OLED dark theme for FMHY
FMHY at night by zettaexa

LicenseNo License
Categoryfmhy.net, fmhy.xyz
Size2.4 kB
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Use dark theme before applying this theme
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name fmhy at night
@namespace github.com/zettaexa/userstyles
@version 1.0.0
@description OLED dark theme for FMHY
@author zetta
@advanced text hue "Hue" 207
@advanced color pick "Color Picker" hsl(207, 65%, 68%)
@advanced select soc "Hide Socials/Appearance Buttons?" ["flex", "none"]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("fmhy.net"), domain("fmhy.xyz") {
.dark {
--vp-c-brand-1: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 65%, 68%);
--vp-c-brand-2: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 63%, 61%);
--vp-c-brand-3: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 53%, 48%);
--vp-c-brand-soft: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 65%, 78%);
--vp-c-bg: rgb(5, 5, 5);
--vp-c-bg-alt: rgb(9, 9, 9);
--vp-c-bg-soft: #121316bf;
--vp-c-bg-elv: rgba(23, 23, 23, .8);
--vp-custom-block-info-bg: hsla(/*[[hue]]*/, 30%, 8%, .6);
--vp-custom-block-info-border: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 33%, 35%);
--vp-custom-block-info-text: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 66%, 87%);
--vp-custom-block-info-text-deep: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 66%, 87%);
--vp-custom-block-tip-bg: #08110fbf;
--vp-custom-block-tip-border: #a6ffe3;
--vp-custom-block-tip-text: #a6ffe3;
--vp-custom-block-tip-text-deep: hsl(150, 70%, 80%);
--vp-custom-block-warning-bg: #110e05bf;
--vp-custom-block-warning-border: hsl(46, 98%, 77%);
--vp-custom-block-warning-text: hsl(46, 98%, 77%);
--vp-custom-block-warning-text-deep: hsl(46, 98%, 77%);
--vp-custom-block-danger-bg: #140505bf;
--vp-custom-block-danger-border: hsl(0, 96%, 89%);
--vp-custom-block-danger-text: hsl(0, 96%, 89%);
--vp-custom-block-danger-text-deep: hsl(0, 96%, 89%);
--vp-c-border: #19191a;
--vp-c-divider: #1a1a1a;
--vp-c-gutter: #000000;
.dark {
--vp-c-text-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, .9);
--vp-c-text-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8);
.social-links[data-v-32ba3fde] {
display: /*[[soc]]*/;
.VPNavBarAppearance[data-v-c62c6eed] {
display: /*[[soc]]*/;
:root {
--vp-button-alt-bg: #141414c9;
--vp-button-alt-text: #f0eeee;
--vp-button-alt-hover-bg: #2f2f2f9c;
--vp-button-alt-hover-text: #f0eeee;
--vp-home-hero-image-background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, #0c0c0c 50%, #1e1e1e 50%);
--vp-c-tip-1: var(--vp-c-green-1);
--vp-c-tip-2: var(--vp-c-brand-2);
--vp-c-tip-3: var(--vp-c-brand-3);
.custom-block.tip a:hover,.custom-block.tip a:hover>code {
color: var(--vp-c-green-2)