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(cpu|videocard) search / highlighter by asteconn

Screenshot of (cpu|videocard) search / highlighter







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Please adjust as appropriate! A helper for comparing within ranking charts on the two sites. Colours in Intel / AMD / nVidia entries.


Please adjust this style as required!


To keep yourself fairly sane when organizing these selectors, use this format for them:

  • brand is something like "AMD", "Intel", "GeForce", "ARM", "VIA", and so on.
  • model is the model number itself, such as "6600", "9950", "100", and so on.
  • suffix is any additional letter codes or labels, like "HQ", "K", "X", "Max-Q", "Mobile", "Laptop", and so on.

Adding all of them will make organizing things easier, especially if you have a large number of things you want to search through.

It's very important that each line begins with a & and ends with a ,. The & concatenates* the selector to the link, and the , comma at the end of the line will separate the next line from this one.
*joins it together: a { &[href*=""] { ... } } will functionally give you a[href*=""].

How it works

Summary: this style sets all items to 0 height by default, and the [href*=""] selectors that you'll adjust then set the height back so the item is visible.

The sites both use the customer-facing model name in their URLs, and this is what we search against.

Each part of the search needs to be in a separate [href*=""] selector because CSS's string matching is quite basic and the sites' URL format isn't 100% consistent.

Chaining several [href*=""] selectors one after the other will match only if both match.
For example: [href*="6600"] will match any model number that includes 6600, but [href*="Radeon"][href*="6600"] will show any Radeon 6600 variant. 6600 is used across a few different product lines, so may give unwanted items. Adding the second selector constrains the result more reliably - it's interpeted as The URL must contain 'Radeon' and '6600'.

You can add exclusions using CSS's :not() syntax.

Show everything by AMD:


Show everything by Intel:


Show everything by nVidia:


Show consumer Intel CPUs:


Show mid-range and higher consumer AMD CPUs:


Show recent AMD laptop CPUs: (the H and U suffixes are laptop units)


Show recent nVidia mobile GPUs:


Show everything by AMD, that isn't their EPYC server line:


Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         (cpu|videocard) search / highlighter
@version      20250319.10.37
@description  Please adjust as appropriate! A helper for comparing within ranking charts on the two sites. Colours in Intel / AMD / nVidia entries.
@author       asteconn
@license      CC0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("https?://www.(cpu|videocard)[a-zA-Z0-9]+(_end_|_range_)(.*)") {
ul.chartlist li a {
  Add / remove or comment selectors here to show or hide individual items, based on what you search for.

  Here is the basic format for the selector - replace 'SEARCH-STRING' with whatever it is you're looking to show.

  Use the items below as an example.

  /* -------------------------------------------------------- AMD */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------- Intel */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------- nVidia */
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="5090"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="5080"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="5070"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="5060"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="5080"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="4090"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="4080"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="4070"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="4060"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="4050"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="3090"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="3080"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="3070"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="3060"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="3050"] /*[href*="Laptop"]*/,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2080"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2080"][href*="Max-Q"] */,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2070"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2070"][href*="Max-Q"] */,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2060"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2060"][href*="Max-Q"] */,
  &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2050"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="2050"][href*="Max-Q"] */,
  /*   &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1080"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1080"][href*="Max-Q"] */ 
  /*   &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1070"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1070"][href*="Max-Q"] */ 
  /*   &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1060"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1060"][href*="Max-Q"] */ 
  /*   &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1050"] /*[href*="Laptop"]* /, &[href*="GeForce"][href*="1050"][href*="Max-Q"] */ 
  /* Close this comment to show all -> * /
  &, /* --- */
  & #end-list {
    height: auto !important;
    min-height: 1.5rem !important;
    background: #eeeeee;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------- Current Hardware: */
  /* Use this section to store your existing hardware to draw comparisons. */
  /* This will add bold and underline to your existing hardware for easier identification. */
  &[href*="Intel+Core"][href*="7820HK"], /* yes I have an old machine with this now-ancient processor in as a backup :P */

    /* ===================================================================== */
    /* stop editing here */

  & #end-list {
    height: auto !important;
    min-height: 1.5rem !important;
    background: #eeeeee;

    & span {
      text-decoration: underline;
      font-weight: bold;

  &[href*="Intel"] {
    background: #eeeeff !important;

  &[href*="Radeon"] {
    background: #ffeeee !important;

  &[href*="GeForce"] {
    background: #eeffea !important;

.block_content > .container {
  max-width: 1400px;

ul.chartlist {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

  & .more_details {
    display: none;

  & li {
    display: flex;
    position: relative;
    top: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    height: auto !important;
    padding: 0;
    border-bottom: 0;

    &:has(div[style*="padding"]) {
      display: none;

    & > a {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: 40% minmax(0, 50%) 5% 5%;
      grid-template-rows: 1fr;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: space-between; /**/
      flex: 0 0 98%;
      min-width: 98%;
      height: 0;
      padding: 0 1%;

    & span,
    & a {
      font-size: 0.8rem !important;

    & a > span,
    & a > div {
      display: block;
      width: unset !important;

    & a > div {
      /** /width: unset;/**/
      flex: 1;
      max-width: 100%;

  /* row items /**/
  & .prdname {
    flex: 0 0 44%;
    color: #3f4850;
    text-shadow: none; /**/
    text-decoration: none;

  & .index {
    /**  display: inline-block; /**/
    /**  position: relative; /**/
    /**  top: 0px; /**/
    /**  left: 0px; /**/
    /**  overflow: hidden; /**/
    /**  border-radius: 20px; /**/
    /**  text-indent: 0; /**/
    /**  font-size: 0 !important; /**/
    /**  line-height: 1rem; /**/

  & .price-new,
  & .price-neww,
  & .count {
    flex: 0 0 10%;
    max-width: min-content;



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