google AI Blog
- added support for Google Research
- added support for Google Careers
- fixes at Google One
- fixes at Google My Account
- fixes at Google Translate
- fixes at Google Search
- minor fixes
- Note: I've been a little bit busy
Update 54 | 28.05.22
- fixed entire Google Drive (#20)
- fixes at Google Search
- minor fixes
Update 53 | 13.05.22 | 
- added support for Google Open Source Live
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Docs
- fixes at Google Drive
- minor fixes
Update 52 | 01.05.22 | Well, if it isn't sussy Jack
- remade scrollbar look
- improved /[[map]]/ filter
- fixes at Google Search
- fixes at Google Docs
- minor improvements
Update 51 | 14.04.22 | Hey, Palpatine
- fixes at Google Search
Update 50 | 05.04.22
- fixes at Google Analytics
- fixes at Google Search
- minor fixes
Update History
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Google Dark Theme
@version 3.6.8
@description `Ultimate Dark Theme for Google`
@author blyad (
@license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown map "Invert Maps:" {
1. "ON*" <<<EOT invert(.935) hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(1.5) EOT;
2. "OFF" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced dropdown docs_chart_invert "[Docs] Invert Charts:(colors may get a little fucky-wucky)" {
1. "180deg hue Invert" <<<EOT invert(.835) hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(3) EOT;
2. "BG According Color" <<<EOT var(--invert-3) EOT;
3. "OFF" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced dropdown google_logo "[Search] Change the Google logo:" {
1. "Normal Logo/OFF" <<<EOT none EOT;
2. "White Logo" <<<EOT filter: saturate(0) brightness(3); EOT;
3. "Custom Logo" <<<EOT content: var(--custom_logo); EOT;
@advanced text custom_logo "Custom Logo URL:" url(",h_389,strp/google_new_logo__fanmade__by_ejtitov_ddqh6hs-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9Mzg5IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvN2I3ODI2ZGUtYjkyNy00NzlkLWFkNjktNGUyZjE0ZDQzZDAzXC9kZHFoNmhzLTNhNjAwNTlhLTA5ZmUtNGRkNS1iZTVkLTdkNGUxODk4ZmU3Yy5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.YBwiDHAVx60yUvNX3G4Nz2bryR2rfkj_vnCek079B50")
@advanced dropdown firebaseonair_enabler "Disable Bad Browser Blocker:" {
1. "ON*" <<<EOT div#bad-browser {display:none !important;} body.unsupported {overflow-y:scroll !important;} EOT;
2. "OFF" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown geo-location-hider "Hide Geographic Location at Google Search:" {
1. "YES" <<<EOT
[class="xyGai"], span[id="Wprf1b"], div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"], [class="CV7Lzb"], [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"], .sfkRie.lH3m7e.QeOHzd .Cehwse {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
[class="xyGai"]:before, div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"]:before, [class="CV7Lzb"]:before, [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"]:before, .sfkRie.lH3m7e.QeOHzd .Cehwse:before {
visibility: visible;
content: 'wenamechinesama';
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;
top: 0;
left: 0;
position: relative;
div#oFNiHe .eKPi4, div#oFNiHe .HzHK1 {
display: none;
html[lang*="en"] [class="xyGai"], html[lang*="en"] span[id="Wprf1b"], html[lang*="en"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"], html[lang*="en"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"], html[lang="en"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"], html[lang*="en"] [class="CV7Lzb"], html[lang*="en"] [class="CV7Lzb"], html[lang*="en"] [class="CV7Lzb"], html[lang*="en"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"], html[lang*="en"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"], html[lang*="en"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"], .sfkRie.lH3m7e.QeOHzd .Cehwse {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
html[lang*="en"] [class="xyGai"]:before, html[lang*="en"] span[id="Wprf1b"]:before, html[lang*="en"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"]:before, html[lang*="en"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"]:before, html[lang*="en"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"]:before, html[lang*="en"] [class="CV7Lzb"]:before, html[lang*="en"] [class="CV7Lzb"]:before, html[lang*="en"] [class="CV7Lzb"]:before, html[lang*="en"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"]:before, html[lang*="en"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"]:before, html[lang*="en"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"]:before, .sfkRie.lH3m7e.QeOHzd .Cehwse:before {
visibility: visible;
content: 'This message has been censored by Thalmor';
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;
top: 0;
left: 0;
position: relative;
html[lang*="pl"] [class="xyGai"], html[lang*="pl"] span[id="Wprf1b"], html[lang*="PL"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"], html[lang*="pl"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"], html[lang*="PL"] [class="CV7Lzb"], html[lang*="pl"] [class="CV7Lzb"], html[lang*="pl"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"], .sfkRie.lH3m7e.QeOHzd .Cehwse {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
html[lang*="pl"] [class="xyGai"]:before, html[lang*="pl"] span[id="Wprf1b"]:before, html[lang*="PL"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"]:before, html[lang*="pl"] div[jscontroller="qcH9Lc"]:before, html[lang*="PL"] [class="CV7Lzb"]:before, html[lang*="pl"] [class="CV7Lzb"]:before, html[lang*="pl"] [class="Ca1dJe C8sJ1e"]:before, .sfkRie.lH3m7e.QeOHzd .Cehwse:before {
visibility: visible;
content: 'Pozdrawiam mame, tate, babcie i Grześka Floryde';
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;
top: 0;
left: 0;
position: relative;
} EOT;
2. "NO" <<<EOT EOT;
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix(""), regexp("^(https?)://(www|ogs|gds|translate|policies|accounts|myaccount|adssettings|posts|artsandculture|about.artsandculture|docs|contacts|calendar|meet|tasks|keep|workspace|photos|play|ads|drive|classroom|jamboard|podcasts|chat|families|domains|scholar|gsuite|duo|shopping|shoppinglist|marketingplatform|measurementpartners|admanager|admob|about||blog|assistant|developers|store|one||analytics|tagmanager|optimize|firebase|console.firebase|images|firebaseonair|chromeenterprise|artsexperiments|chromeonair|consent|voice|books|stadia|sites|groups|opensourcelive|research|ai|careers|datasetsearch.research|arvr|fi|lh3|madeby|payments|pixel|pay|lens|cloud|wearos|myadcenter|trends|learndigital|takeout|grow|applieddigitalskills|smallbusiness|customerreviews).(google|withgoogle|googleblog|googleusercontent).*") {
:root {
--custom_logo: /*[[custom_logo]]*/;
--bg-dark: #202124;
--bg-dark-rgb: 32, 33, 36;
--bg-dark-2: #212428; /*212428*/
--bg-dark-2-rgb: 48, 49, 52;
--bg-dark-3: #36373A;
--bg-dark-3-rgb: 54, 55, 58;
--bg-dark-4: #4a4b4d;
--bg-dark-5: #28292f;
--bg-dark-6: #20262d;
--bg-dark-7: #454a53;
--bg-dark-8: #4d5257;
--bg-dark-9: #3b3b3b;
--bg-dark-10: var(--bg-dark-17);
--bg-dark-11: #252525;
--bg-dark-12: #414141;
--bg-dark-13: #3f3f3f;
--bg-dark-14: #6a6a6a;
--bg-dark-15: var(--bg-hover-1);
--bg-dark-16: #25262a;
--bg-dark-17: #2a2c31;
--bg-dark-18: #393b40;
--bg-dark-19: #4a4b4f;
--bg-dark-20: #444;
--bg-dark-21: #293034;
--bg-dark-22: #303030;
--bg-dark-23: #353535;
--bg-dark-24: #494949;
--bg-dark-25: #222325;
--bg-dark-26: #37373A;
--bg-dark-27: #2e2f32;
--bg-dark-28: #2a2c2f;
--bg-dark-29: #242b2f;
--bg-dark-30: #4e4e4e;
--bg-dark-31: #262729;
--bg-dark-32: #202729;
--bg-dark-blue-1: #42474f;
--bg-dark-blue-2: #383b40;
--bg-dark-blue-2-rgb: 56, 59, 64;
--bg-dark-blue-3: #33363c;
--bg-dark-blue-4: #3a3c40;
--bg-dark-blue-5: #5d6166;
--bg-dark-blue-6: #3c3f44;
--bg-dark-blue-7: #566071;
--bg-dark-blue-8: #5e6f8a;
--bg-dark-blue-9: #4f5051;
--bg-dark-blue-10: #343a3c;
--bg-dark-blue-11: #494f59;
--bg-dark-blue-12: #313a3e;
--bg-dark-blue-13: #586475;
--bg-dark-blue-14: #30373a;
--bg-dark-blue-15: #6d97aa;
--bg-dark-mint: #202928;
--bg-grey: #909090;
--bg-grey-2: #505050;
--bg-grey-3: #6d7175;
--bg-grey-4: #5d5d5d;
--bg-grey-5: #595959;
--bg-grey-6: #585858;
--bg-grey-7: #5d6064;
--bg-grey-8: #5e5f5f;
--bg-grey-9: #545454;
--bg-grey-transparent-1: rgba(158, 158, 158, .2);
--bg-dark-yellow: #3e3c37;
--bg-dark-yellow-2: #332f22;
--bg-dark-green: #262f28;
--bg-dark-green-rgb: 38, 47, 40;
--bg-dark-red: #312321;
--bg-dark-red-rgb: 49, 35, 33;
--bg-dark-orange: #31211d;
--bg-dark-orange-rgb: 49, 33, 29;
--bg-dark-purple: #392b46;
--bg-dark-pink: #372730;
--bg-dark-pink-rgb: 55, 39, 48;
--bg-hover-1: #282a2f; /*282a2f*/
--bg-hover-1-rgb: 40, 42, 47;
--bg-active-1: #24282f;
--bg-hover-2: #272828;
--bg-active-2: #383839;
--bg-hover-3: #28292a;
--bg-active-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, .2);
--bg-hover-4: #212425;
--bg-hover-5: #2a2a2a;
--bg-hover-6: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);
--bg-active-6: rgba(175, 179, 185, .16);
--bg-active-4: rgba(128, 133, 138, .4);
--bg-hover-7: rgba(128, 133, 138, .2);
--bg-hover-8: #26292e;
--bg-hover-9: rgba(204, 210, 215, .04);
--bg-active-5: rgba(204, 210, 215, .08);
--bg-hover-10: rgba(255, 255, 255, .05);
--bg-hover-11: rgba(175, 179, 185, .039);
--bg-hover-12: #2c2d2f;
--bg-transparent-1-hover: rgba(204, 233, 255, .08);
--bg-transparent-1-active: rgba(204, 233, 255, .12);
--bg-transparent-1: rgba(175, 183, 193, .24);
--bg-transparent-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, .03);
--bg-transparent-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);
--bg-transparent-4: rgba(255, 255, 255, .12);
--bg-transparent-5: rgba(32, 33, 36, .84);
--bg-transparent-6: rgba(255, 255, 255, .26);
--bg-transparent-7: rgba(255, 255, 255, .06);
--bg-transparent-8: rgb(204, 210, 215, .04);
--bg-transparent-9: rgb(204, 210, 215, .1);
--bg-transparent-10: rgba(204, 210, 215, .039);
--bg-transparent-11: rgba(208, 209, 212, .059);
--bg-transparent-12: rgba(208, 209, 212, .122);
--bg-transparent-13: rgba(208, 209, 212, .059);
--bg-transparent-14: rgba(255, 255, 255, .2);
--bg-transparent-15: rgba(255, 255, 255, .161);
--bg-transparent-16: rgba(255, 255, 255, .039);
--bg-transparent-17: rgba(208, 209, 212, .03);
--bg-transparent-18: rgba(255, 255, 255, .05);
--bg-transparent-19: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
--bg-transparent-20: rgba(255, 255 ,255, .18);
--bg-transparent-21: rgba(187, 187, 187, .4);
--bg-transparent-22: rgba(204, 210, 215, .039);
--bg-transparent-23: rgba(255, 255, 255, .04);
--bg-transparent-24: rgba(204, 210, 215, .078);
--bg-transparent-25: rgba(204, 210, 215, .08);
--bg-transparent-26: rgba(175, 179, 185, ...