Sepia theme for Readwise Reader. Only works in light mode.
Readwise Reader Sepia Theme by aadilayub

Size8.6 kB
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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Readwise Reader Sepia Theme
@namespace Readwise Reader Sepia Theme
@version 0.1
@description Soothing sepia theme for Readwise Reader
@author Aadil
@license MIT
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("^https?://(read\\.)?readwise\\..*")
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
:root {
/* Sepia theme adjustments */
--neutral-100: #f2ebe1; /* Light beige background */
--neutral-97: #ece5d9;
--neutral-95: #e5ddd1;
--neutral-90: #d6cbbd;
--neutral-85: #c7bba9;
--neutral-80: #b9ada0;
--neutral-75: #aa9f96;
--neutral-70: #9c928c;
--neutral-65: #8e8582;
--neutral-60: #807878;
--neutral-55: #726a6e;
--neutral-50: #645d64;
--neutral-45: #56505a;
--neutral-40: #494450;
--neutral-35: #3c3846;
--neutral-30: #302d3c;
--neutral-25: #252332;
--neutral-20: #1a1928;
--neutral-15: #11101e;
--neutral-10: #080814;
--neutral-07: #05050e;
--neutral-05: #03030a;
/* Sepia tones for colors */
--red-97: #f8e8e4;
--red-90: #f0cdc4;
--red-80: #e7a89b;
--red-70: #df8474;
--red-60: #e7604e;
--red-50: #c84838;
--red-40: #9a3f31;
--red-30: #71352a;
--red-20: #4a2720;
--red-10: #2a1a14;
--orange-97: #f7f0e5;
--orange-90: #f0d9bb;
--orange-80: #e9be8e;
--orange-70: #e2a364;
--orange-60: #db8a42;
--orange-50: #c17539;
--orange-40: #936030;
--orange-30: #6b4a27;
--orange-20: #46351e;
--orange-10: #271f15;
--yellow-97: #f5f3da;
--yellow-90: #eee0a2;
--yellow-80: #e8cd6b;
--yellow-70: #e1b933;
--yellow-60: #d6a121;
--yellow-50: #ba8c1a;
--yellow-40: #917714;
--yellow-30: #6b5c0e;
--yellow-20: #463d08;
--yellow-10: #272001;
--green-97: #e9f0e5;
--green-90: #c6e3c2;
--green-80: #a3d69f;
--green-70: #82c97f;
--green-60: #67bc64;
--green-50: #51a14f;
--green-40: #448041;
--green-30: #365e36;
--green-20: #293d29;
--green-10: #1a231a;
--teal-97: #e5f0ef;
--teal-90: #bde3df;
--teal-80: #93d6ce;
--teal-70: #6bc9be;
--teal-60: #49bcaf;
--teal-50: #35a195;
--teal-40: #2b8075;
--teal-30: #205e55;
--teal-20: #163d35;
--teal-10: #0b231f;
--blue-97: #edf0f5;
--blue-90: #c9e0f0;
--blue-80: #a6c5e0;
--blue-70: #a79585; /* Sepia-toned blue */
--blue-60: #89796a;
--blue-50: #6b5d50;
--blue-40: #584a41;
--blue-30: #463833;
--blue-20: #342624;
--blue-10: #221515;
--indigo-97: #f0edf4;
--indigo-90: #dbd7ef;
--indigo-80: #b9aee4;
--indigo-70: #9f93d8;
--indigo-60: #8874db;
--indigo-50: #744fe0;
--indigo-40: #6036b2;
--indigo-30: #472f81;
--indigo-20: #32254c;
--indigo-10: #1d152b;
--purple-97: #f4f0f4;
--purple-90: #e7d9e7;
--purple-80: #dab7da;
--purple-70: #cc94cd;
--purple-60: #bc6ebc;
--purple-50: #ab44af;
--purple-40: #843a81;
--purple-30: #613058;
--purple-20: #3d2630;
--purple-10: #21151a;
/* Adjustments to theme colors */
--text-primary: var(--neutral-25);
--text-secondary: var(--neutral-45);
--text-tertiary: var(--neutral-60);
--text-placeholder: var(--neutral-65);
--text-disabled: var(--neutral-75);
--text-inverse: var(--neutral-90);
--text-interactive: #b17142; /* Sepia-toned interactive text */
--text-backlink: var(--indigo-40);
--text-error: var(--red-50);
--text-success: var(--green-50);
--icon-primary: var(--neutral-25);
--icon-secondary: var(--neutral-45);
--icon-tertiary: var(--neutral-60);
--icon-disabled: var(--neutral-75);
--icon-interactive: var(--blue-50);
--icon-danger: var(--red-50);
--icon-success: var(--green-50);
--icon-inverse: var(--neutral-97);
--icon-faint: var(--neutral-90);
--border-primary: var(--neutral-80);
--border-secondary: var(--neutral-90);
--background-primary: var(--neutral-100);
--background-secondary: var(--neutral-90);
--background-tertiary: var(--neutral-95);
--background-inverse: var(--neutral-10);
--background-canvas: var(--neutral-97);
--background-elevated: var(--neutral-100);
--highlight-background-color--normal: #e0c880; /* Muted yellow highlight */
--highlight-background-color-underline: hsl(50deg 100% 50% / 100%);
--highlight-background-color--active: hsl(50deg 100% 50% / 30%);
--highlight-image-background-color--normal: hsl(50deg 100% 50% / 30%);
--highlight-image-background-color--active: hsl(50deg 100% 50% / 50%);
--selection-color: rgba(0, 114, 255, 0.3);
--svg-filter-grey: invert(26%) sepia(60%) saturate(10%) hue-rotate(0deg)
brightness(106%) contrast(94%);
--svg-filter-inbox: invert(76%) sepia(60%) saturate(10%) hue-rotate(0deg)
brightness(95%) contrast(90%);
--svg-filter-black: invert(0%) sepia(60%) saturate(10%) hue-rotate(0deg)
brightness(93%) contrast(107%);
--svg-filter-white: invert(100%) sepia(60%) saturate(10%) hue-rotate(0deg)
brightness(105%) contrast(101%);
--svg-filter-blue: invert(79%) sepia(60%) saturate(10%) hue-rotate(0deg)
brightness(102%) contrast(94%);
/* Override default focus styles */
*:focus {
outline-color: #b17142; /* Sepia-toned focus outline */
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 2px;
/* theme reading progress bar */
._gradient_q95nq_53 {
filter: sepia(1);
.theme--dark {
/* Dark theme adjustments for sepia */
--neutral-100: #0f110b;
--neutral-97: #191b15;
--neutral-95: #23251f;
--neutral-90: #2e302a;
--neutral-85: #393b35;
--neutral-80: #444640;
--neutral-75: #50524c;
--neutral-70: #5d5f59;
--neutral-65: #6a6c66;
--neutral-60: #777973;
--neutral-55: #848680;
--neutral-50: #91938d;
--neutral-45: #9ea19a;
--neutral-40: #aeada5;
--neutral-35: #beb9b0;
--neutral-30: #cec5bb;
--neutral-25: #dad0c6;
--neutral-20: #eae5de;
--neutral-15: #f1efe8;
--neutral-10: #f8f8f2;
--neutral-07: #fcfaf7;
--neutral-05: #ffffff;
/* Dark theme sepia tones for colors */
--red-97: #27140b;
--red-90: #492018;
--red-80: #74291f;
--red-70: #a13025;
--red-60: #d1372b;
--red-50: #f04e42;
--red-40: #ee7c6b;
--red-30: #f2a796;
--red-20: #f2d2c7;
--red-10: #f9ece8;
--orange-97: #291501;
--orange-90: #462508;
--orange-80: #6e330b;
--orange-70: #944415;
--orange-60: #c04c16;
--orange-50: #e35f1a;
--orange-40: #f48a2a;
--orange-30: #f5b765;
--orange-20: #f6dcb1;
--orange-10: #f9f4e5;
--yellow-97: #241401;
--yellow-90: #41270b;
--yellow-80: #63390f;
--yellow-70: #845003;
--yellow-60: #9e710f;
--yellow-50: #bb921a;
--yellow-40: #dbb312;
--yellow-30: #f2d341;
--yellow-20: #f2e2a2;
--yellow-10: #f7f6da;
--green-97: #162015;
--green-90: #243424;
--green-80: #2f4e2f;
--green-70: #366935;
--green-60: #337f34;
--green-50: #49a14b;
--green-40: #67b066;
--green-30: #93d091;
--green-20: #c5e6c3;
--green-10: #e9f2e8;
--teal-97: #001d1f;
--teal-90: #0c2e30;
--teal-80: #17454a;
--teal-70: #125c64;
--teal-60: #00707e;
--teal-50: #0a8fa1;
--teal-40: #35a9bb;
--teal-30: #7ec7da;
--teal-20: #bfe3e9;
--teal-10: #e8f1f2;
--blue-97: #1a1b26;
--blue-90: #262942;
--blue-80: #283a75;
--blue-70: #2b3842; /* Sepia-toned blue */
--blue-60: #47505a;
--blue-50: #646873;
--blue-40: #80808b;
--blue-30: #9c98a3;
--blue-20: #b8b0bb;
--blue-10: #d4c8d3;
--indigo-97: #1d152f;
--indigo-90: #322550;
--indigo-80: #472f85;
--indigo-70: #6036b6;
--indigo-60: #744fe3;