merges like bars to be right next to each other currently, when the bar goes away on dec 13 even for redux this addon will be fixed again
colors are hardcoded but you can change them really easily, just click the boxes in the edit mode
LicenseNo License
CategoryYoutube, redux, extension, support, video
Size1.4 kB
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merges like bars to be right next to each other currently, when the bar goes away on dec 13 even for redux this addon will be fixed again
colors are hardcoded but you can change them really easily, just click the boxes in the edit mode
Use with the youtube redux addon
Dislikes restored
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Return youtube dislike + youtube redux
@version 20211130.03.46
@description merges like bars to be right next to each other currently, when the bar goes away on dec 13 even for redux this addon will be fixed again
colors are hardcoded but you can change them really easily, just click the boxes in the edit mode
@author itsaboutwhynot
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
padding-top:0 !important; /*remove unnessescary element size that prevents clicking buttons 1*/
padding-bottom:0 !important} /*remove unnessescary element size that prevents clicking buttons 2*/
top:-30px !important; /*move bar below thing. I reccomend not putting it on top currently but do whatever*/
width: 100% !important; /*adjusts for broken length, full element*/
padding-top:0 !important; /*remove unnessescary element size that prevents clicking buttons 3*/
padding-bottom:0 !important} /*remove unnessescary element size that prevents clicking buttons 4*/
background: #00881d !important;}
background: #bf0000 !important;
width: 100% !important; /*adjusts for broken length, main likes bar*/